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Many Grief Stricken

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The inbabitants of the village of Whitinore Lake and the surrounding ooantry received a great shook yesterday afternoon wben about 3:20 o'olock the mammoth ice house in proceas of constrncfcion for the Toledo Ice Co: oollapsed without a moment's warning, instantly killing two men, fatally woanding flve more and injuring several others. The dead are : Oscar O'Conuor and Albert .Moray, of Whitmore Lake, both yonng men and unmarried. Those who are probably fatally injured are : John .McBride, foreman, of Owosso, badly crashed about head and body; Joseph Uomette, Owosso, head crnshed and internally injured ; George Martin, breast crusbed in and langs injured ; Henry Stilason, Whitmore Lake, arm crushed and hurt internally; Williaiu Poltz, Whitmore Lake, leg crusbed to pieees and head badly hurt; John Baumgardner, Whitmore Lake, serioosly ornsbed; The others less seriously injured are : Joseph Taylor, Ann Arbor, arm broken ; Thomas Taylor, Ann Arbor, arm broken ; . Stephen Earl, Whitmore Lake, ankle badly sprained; Walter Spiegelberg, Whitmore Lake, ankle broken ; Will Lovvery, Whitmore Lake, aukles both sprained. Theie were 157 laborers at woik on the building yesterday aiternonn, and the work was being pnshed so as to get the big structure into shape so as to take advantage of the ice whiub is ready for the harvest. The building was 132 feet in width and about 320 feet long add was divided into five rooms. Tbe west ohambers were almost completed and the carpenters were busy putting on the plates, which are 50 feet from the foundation of the structure, when without apparently any warning, the wset wall of the immense structure began to fall. It feil ontwards, but loosening the bold od the flve cross partitions, they went down like a row of ninepins, one after another. Tbere was no chano of escape and the seventy udd men inside the building were pinned to the ground with tremendous force. The dnll report, the cloud of rieing dust and a few piercing shrieks told the story. A orowd of willing workers was at the scène of the terrible acoident almost immediately and the work of resouing the itnprisoned men at once besan. The body of Oscar U'Connor was the flrst to be taken from the rnins. He bad been instantly killed, partially impaled on a broken timber. Albert Morey died before he coald be carried to the nearest house. It was a most distressiug scène. Tbe rescaing party worked like beavers, and soou almost every house along the village street held its wonnded inmate. Telegrams were sent at onoe to Ann Arbor and Hamburg for medioal assistanoe, and a special train was disjjatched from Anu Arbor to the lake, with medical men and other assistance and soon all that was possible was being done for the wounded men. It is considered somewhat of a miracle that do more were killed than two, bot the reason for this is probably found in tbe fact tbat the floor was covered with piles of unused lumber, and this broke the force of the falling timbers, leaving holes into which the men feil. A month or two ago a company known as the Toledo loe Co., said to be simply anotber name for the agents of Philip Armour, the great Chioago poik packer, began the construction of an enormous wooden building close to the shore of the lake for the storage of ice. It was to be 132 feet wide and 321 feet long, with walls over 50 feet high, and was expected to bold over 50,000 tons of lake ice when completad. The work of oonstruotion has been pushed with the utmost speed and a force of from 75 to 150 men oonstantly employed on it. The Ann Arbor Railroad's superintendent of bridges James Turnbull, of Toledo, had charge, while John McBride, of Owo8so, aoted as foreman of the job. It is not known where the responsibility for the accident, if any there be, rests. But, yesterday noon by some oue's orders, supposedly those of Mr. Turnbull, the workmen began removing the iuside braoes, whicb acted as props for the great doublé walls. The roofing was not yet in shape, but was to go on at once, it being espeoted that the harvest of ice would begiu within a week or teu days. ' The total cost of the building wben completed was to have beeu $25,000. Tbe damage is estimated at abont $10,000. Justice Moss impaneled a coroner's jary, whioh viewed the dead bodies and the scène of tbe accident and then adjourned nntil 9 o'clock thia morning.