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The circuit court stands adjourned untli Monday next. E. A. Gartee has in bis possession a geDnine ear of Egyptian oom. The Ann Arbor Organ Co. has received orders for three carloads of organs this week. The Postal Telegraph Co. bas pnt in New State telephone No. 54. The Light Infantry also as a tylephone. A concert and dance given by the Phoenix Gesangverein at Geriuaia hall Tnesday evening was largely attended. Dr. R. S. Copeland will deliver his lecture on "Roman Walls and Feudal Halls" at Trinity Lutheran church ü(!Xt Wednesday evening, Jan. 24. Ross Granger and Ambrose C. Pack have received their oorumission as captain and first lieutenant respectively of Company A, frst Regiment, M. N. G. Martin Schaller was kept busy the forepart of the week receiving the congratulations of his friends on the arrival at his home of an 8-pound boy, born Sunday. An impotant article on pension frauds appears on the third page of today's issne and is well worthy of the perusal of all who have the beet intereets of their country at heart. Prof. A. A. Stanley had a large, appreciative and attentive audience Monday evening to hear his lectura on "Bayreuth and the Wagner Festivals," at the First M. E. church. ïhe Mozart Mandolín Club is a new musical organization in Ann Arbor Its personnel is M. J. Barry lst mandolin, F. Offienhime 2d mandolín, FAndette guitar, and W. Gelston banjoD. Vangieson's milk wagon was run into by a Street car Monday uoon, but no damage was done beyond a broken j ueokyoke, some paint scraped off the wagon and the driver somewhat shaken up. The Ann Arbor Savings Association elected officers Wednesday evening as follows: Gottlob Luick president, Hamilton Reeves vice president, William Biggs secretary pro teia., Fred H. Belser treaaurer. Ann Arbor Commandery No. 13, K. T., will be visitad by the GraDd Commandar on the evening of Tuesday, Feb. 8. There will be meeting for drill each Tuesday evening until the date of the annnal visit. The board of directors of the Huron Valley Building Association met Monday night and elected the following oftioers: President, Frederick Schmid ; vioa president, N. D. Gates; secretary, W. K. Childs; treasurer, F. H. Beleer. Mr. Childs succeeds John R. Miner as secretary of the association. Bicycle riders mast hereafter carry lights and bells on their wheels after 3usk. The Hobart Guild will have one of its aleasant receptions tomorrow evening at Harria hall. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Ann Arbor Organ Co. will be held at the factory on Tuesday Dext. George H. Clsftfce, of Ann Arbor, has been gram mi nu original pension of $8 a month, and Frank Joelyn, of YpsiInti, one of $t a month. A four weeks' teachers' institute for Washtenaw county will be held in this city commencing July 18. It will be conducted by Prof. C. O. Hoyt. Fishermen say the Huron ponds are full of very large carp. One weighing 15 pounds was recently speared. Many weighing 5 and 10 pounds are common. By command of the governor. Captain Ross Granger, Company A, First Infantry, M. N. G., has been detailed for special service with the inspector general. At tha meeting of the Congregational society Wednesday evening of last week A. C. McLaughlin and N. W. Cheever were chosen trustees to succeed N. W. Cheever and T. J. Keech. Nicholas Hindelang was arrestad Tneeday night bv Officer Armbruster for being drunk and assaulting bis wife and son. Justice Duffy sentenced him to flve days in jail Wednesday morning. The bill in chancery of Robert Hemphill, administrator of the estáte of Mra. Mary Ann Starkweather, asking fur a construction of the terti.s and meaning of the will, was filed in the circuit courC on Monday. L. C. Goodrich has been re-eected grand lecturer of Michigan R. A. M. Charles L. Stevens, of Ypsilanti, was elected grand principal sojourner. W. W. Watts was appointed a member of the committee on finance. Athens Lodge and Ann Arbor Lodge, A. O. U. W., had a joint installation of officers Thursday evening of last week followed by a collation and speeches at which Capt. Charles H. Manly officiated as toastmaster. Miss Lydia Anna Hosack died at her home on Broadway, Sunday, of consumption, aged 41 years. Funeral services were held at the house Tuesday afternoon by Rev. W. M. Forrest. The remains were buried in the Fifth ward cemetery. The Lansing city ordinance granting the right of way to the Lansing, Dexter & Aun Arbor railway, prescribes that eight tickets for a quarter shall be sold inside the city limits. S. A. Mapes says the road will be in operation to Ann Arbor by Oct. 1. The anmial meeting of the trastees }f Harris hall was held iu that buildng Thursday of last week. Among ;hose present were Bishop Thos. F. Davies, H. P. Baldwin, Sydney Miller and Sydney Miller, jr., of Detroit, ind Gen. Withington, of .Fackson. ïhe 14th annual convention of the Michigan JJaiiyman's Association and the aunnal meeting of the Michigan Jersey Oattle club will be held in Cleary's haJl, Ypsilanti, Feb. 1, 2 and :i. The program of the meeting will be pnblished in next week's Argus. William Krapf, captain of J. T. Jacobs Camp, No. 90, S. of V., banqueted the ruembers at their hall Monday evening. Au enjoyable time was spent, and toasts tonobing on the work of the camp were responded to by Past Captain C. M. Stevens, E. C. Krapf, John L. Cox and others. D. VV. Nolan was taken to Ypsilanti Saturday ruorning by Deputy Cash Waraer and had his trial before Justice Childs for his recent assault on Seward Cramer. He was fined 15 and $5.75 costs which be paid. He was subsequently put under bonds for f 500 to keep the peace in the future. The costs in the latter made the total amount paid by Nolan foot up to $23.40. Miss Betsey A. Mason, through her attorneys, has filed a bilí iu chanceiy against Michael Duffy et al. She owus an undivided one-third interest in the store property at the corner of N. Main aud Aun sts., in tbis city, and demauds an aooounting, a sale and partition of the property. She olaims tbat the defendants owe her 500 and have uot acoounted to her for a long time for her share of the reuts of the building. F. W. Shoen bas been appointed pótmaster at Bridgewater, vice I. W. Kirkwood, removed. C. J. Shetterly bas sold bis barber sbop to Wilcox & White who will carry on the business at tbe old stand. The Gilt Edge Minetrels wil] put on tbeir excellent entertainment at the Saline opera house next Thursday evening. Frederick E. Hutchins, of Chicago, a nephew of Aoting President Hntshins, was operated on Wednesday night for appendicitis. He is doing nicely. The total number of deeds filed in the register of deeds office last year was 1,074, divided as follows: Warranty deeds, 760; qnit claim deeds, 284; administrators' dends, 30. James A. Lepper, landlord of the Cook house, bas been complained of before Justice Pond for keeping open bis bar on New Year's Day. City Marshal Sweet made the complaint, büt the Municipal Club is said to be back of it. The snit will oome up at the next term of the cirouit court. The grand chapter of Michigan R. A. M., at itB annual session in Grand Rapids Tuesday and Wednesday voted $1,500 towards the snpport of tbe Masonio home at Grand Rapids. Now, if the grand lodge, which meets next week, will only do its duty there will be no more need for the home to be in strained circumstances. Oscar Ide, brother of Mrs. Myron S. Mills, and a former resident of this city, died in Detroit Sunday, of nremio poisoning. His remains were broughr te Ann Arbor on the 1 :88 train Monday afternoon and were taken to St. Andrew's chucrh wbere the funeral services were conducteá by Rev. Henry Tatlock. The remains were interred in Forest Hill cemetery. A series of six dances bas been arranged at Hillsdale for married people only. All others ate rigidly exclnded. Proof of eligibilitty to partioipate consists of a mairiage certifícate and an affidavit by the applioant, either in wiiting or orally, then and there, by oath, properly administered, that he or she has not been divoroed sinoe the date of the marriage certifícate, ofEered in evidence. The Stnrgis Democrat is responsible for the following: "Two little tots of Hudson were kneeling at tbeir motber's knee saying the Lord's prayer. The oldest one was repeatiog it after his mother, and when be reached the passage that reads, 'give us this day our daily bread,' wbat was the mother's astonishment when tbe little tot exclamed : 'Hit him for a pie, Johnny ; hit him for a pie.' " Dr. Nansen will oontribute au artisle to the Febrnary number of MoClure's Magazine giving his ideas and hopes for the future of North Polar exploration. As no other man has yet got so near the Pole, by 195 miles, as Dr. Nansen himself, with bis companion, JohaDsen, everybody will be eager to read what he has to say on tbis subject. The artiole will be fully illustrated with' photographs and drawings frorn life (inost of them hith'erto unpublisbed), by Nansen, Greely, Peary, the Arctio artista, Wilíiam Bradford and Albert Oparti, and others. An enertainiuent will be giveu this eveniug at High School hall for tbe benefit of the sewing school. It will be conduoted by Miss McMonagle and the program inclndes musio by two orchestras, solos, reoitations, a fairy play, and will close with tableaos with calcium lights. Tbe sewing sohool is a cbarity organization established in 1885. The ohildren who are tangbt to sew come frorn the homes of poor working woinen who baveno time to teach their ohildren. The entertainment, therefore, is wortby of the patronage of the public generally. Five young men who have taken supreme delight in oreating disturbauce in the gallery of the Athens Theater reoently, have eaoh received a letter from Manager Lisemer to the effect that they will be refused admission to the theater hereafter. Mr. Liserner thinks this mode of procedure to stop kissing, whistling and oat-calling in the theater is preferaljle to ejecting the disturbers during a performance. - Times. The Argns is glad to see tbat Mr. Lisemer is making some efïort to proteot people who pay their money to witness a performance aud not to hear pandemonium raised by a lot of noisy boys who have no respeot for anybody. Dr. A. D. Salisbury has purchased the drug bosiness formerly earried on by the late John Muore, on E. Huron st. Charles S. Brownell who was "Prinoipal of the Third and Fonrth Ward School," in 1860, died at Galesbnrg, 111., on "ïhursday of last week. - Courier. In last week's Argns it waB stated tbat Dr. W. B. Smith bad been elected vioe president of the Forest Hill Cemetery Association. it should have reda Frederic Schmid. The board of directora of the First National Bank have eleoted E. D. Kinne president, Harrison Soule vioe president and S. W. Clarkson cashier of that institution. M. Alexander Guilmant, who is perbaps tbe greatest organist in the woild will give a recital on the Frieze Memorial organ in University hall, Friday evening,,Feb. 11. Frank McIntyre, baritone, Albert Long, violinist, Waker Crego, cornetist, and Prof. Lew L. JRenwiok, pianist, were to have given a concert at Hamburg last evening, but it has been postponed for a month. Tbe trading stamp business seems to have died a natural death, at least so far as this town is concerned. Well, it was a nuisance anyway, says one of onr merohants who has triwi it to his entire satisfaction. - Manchester Enterprise. Bert Gordon was given five days in jail Tuesday aftarnoon by Justice Pond for being drunk. He claimed that he had come to town Monday to look for a job. As he was drunk and eported a black eye part of the time while making his searcb he was not very suocessful and was iinally gathered in by an officer. The regular meeting of Acme Tent, K. O. T M,, bas been adjonrned to January 21, at which time it is hoped that arrangeruents can be made with the Aun Arbor degiee team to initiate a olass of six catididates. At the same time the oriental degree will be conferred upon a olass by the same team. - Saline übserver. The children of Jonas Marsh, of Soio, have petitioned the probate oourt to have a speoial guardián appointed over him. In tbeir petition they say he is 86 years of age and is mentally incompetent to take oharge of or care for his estáte, tbe estimated valne of whioh is $5,000. The day of hearing has been set for Friday, Feb. 4, at 2 p. m. The third ooncert in the Cboral Union series by Prof. Alberto Jonas and the Detroit Philharmonic Club at University hall, Friday evening, was a treat to Anu Arbor musio lovers. Prof. Jonas' seleotions were warmly received, Mr. Heberlein in 'cello solos was encored and the playing of the Philharmonic Club was Hiuch admired. The eleotion of officers for the spring issue of the high school paper, the Breeze, resuted as follows: H. J. Brown managiug editor, Guy Bates business manager, JUiss L. Matchett literary editor, Miss Bess Brown news editor, Miss K. G3org oironlating editor, Messrs. Huston, McLachlan and Morris assistant business managers. The stockholders of the Michigan Furniture company at tbeir meeting Wednesday eleoted the following board of directors: W. D. Harriman, L. Gruner, Moses Seabolt, C. E. Hiscock, E. E. Beal, Paul Snanble, Martin Haller. The board tben organized with W. D. Harriman, president; L. Gruner, vice president ; C. E. Hiscock, secretary and trea&urer, Panl Suauble, superintendent. The Arm Arbor Agriunltnral Cornpany held its annnal eleetion Tnesday forenoon. W D. Harriman, Moses Seabolt, E. H. Soott, J. E. Beal, G. W. Phelpe, John Finnegan and E. W. Moore were elected directors. The board organized as follows: President, Evart H. Scott; vice president, George W. Phelps; secretary and treasurer, John Finnegan; snperintendent, E. W. Moore. ToeBday's Free Press had the following from its Washington correspondent: "Judge E. D. Kiune, of Ann Arbor, is in Washington on a pleasnre trip. He was pleased to flnd that Speaker Reed's private Hecretary, Amos L. Allen, was nis particular chum in the Columbian Law school, in tbis city, 30 years ago, and to celébrate hisdiscovery the two gentlemen lonched together today." At the annnal meeting of the Anu Arbor Arbeiter Unterstntzungs Verein the followiug offioeis were eleoted : President, Titns F Hntzel; lst vioe president, George Lntz, jr. ; 2nd vino president, Wm. Feldhauser; prot. secretary, Michael (ïanss; corresponding secretary, John Mayer; treasurer, E. C. SpriDg; caahier, Fred Staeb; trustees, Christian Martin, A. G. Schurnaober, Wm. Weimer, Albert Glatzel, Emil Golz, Eugene Oesterlin, Louis Kurtz; steward, Julins Lohrke; medioal examiners Dr. J. Kapp, Dr. M. L. Belser; color bearer, A. W. Hinz.