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R. A. Snyder sold 18 carloads of onions from Chelsea last week. J. N. Mercbant has purcbased the Chelsea Roller Mills and is putting considerable new machinery into them. Supervisor Whitaker, of Scio, saya that he never bad so rnany applioations for poor relief as he bas had this winter. L. E. Staffau, of Chelsea, will open np a general sture in Saline tcmorrow. He bas leased the new store in the Union block. Peter Hieder, of Dexter, oarried off five first and second class prizes at the Ypsilanti ponltry show. He only exhibited eight birds. Revival services are being held in the M. E.?cburch, Chelsea, by the pastor, Rev. J. E. Nickerson, assisted by Mr. McLanghlin, a singer. Airs. Auna M. Groff died at the home of her daoghter Mrs. Theo. Morsohhenser, of Manchester, on Tnesday of last week, of apoplexy, aged 75 years. W. C. Barrett, of Waterloo, bas just finished a root cellar whioh wiil store 1,500 bushels. He will also pnfc in a teamer with a capacity of 160 gallons. At the annual meeting of tbe Saline Presbyterian Society D. A. Crittendcn, J. H. Fish and B. Ñ. Fish weie elecfced elders, and Mr. H. R. Mead deaconess. Miss ilinnie Stonex was presented with a handsomfi hand painted fruit dish liy St. James' chnrch choir, Dsxter, for her services dnring the year jast past. Mrs. Dexter Briggs, of Saline, died Thorsday morning of last week, aftor many rnonths of patiënt suffering. The fnneral services were held at tne hoose on Satnrday. Abont 80 neigbbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Schroen, of Saline, gave them a glad surprise New Year's night, ir being the 51st annniversary of Mrs. Schroen's birth. Co. G., M. N. G., of Ypsilanti, has elected its oivil offioers as follows: President, Harvey Ferguson ; vice president, Edward Wier; seoretary, Charles D. Cbnrch ; treasnrer, F. L. Gallnp. A horse belonging to a yonng man írorn Gregory was taken sick while he was calling un bis best girl in VVaterJoo the otber day, which necessarily prolonged bis stay a few days longer thau nsnal. - Cbelsea Standard. Verne RiemeDschneider carne near losiDg the sight of one of hie eyes Wedneeday afteruoon wbile working in tbe Stove Works fonodry. Some uf the inolten metal was thrown into his faoe, ftriking near bis right eye aud makiog The new lodge of Loyal Guards in Dexter dow has 40 ruenjbers. Tha Dexter monnnaeut fund now awoDuts to $029.10 withoot the township liBts. The Dexter M. E, church has received five uew ïiiembers by letter since canfereuoe ruet. Bom, Monday morning, to Mr. aud I Mis. Jobn Fiegel, of Pittsfield, a 10pound baby boy. Mrs. Electa A. Ford has beeu appoiuted postruaster of ïork, vice M. S. Davenport resigued. Soroe sneak thief atole a hive of bees froru C. J. Kelly's apiaiy in Ypsilauti towu the otner night. The North Sharon Ladies' Cuitare Olcb met with Miss Lydia Haselsobardt last Saturday eveuing. Dr. Frank E. Downs, of Chicago, and Miss Della Benham.of Bridgewater, were united iu xuarriage Weduesday. N'it a single airest was made in Ypsilauti during December. They are evidently oa their good behavior in the (ireek oity. W. J. Ackland, of Morenci, is the uew manager of the nndertaking and furnitore departmen of J. Costello's store in Dexter. ■ The Holzhaner Cornet Band, of Dexter, has revived roller skating in that village by opening the rink every Saturday eveuing. Gordon Stannard, of Dexter, will go to the Klondike next spring. His party will start from Bay City and go by the Mackenzi river ronte. Ypsilanti boaiding house keepers have organizad to post dead beats, a nuuiber baving suocessfully worked them for two days' board. The mother of George Loughridge, of Ypsilanti, died at Oshkosh, Wis., Satnrday. The deceased lady was formerly a resident of Ypsilanti. Walker Bros., of Roohester, N. Y., have sold the Stevens farm of 160 acrsa in Manchester town to Wm. H. Bnss, of Freedom. It brought $40 an acre. John Smith, who was bom in üexter townshipFeb. 22, 1853, and lived there uutil he was 13 years of age, died at Hancïy, Iosoo oonnty, the other day. The trooble betW6en the Unique Clob, of Ypsilanti, and E. R. Beal has been settled out of conrt by the latter paying the club $5 and the cost of the soit. Glea C. Lawrence, of Ypsilanti, is ono of tbose who bave been " turner] ont" by the recent abolisbment (?) of severa) offices in tbe Port Huroa cusma) house. The railroad couimissioner bas ordered tbat a watohmau be placed on the crossing at tbe Miobigan Central depot in Dexter. The new departure took plaoe Monday. The Webster Congregational Society at its annnal meeting re-elected Bert Kenny a trastee for three years. D B. Sears was elected olerk and Miss Ida Oeaconess, deaooness. The offioers of the Ypsilanti Dairy Association for the ensaing year are: President, fl. D. Platt; vice president, Ralph Rice; seoretary, Azro Fletcber; freasorei, D. V. Harris. Tbu Farmers' Vigilance Associaton of Superior, "Aun Arbor and Salem will hold its annaal meeting in Dixboro this af ternoon at 1 o'clock sharp for tbe eleotion of officets, and otber business. Harry Pratt has severed bis oonneotiou with tbe firm of Qnish & Olsaver, of Dexter, and has aocepted a position with Warder, Basb & Glessner, mannfactnrers of Champion mowers and binders, at Jackson. "An old folks" conoert is to be given at tbe Preebyterian chnrch, Milan, toaight and tomorrow night, when "all ve old songs of ye anld lang syne, and soms newer old songs and some older old songs will be snng by ye old people. ' ' A lamp exploded in tbe bedroom of Louis'e house at Milan Monday evening of last week and set fire to the carpet, bed olotbing and fnrniture. The timely discovery of the illnmination by a neigubor was all that prevented a ser.ions biaze. Mrs. Louise Greatb, of Dandee, on Friday toos, as ehe aopposed, a dose of congh medioine. It proved to be dtzjmonia. Her lire was saved, bnt the skia on her tongne comes off in pieces ïad ebe bas been in gieat agony. Mts. Amanda Root-Crafte, of Grass Lake, died Mouday of last week, of cáncer of the bowels. She wasfor many years a resident of Manchester and hei remains will be interred in Oak Grove ceinetery at that plaoe. Tbey vsere placed in the vanlt on Wednesday. Mrs. Poet, president of the State Rebekafa Assembly. I. O. O. F., organized a Rebekah lodge at Hamburg Tuesday eveoing of last week. Lois Lodge degree staff of Ann Arbor went over on the evening train and confeired the degree on 14 oandidates. In nine weeks George H. Morse, of Middleboro, Masa, representing the Boston Poultry honse, of Boston, bought, killed and shipped from Ypsilanti, 142,000 pounds of torkeys, docks and ohiokens. Doring that time be eroployed 16 woinen pickers who earned an average of $10 a week eaoh. James Dooglas, of Sharon, who was brought frotn Louisana at tbe close of the war by Capt. Allen, of tbe 20th Michigan, tbougbthe would take a trip down to bis old home the week before last. The i Manobester Enterprise says: "He had uot gone far below Mason and Dixon's line before be was made painfully aware of the faot that there was a color line, and althougb he had money to pay for the uecessities and even lnxuries of life, be found that he coold not easily procure tbem. To ose bis words, 'I uearb starved to deatb.' He says that tbey are rnnning tbings down there aa bad or worse tban in slavery days, and hu Koon became diegnsted and hnrried tack honie, arriving here on Monday. " The private bank of R. Kempf & Bro. , of Chelsea, wbich bas beeu merged into The Kempf Commercial aud Savings Bank, bas elected the followiag as ita first ofïicers: President, Reuben Kernpf ; vice president, H. S. HoJmas; oasbier, Joba A. Palmer; assistaur cashier, Qeorge A. BeGole; direoturs. Reuben Kempf, H. S. Holmep, C. H. Kempf, R S. Arnistroug, and C. Klein.


Ann Arbor Argus
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