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First Annual Report

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To the Taxpayers of Washtenaw Countjr: Believing that you will be nterested in knowing tlie amount of business which has passed undermy supervisión dnring the past year, I submit herewith a brief summary of the same as follows : Whole numberof estatesadmiuistered 149 Inven torietl valué of same $700,000 Téstate estates (where a will was made) 56 lntestate estates 94 Guardians appolnted over minors 45 Gnardians appointeü over iucompetents 1" Cliildren adopted 8 Children sent to Coldwater fi Iiisaue cases 19 The salaries, books, blanks and total expense of this office per year is about $3,000. Therefore on a total valuation of estates administered of $700,000, it ha-s oost less than one-half of one per -cent for administration. The clase of cases requiring the most watchfulness on the part of a probate judge, are cases where guardiaus are appointed over the person and property of minor children. Jt ofte happens that their wards have no one to advise or help them but their guardians, and as there are hundreds of these cases all over the county the guardians, unless compelled to by some one, will have charge of the estáte for years without rendering any account ■whatever of their doiugs. As minors are often young when placed uuder guardianship, the estáte jnay be in the hands of tlieir guardián íor ten, fifteeu, or twenty years before it can be closed up. Believing that tliis class of cases required more careful attention tlian the ordinary disposition of estates, 1 have procured a blank book properly ruled to be used solely for estates under guardianship. This book shows at a glance, all on one page, -what has been done iu au estáte for eighteen years, when accounts were íiled, etc., and will greatly facilítate the supervisión of such estates. During the past year but one contested case has been appealed from this court to the circuit court, which is nol yet disposed of. The office has been kept open from 8 a. m. until 5 p. m., and we have sought to have the day's work all completed when the hour came for closiug. Respeotfullv. Judge of Probate.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News