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COUNCIL CHAMBEK, ) Aun Arbor, January Sil, 1898. f Regular session. Called to order by Pres. Luick. RoJl cailed. Quorum present. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works submit the following estímate for completed work in Sewer District No. t for the consideration of the Council. Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. lENGINEER'S ELEVBNTH ESTÍMATE. LATERAL SEWER DISTRICT NO. 6. Gross contract price previously stated ÏIO.OOO 89 One lamphole omiited.. 5 W) Bill of extras allowed 100 UO Total price $1O,1U5 89 Les? .1 per cent on acceptance ___.$ 508 29 Lass amount previously alluwed 9,054 SI Total deduction 9,563 10 Amountdue contractor on acceptauce $ no2 7!i Geo. F. Key, City JËngineer. Aid. Hamilton moved that the Council concur in the report and order a warrant drawn in payment of the same. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Mooie, Aamilton, Gross man, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandavvarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Coon, Danfonh, Cady, Pres. Luick - 15. Nays - ïione. KEPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. FINANCE. ïo the Common Council: Your Committee on Finance wonld respectfully report that they have ha the following bilis under consideratio and would reCommend their approva and that warrants be ordered drawi in payment of the same. Kespectfully submitted, Arthur Brown, Harrison Soule, Michael Grossman. Committee on Finance CONTINGENT FDND. Gleu V. MilLs, salary $ 83 3 Patrick O'Hearn " ;4 Edward L. Seyler, salary 8 e Thos. D. Kearney, salary 50 C Mrs. C. A. Greene, rent 2!) ] Glen V. Mills, postafre 2 25 Ann Arbor Electric Co-, lighting 1,243 3 John L. Duffy, iees 26 80 E. V. Mills, toweling 1 2. Michael Staebler, coal te ] Bailoy & Edtnuds, repairs 2 7 Charles C. Hopkins, opinión 1 0 Wm. Herz, pamting 4 80 Michigan Telephoni; Co., rental 36 5 Michigan Telephone Co., state calis.. 2 u Geo. F. Key, salary 100 00 W. W. Wetmore, supplies .-. 4 l Ann Arbor Gas Co., lighting 74 6 George Wahr, supplies 9 3 Lawrence Dunn. cali bells 7 UO Kenny & Quinian, repairs IS Ottmar Eberbach, juror 50 G. H. Wild, juror 5 E. F. Mills, .iuror 5 A. M. Doty, juror ö Marión Goociale, juror - ñ Will Henne, juror 5 Walter Üancer, juror 5 Fred Brown, juror ö Eugene S. Gilmore, juror __ 5 J. EiceMlner, juror 5 3eorge Wahr, juror ñ Fred Uavis, juror ñ Edward Bycrat't, witness 48 Floyd Sweet, witneps _ 48 Adolph Boetke, witness _. 48 31ossie Cuddeback, witness 48 Ltiehard Korzuck.witness 48 Jarl Sage, witness 48 M E. Basterle, janitor 16 25 farmers & Mechanics Bank, acets. as.signed 24 07 Hutzel & Co., repairs 2 87 Jacob V. Schuh, lees 10 00 ïusene B. Hall, coal 5 00 iredeiïck Soomid. treasurer. 3 27 W. W. Wetmore, supplies 3 75 Kenny & Quinian, repairs. 12 ü8 Total $1,902 04 SEWER FCKD- GENERAL. ?armers & Mechanics Bank, acets. assigned 90 Hutzel& Co., repa'rs. 6 05 J. F. öchuh, repairs 45 00 Kenny &SQuiu)au Y2 13 Total $ 74 08 DISTRICT SO. 5. Farmers & Meobanics Bank, acct. assignerl 111 35 Total 111 Si DISTRICT NO. ti. Ad n Arbor Water Co., connecting tiush tauks $ 10" 48 Total 8 107 48? 292 91 BRIDGE, CUI.VERT AND CKOSSWALK FUKD. Luick Brothers, lumber $ 70 9 Kenny & Quinlan, repairs ö John Baumgarduer, labor ; 7 20 Ann Arbor Savings Bank, accts. assigned 19 15 Total - $ 97 S6 STREET PUND. Farmers & Mechanics Bank, accts. assigued _-. Í 199 6ti Julius Weinberg, labor 3 (10 Marion Wheelock, labor 1 51 Jas. Dolieran, repairs 1 6( Kenny & Quintan, repairs 68 (J. E. Godfrey, freight 81 Daniel J. Ross, salary 66 6B George H. Fischer, labor 27 li( Frank Sutherland, labor 20 70 Geo. W. Weeks, gravel and labor 34 7( Total t 355 UI PÓLICE FüKD. Zenas Sweet, salary t 75 00 KeubenArmbruster, salary 50 (K George Isbell, salary ao 00 John O'Mara, salary 50 00 David Collins, salary 5000 Total % 275 00 F1RE DEPARTMENT FUND. Fred Sipley, salary $ B0 00 C. A. Edward, salary 55 00 W. H. McLaren, salary 50 00 Max Wittlinger, salary.... . 50 00 Albert West, salary 50 00 Eugene Williams, salary 50 00 Herman Kirn, 50 0U Samuel McLaren, salary 5 00 Edward Hoelzle, salary 40 00 Charles Carroll, salary 0 00 W. h. Schnierle, salary 8 00 Wm. Rettich, salary 1 81 A. W. Sorg, salary 8 00 Ed. Hill, salary 8 00 Ralph Edwards, salary 5 16 George Hoelzle, salary 8 00 Wm.Kern, hay 22 00 Caspar Kinsey, oil - 50 D.'.J. Malloy, repairs 5 25 Goodale & Oo., supplies 0 54 James Donegan, hcrse shoeing 7 40 Kenny i ijuinlaii, repairs. -- 15 45 Geo. W. Sweet, supplies 7 76 Mrs. Heam, washing '. 8 00 Michael Staebler, coal 19 17 Darwin Nelson, hay 15 55 Aun Arbor Gas Co., repairs 93 32 Wm. Copeland & Bon, bal. on estímate 120 ti Total 8 886 13 POOU ÏDND. Fred Sipley, salary. % 10 00 D. J. Malloy, repairs 5 00 Nowlin LumberCo., wood 181 97 Treas. Anti Tramp Society, labor 6 45 E. C. Bradford & Bro.. wood -ïi 41 Anii Arbor Kailroad, freiglit 143 75 F. Hicalke, írroceries -. 6 25 E. E. Benl. shoes 2 00 Da vis & Seabolt, grocerieS' 86 Kd. Duffy. groceries 5 16 Doty & Feincr, shoes t 25 John Goetz, .Ir., groceries '-i 'M) Goodyear Co., medicine 2 50 JohnGoetz & Son, groeeries ..' 0 23 O. Hot'i'er, grooerles i; (Xi Artliur Hagan, groceries 4 t'O Mr1-. Ilillman, board 5 í'O H. Jaeger, meat 22 Ambrose Kearney, groceries U (0 W. F. 1Odholz, Kroceiies 4 50 f C. A. Maynavd, grocerles 2 00 Wm. H. Mclntyre, groceries J5 22 ,T. H. Mlller's Soos, grooerles.. 1 ou O'Hara & Boyle, rrocerles 3 50 U. Kinsey, groceries 3 9? Kins.-y ê Seabolt, (f roceries in :ü) Geo. Spathelf, Jr., nitat. 'l 00 M. Staehler, ooul 20 47 W. F. Stimson, Kforcries -- 5 BI M. P. Vogel, meat 8S Total - ,22 71 WATER l'UND. Ann Arhor Water Co., rental $3,097 00 Total ,097 00 RKCAV1TUI.ATION. Gontlngent Fund 11,003 04 Sewer Fund, general $ 74 OS district Ko, 5.... 111 ffi - B._._ 107 48 Wi 01 Bridse, Culrert and Crosswalk 97 Ht Street Fund ;!55 91 l'olice Fund 275 00 Firemeri's Fund : 886 18 PíW Fund 322 71 Water Jb'und 3,007 00 Total Ï7.378 06 Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Kocli, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandavvarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Cooii, üanforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 15. Nays- None. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Finance to whom was referred the employment of a janitor for the city offices would report that they have duly considered tliat subject and although other applicants have applied and their applications been urged, such interest has been manifest only by persous who are in nowise interested as to the proper care of said city offices, but on the other hand every person connected with the city offices without exception protest against any chauge at this time and urge the retainiug of the present janitor, therefore, we as your connnittee are not prepared to recommend a change, but would on the other hand recomineud the further employment .of Martin E. Easterly as janitor of the city offices. Ilarrison Soule, Michael Grossman, Arthur Brown. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Coon, Danforth,Cady, Pres. Luick- 15. Nays - None. ORDINANCE. Chairman Cady presented an ürdinance bntitled "An Ordihance Eelative to Bicycles," which was given its third reading by sections and placed on its passage. Aid. Moore moved to amend Section 4 by striking out the words "carry a light from sunset to sunrise and" in lines one and two. Lost as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Brown, V'andawarker, Coon, Danforth -6. Nays- Aid. Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Cady, Pres. Luick- 9. Aid. Coou moved to lay the ordinance on the table. Lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton,Brown, Vanda warker, Rhodes, Coon, Danforth- 7. Nays- Aid. Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Spathelf, Soule, Cady, Pres. Luick- 8. Whereupon the question was shall this ordinance pass'? Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Grossman, Koch, Dell. Sweet, Spathelf, Soule, Cady, Pres. Luick - 8. Nays- Aid. Mooie, Hamilton, Brown, Vaiïdawarker, Rhodes, Coon, Danforth - 7. Chairman Cady presented an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to Amend Section One of An Ordinance entitled 'An Ordinance Relative to Fire Limits and Fires,' Passed the Sixth Day of October, 1895, and approved the ]2th day of October, 1895," which was given its third reading by sections and placed on its passage. Aid. Hamilton moved to amend the ordinance so as to exempt that portion on the west side of State street, between Liberty and Huron. Lost as follows : Yeas- Aid. Hamilton, Brown, Danforth- 3. Nays - Aid. Moore, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Coon, Cady, Pres. Luick- 12. Whereupon the question was, shall this ordinance pass? Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Coon, Danforth, Cady, Pres Luick - 14. Nays - Aid. Brown - 1. FIBE DEPARTMENT. To the Conimon Council: Your Cornmittee on Fire Department would recommend that 20 Gamewell Fire Alarm boxes be ordered placed in different localities as designated by the Chief of the Fire Department according to the proposition of James E. Tryon heretofore submitted to this Councij. Your Committee have prepared and herewith submit the following estímate for putting in the system complete: Eisrlit miles wire at 175 pounds per mile, or 1,400 pounds, at 15SLc per pound $220 50 320 brackets 8 ilfi Putting up wire, Ï10 per inile 80 00 Total 30il 40 Respectfully submitted, M. Grossmann, Frank Vandawarker, Committee on Fire Department. Aid. Cady moved to lay the report on the table. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Kocli, Dell, Sweet, Brown. Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Coon, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays- Aid. Grossman, Vandawarker- 2. (Continued on Fourth Page.)


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