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oh, weary mothers, mlxjng dough, Don't you wisb thiit foort would pniw f Your lips wonld smile, I know, to see A eooky bush or a pancake-treek. No hurry, 710 worry. or boilinp: pot- " No waitiuír to L6t the oven hot: liut yon could send yourchilrt to see If the pies had baked on the cherry tree. A beef steak bush would be quite fine; Bread be plucked l'rom its tender vine: A Sponge eake plant our pet would be: We'd read and saw 'ueatli the muffin-tree. -The Household. Arbor Teut, K. O. T. M., wil] install its oiScers tbia evening. The total reoeipts of the Anu Arbor post office for the qnarter euding Deo. 81, 1897, were $10,820.19. Miss Florence Sterrett is the new general secretary of the local Young Woman's Chiistian Association. This week has been observed as a week of prayer by the Bethlebern Evangelioal church. Services are held each evening at 7 :80 o'clock. Herman Hutzel's oluirn for additional oompensation in the construction of a sewer at Ypsilauti was rejected by the corumon council of that city on Monday evening. L. C. Godrich, past high priest of Washtenavv Chapter, R. A, M., was on Monday evening presented with a beautiful diamond stud in recognition of his six years' service as high priest. The Monday evening class at Granger's academy will meet again on Monday, Jan. 17. A private reception for which the academy is engaged next Monday evening causes the omissiou of that nigbt. The New Year's dinuer at the Norhside ohapel netted $02. 1Ü for the building fund of the uew churoh. It begins to look as thongh a inajoiity of the funds for that purpose will be raised by the ladies. On Monday night the oounoil tabled the report of the committee recommending that the fire alarm system proposed by James Trynn, for the Gamewell Fire Alarm Co., be put in at a cost of $309.40. The oompany duw offers to put in the system on thé terms propoded to the connoil free of oharge. It wlil be oon8idered at the next couuoil meeting. A young man named Wm. Sawdey was arrested in Coldwater on Monday, charged with the larceny of sorae tools from John Baumgardner's marble shop. When taken before Justice Dufly Tuesday, it was sbown to be a oase of imstaken identity since his mother and sister could swear that he was at home in Coldwater at the time it was claimed he committed the laroeny. The yonng man was promptly discharged. All of the classes in dancing at Granger's academy will resume their exeroises oommencing witb tomorrow. The Sewing School still lacks funds to continue its work for the year and hopes aoon to give an entertainment for the benefit of the school. The hardware roerchants of the city have agrsed to olose their bosiness places at 6 n'ciook p. rn. until April 1, next. Tfaey started in on Monday. The Woiiiiiu's Auxiliary of the Y. M. C A. will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday, Jan. 10, 1898, at 3 p. m. in the rooms of the association. The Michigan Central has juut issued a neat and handsomely printed little paper filled witb illustrations and devoted to Niágara Falls in the winter time. The remains of the late Walter S. Hicks, who died in the Hotel Cadillac, at Detroit, Deo. 29, were brought to Ann Arbor Tuesday and interred in Forest Hill cemetery. Tbe next entertainment in the S. L. A. oourse will be Leland T. Powers, on Saturday evening, Jan. 22. He will read "Borrowed Spectacles, " a modem oomedy in three acts. Miss Mary French Field will give a roading from her father's poems at University hall totuorrow evening. The proeeeds will go to the University Hospital Circle of the King's Danghters. On Monday night Marshal Sweet arrested Lewis West, a colored man, and put hirn in jail, to await the arrival of Mason officers, at. which place he is wánted on a charge of Ilegitímate paren tage. Dean & Co. with commendable foiesight placed an order for 60 tons of sugar jast before the recent advance in j the price of that staple article. That is the kind of foresight that helps men ! on to prosperity. Karl E. Haniman has refused an oiïer cf $30 a week to travel with the fine actor Clay Clement. He prefers to stay a wnile longer at the journalistic professon, in whieh he shows a peculiar talent. This past week has been a great one for ioe and the local dealers and consumers of that chilly article have been "making hay while the sun shone" so to speak. The erop is au uuusually olean, olear and fine one. The telephone war still wages, and Dow the Michigan Telephone Co. announces, through its manager T. J. Keeoh, tbat it will put free telephones iuto the houses of all business men who use the company's phones. Now, what will the New State Co. do? Judge W. D. Harriman will deliver bis lecture on "California and His Journey Theie in tbe Early Days, " at the Trinity Lutheran ohurch on Mon3ay evening next at 8 o'olock. It is the next number in the course. A big crowd and a jolly time was the ienult of the New Year's party given by Otseningo Lodge, No. 29, I. O. O. F. on Friday evening. If there are any puople who know how to achieve a suooess of that kind it is the Odds of Otseningo. On Wednesday afternoon of last week Mr. J. W. Miller, of Olivet, and Mrs. Evaline C. Carter, of Jaokson, were ijuietly married at tbe home of the bride's mother Mrs. C. M. Petrie, 085 S. Iugalls st. Rev. W. M. Forrest perEormed the ceremony. Company A, M. N. G.. held its anoual eleotion Wednesday night amid great enthusiasm and with perfeot harmony. The following are the new officers: Captain, Ross Qranger; first lieutenaut, Ambrose C Pack; second lieutenant, Martin L. Belser; secretary W. L. Walz; treasurer, Fred Huntoon ; civil board, Col. H. S. Dean, president, S. W. Beakes, secretary ; Maj. H. Soule, Capt. C. E. Hiscock and Maj. S. W. Millard. On Friday Judge H. Wirt Newkirk appointed Gideou L. Hoyt, republican, of Saline, to suoceed Jarues Kelly, deruacrat, of Manchester, as a member of the Washtenaw' oounty soldiers' relief oommission. The board adopted highly oongratulatory resolutions to Mr. Kelly on his retiremeut frnni office. He has made a very popular and efficiënt offioial. The other two menibers of the commiBsioa are Capt. C.H. Mauly, Ann Arbor, and Capt. A. E. Foid, Ypsilanti. The Auq Arbor postofflce sold over $500 wortb of stamps the first tbree days of this week, all for immediate US8. Ralph C. McAUaster, secretaryof the Consolidated ü. of M. Alumni Assooiatious has resigned bis position and the board of direotors has acoepted his resignation. James H. Prentiss has be6n appointed to suoceed Mr. McAUaster. W. B. Phillips will address tbe meeting for men at the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. next Sunday. Mr. Phillips will take as bis subjeot, "The Power of the Tongue. " All men are invitad to oome to tbis meetng at 2:45 Snuday afternooon. Wben H. B. Dodsley, who for two years past bas been master of Golden Rule Lodge, F. & A. M., retired f rom his chair of office Thursday evening of last week, he was presented witb a handsome diamond ring in reoognition of hisjservices. The 49th annnal oonvooation of the Grand Chapter Royal Aroh Masons of Michigan will be held in Grand Rapids Jan. 18 and 19, and a week later the 54th annual meeting of tbe Grand Lodge of Miohigan, P. & A. M., will meet in the same oity. On Taesday Judge Kinne granted deorees of divorce to Mary Bordine from Ernest Bordine, and to Mvrtle B. Simonds from Edward Simonds. Botb cases were from Ypsilanti and the decrees were granted on tbe same grouuds cruelty and non-snpport. Elmer P. Ransom, the prestidigHateur, and his company of entertainers will be at the Atbens Theater next Tuesday evening in the Y. M. C. A. Lyoeum course of entertainments. It is a most nnique entertainment, the only one of its kind in tba country, the company presenting a new, novel and attractive program of magie and mystery, soprano and whistling solos, mandolin solos and readings. To oor snbscribers in Scio and vicinity wbo have been annoyed by the irregnlar ruceipt of their paper for some time baok we wish to say that the fanlt does not lay with the Argus office. Tbepapers ure ruailed regnlarly Fridays. We have made a complaint abont it and we trast the tronble will not occnr again. If onr readers do not at any time receive their paper on Saturday or before we wish they would at once notify us. The concert given at the Betblehem chnrch Saturday evening for the benefit of the fnud to pnrohase tbe new grand piano was very largely attended and the concert was a gratifying snocess from both points of view - flnanoial and artistic - and higbly enjoyable. Tbe nnmber of people present can be judged from tbe fact tbat 55 was realizbd from the sale of tickets at 10 cents and 15 cents eaoh. Tbe piano is a "B. Shoninger Grand," and is said by judges of mnsioal instmments to be an exceptionally fine one. It was purchased from Schaeberle's music store. The ruany who intend to go to the Klondike in the spring and the many more who do not intend to go will be glad to learn that they are to have a chance to visit that oold country by the safe and easy "stereopticon route." On Saturday evening, Jan. 15, at the First M. E. church, A. Linn Murray who during two montbs of last year camped upon the Cbilkoot Pass and the Skaguay Trail will teil of his terrible experiences. Mr. Murray has a set of over 100 views whioh he will throw upon the soreen and explain. As the price of admission has been placed at the extremely low price of 15 cents a large crowd ought to greet Mr. Murray. Julian R. Trojanowski, the U. of M. barber on S. State st., had the extreme misfortune to fall on the icy sidewalk on E. Washington st., Saturday evening, as he was going home, and broke both bones of bis left leg. It was nearly two hours before a couple of gentlemen came along and gave him the needed assistance to get home. During that time he managed to crawl over a block. Mr. Trojanowski has only recently recovered from a broken shoulder. While lying on the snow in a somewhat dazed condition Mr. Trojanowski was robbed of the contents of his pocket book by two young men who under pretecoe of putting into it a valuable ring that was on his finger took it from his pocket. They also agreed to notify Mr. T. 's friends of his condition, but did not do so. County Clerk Schuh issued 327 marriage licenses daring the year 1897. The date of the coming of Souea and hia band to Adii Arbor, in tbe S. L. A. course, has been changed from Friday, Feb. 25, to Saturday. Feb. 26. Andrew Maehlig bas takeu seven first prizes onÉ of 10 claBses of pouter pigeonB at the poultry and pigeon exhibitión now going on in Detroit. Paul Suauble.of the Michigan Furniture factory, Ann Arbor, was in town yesterday and purchased two oar )oads of lumber froro C. F. E. Long and one car load from H. Pulver. - Dandee Eeporter. The state military board has allowed the claims of the several military oompanies of the state for armory rent, and the money will be sent to the companies in a few days. The state law allows eaoh coirpauy $400 per year for armory rent. A Francisco teacher recently asked a class in geography to name two state institutions in WaBhtenaw connty. One pupil straightway answered, "corn, wheat - . " He was rudely interrupted by the laughter of the class. - Grass Lake News. Mrs. Mary Foster fell on an icy sidewalk at her home corner of S. Fifth ave. and E. Liberty st. , Tuesday evening, sptaining her ankle and otherwise badly shaking her system. Mrs. Foster is 80 years old and is confined to her bed by the accident. At the annual meeting of the Forest Hill Cemetery Association held Tuesday, the following trustees were elected to hold office for the next three years: Henry S. Dean, H. J. Brown, Moses Seabolt. The company is in a prosperous condition. Eighty-five burialB have taken place there during the past year. A Morenci man with lots of time on nis hands evidently, spent months in searching the dictionary for words that spell the same backward as they do forward. All he ha found are these Hauuah, Anua, bab, bib, bob, civic, dad, deed, dewed, did, ecce, eve, ewe, eye, gog, gig. gag, level, madam, noon, otto, pap, peep, pip, pop, pup, redder, re-paper, reviver, rotator, sees, shahs, tat, tit, toot, tot, tut. Some mischievonB person celebrated the advent of the new year in a very striking manner on Friday night. Just as the clocks were striking 12 John Berger, who was sound asleep in bis saloon on W. Liberty st. , was wakened by flve or six rapidly fhed shots from a revolver. At the same time the glass began to rattle from his broken plate glass Windows and the bullets whistled around him in a very uncomfortable fashion. There is no clue to tbe party who perpetrated tbis "rattling" celebration. Small tlebts ave what bligbt the business of the country. Every storekeeper has a large number of small debts on his books, and when it is remembered tbat the aggregate amounts, in many cases to hundreds of dollars, and that it comes out of the profits of the buiness, it can be readily seen why the small debt system of the country figures largely in discouragement aud losses to trade. Pay your small debts promptly. - Ex. That's jnst what casts a blight on the newspaper business. Do you "sabby"? The light from the manamotb candle in the Eberbach Hardware Oo.'s store window, whicb bas shone forth since Sept. 28 of last year bas at leugth expired. The candle was not kept burning at all hourH during eaoh day since tbat time, but tbe total nnmber of hours that t burned was 874 hours 53 minutes. The holder of ticket No. 1,450 wins the Red Cross Royal cook stove haviug guessed the uearest with 875 hours 20 minutes. In the drawing on tbe knives purchased the holdei of ticket No. 140 wins the sbotgun. During the vacation University hall has been in the bands of the carpenters. As a result the main floor has been entirely bubilt and now has a gradually sloping incline instead of the old system of steps. The old seats have been removed and 1,540 staiued kbiroh opera phairs, manufactured by the Grand Rapids School Farnitnre Co. have been put in. The gallery bas been strengthened by the addition of two heavy iron columns to its snpports and as soon as possible will be rebuilr libe the main floor. The directors of tbe Washtenaw Motual Fire Insurance Co., whose terms expire next Tuesday are Wm. K. Childs, of Ann Arbor, Emery E. Leland, of Northfield, and E. A. Norduiaii, of Lima. All tbree gentlemen have done yeoman service in the best interests of the company at all times. They are candidatos for re-election aud it will redound to the cerdit and good sense of the members of tbe oompany if they agaiu put tbem back in their old positioDS. Fire insnrance oompauies, like auy other business firms, caunot afford to part with the services of ,old and tried employees.