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About The Streets

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To judge f rom an article whioh appeared in last week's Dexter Leader and from a conversation held by the Argos with Thomas Birkett, there ia do absolute snrety that the Lansing, Dexter and Ann Arbor Electrio Railway will oome to Ann Arbor at all, or even that it will rnn to Dexter. The Laader says : "In some way the idea has become current that the road is oertain to oome to Dexter. This idea, however, is erroueons and, if adhered to to the point of inactivity is liable to Ieave ns in the Inroh and tbe history of past railroad ventures in onr town repeated. Dexter must be up and stirring. If we want this road - and we oertainly do - we must go after it. Chelsea and Stockbridge, both licely, stirring towns, are woiking against Dexter and Pinokney, to have the road inn to Btockbridge and the terminus at Chelsea. To anyone acqnainted with the push and energy of the two towcs, Cbelsea in partioular, this opposition assnmes formidable propoitions. "Dexter and Pinokney have sometbing to do if they would make a good showing in tbe matter. They most not rely too srongly upon the nataral ad vautages of tbeir route bnt be prepared to pot np the 'sinews of war' as well. To paraphrase a familiar qnotation, 'Eternal vigilanoe is the prioe of sncoese. ' It ia well to keep this in min i and when the board of diroctors sball cali here, let ns have a meeting that will show them that Dexter means business and will let no more good tbings go by default. Dexter oannot afford to be backword abont doing het ehare for this projeot, and from tha amonnt of interest already shown, we don't believe she will be." To show the interest tbat is taken by the oitizensof Dextei to seonie the running of the road to that place a large and eutha&iastio meeting was held at the opera house Tuesday evening. It was tbe largest meeting tbat bas so far been held at any place along the proposed line. ■ All the board of direotors weie present except one and they were greatly impressed with the enthusiasm displayed. They now say that the road is an assaied faot and tbat it will be in operation witbin a year. The meeting appointed a committee to work with the board of directors iu the interest of the road. If the JJansing, Dexter & Ann Arbor Electric Railway Co. gets all the bonnses it asks from the severa! towns through whioh it will pass it will be a pretty obeap piece of property for its stookholders. The route thns far determinad is from Lansing to Holt, Alaiedon, Mason, Dansville and White Oak. Lansing oity aud towncbip is asked for $30,000, Delhi, $7,000; Alaiedon, $10,000; Mason, $25,000; Dansville and Ingham, $15,000; and White Oak, $10,000. This means $97,000 io bonnseB and a free road bed for 30 miles of road, or a railroad complete ready for the rolling stook and the oompany nothing ont.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News