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University News

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At the regular December meeting oi the board of regent3 of thé unï7ersity of Michigau held last week, Prof. F. N. Soott presented the report of a cornrnittee appointed to formúlate a plan whereby the news of the Unversity may be ciroluated ainong the country newspapers thorughout the state. The committeö rooommended tbat some member of the literary facnlty be appoiuted to organize a burean of university news aud to be kuown as nniversity editor; tbafc the Alumni News be made the offloial organ of the univeraity, and that a part of its space be under the supervisión of the university editor; and finally, that a bulletin or news letter be issued every other week for distribution by mail to the various newspapers of the state. The Alumni Assooiaciou orteieü to assntne the expense of printiug and postage, and the board voted $100 to start the plan going. Porf. Soott was appointed nniversity editor. He hopes thateventnally the work of gathering aud editing he Dews will be assnmed by the departruent of English oomposition.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News