Athlete And Sculptor
Although he is not large physically, several good stories are told about the prowess of James E. Kelly, the sculptor whose bronze statues of Mollj Pitcher, General Buford at Gettysbnrg, "The Battle of Harlem Heights" and "Sheridan's Bide" have brought him fame. A friend of his said of him : "He has more courage to the square inch than any man of his size I know, and on eeveral occasions he has been called upon to show it unexpectedly. "One day an expressman, six f eet high and strong in proportion, invaded his studio. The expressman had overcharged the sculptor, and the latter desired to refer the matter to the main office. When the irate expressman entered, it happened that a tall frieiid of the artist was visiting the studio. With an oath the expressman said that he had come for satisfaction. " 'I intend to smash yon to smithereens, ' he ejaculated, sbakiug his fist and advancing towai'd the sculptor. " 'Do not wait a moment,' answered Kelly. "The big man sprang at the artist, and at this critical moment the tall form of the latter's friend vanished thrcragh the back door. Quick as a flash the sculptor jumped behind the enraged expressman, seized him by the back of the neck, and with all the strength he could summon pushed the burly fellow to the front door and kicked him into the street. It was all done so quickly that the bellicose iutruder hardly knew how it happened. He feil on the sidowalk, aud his face was bruised. He got up and ran away. The sculptor returned to his work, and after a few minutes his vanishing friend entered timidly from the rear. " 'What have you done with that Goliath?' he asked. ' You know I have heart trouble and cannot stand scènes, aud so I went out to keep calm. ' "'Oh, there was no scène, ' replied the sculptor. 'It was an act in three kicks and a push. ' His heart trouble friend to this day thinks the sculptor is
Ann Arbor Argus
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