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Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cryfor W B. NORR1S Attorney at Law. Does a general law collection and con veyanoflg buBineso. A moderate sbare of your pat'inage respectfully solicited. Office lf E Huron Street, upstairs. The Nestor of The Magazines. The Mi American Review has been in the van of American though for morethan three quarters of a century, ranking al ways with the best and most influential periodicals in the world. It is the mouth-piece of the men who know most about the great topics on whicli Americans require to be informed from month to month, lts contributors being the leaders of thought and action in every field. Those who would take counsel of tlie highest knowlege on the affaire of the time, and learn what is to be said regarding them by the recognized authorities on both sides, must therefore read The Novth American Iteview, the Nestor of the magazines. This magazine has for more tlian eility yoitrs, within its welldelined Unes, stoocl at tbe bead of monthly publications.- Chicago Record. The Review may well le proud of its eightytvro years, lor truly it may be said of it that "age cannot wlther Dor time stale its infinite variety. Fortúnate is one who can sit down andfeastuponthegoodthinssfurnished by the best liteiary caterers in the world.- Grand Bapids Democrat. If any one name In magazine literatura stands lor what is authoritative that name is the North A.mekioan Bevikw, which for more than eighty years has remained at the hend oí the mouthly periodicals.- Boston Po6t. The Review is fllled each month with artieles wbich ebould be read by every true Citizen.- Oddfellows Review, 8t. Paul. The Beview has done more for the uetter dass of readers than any other publication of this kind in thecouti-y.- Christian Advocate, St, Louis. 5O Ceiits a Number ; $5 a year. Now is the Time to Subscribe. m NQPwTH AMERICAN REVIEW, 27, 7,