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An Up-to-date Business

An Up-to-date Business image
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"Up-to-date" is purely an Arnericar phrase expressive of Ainerioan enterprise and nnder the general accepfcancí of the term is the bighest endorseruenl that can be given an individual, an articls, a town, or a bnsiness. When we speak of Mack & Co. 's business establishment as op-to-date we apply tbe term in its broadest sense. Meaning that if is in line with the progreüsive spirit of the present time and fully abreast of the best bnsiness houses of onr largest sities. As organizad and oonducted at present it does not depend for sncoess on any oce individual bat opon the concentrated efforts of the many, each aotiug independently in his or her partioular liue of goods for the success or failure of which each is held responsible, giving an Ímpetus to their efforts and iDciting an ambition which cannot fail to bettar the service of tbe business ''He servas bimself best who serves tbe public best!' is tbe watch word wbich urges each and every head of the different departments to tbeir beat elïorts. It is apon tbis broad and comprehensivo plan The Store enters npon its 41st year of business, and if the past season be any guarantee of future succesB, JVJaok & Co. may well felioitate themselves on the result of their enterprise. Tbe publio has shown íts appreciation of tbe better service it now receives tbere, and the past fail ttade bas fnlly justified their mosc sanguin expectation.