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WhoopiDg oongb is prevalent in SbarOD. John Locht, of Lima, had a erop of 180 bnshels of clover seed. There were 195 roarriages in Livingston county last year and 16 divoroes. George Zahn, of Biidgewater, died Jan. 25, after a long illness, aged 40 years. John Lawson, of Whittaker, has bongbt 20 aores of timber frorn N. L. Vedder. A farmers' institnte will be held in Manchester, Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 15 and 16. A. N. Hodgnaan, of Webster, has deeided to qnit farming and become a resident of Dexter village. The Webster Y. P. S. C. E. gave a social at the home of Mr. and Mrs Austin Srnith last evening. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Sylvan M. E. chnrch is abont to purchase new carpest för the chnrch. Johnson Backus, of Webstei, has purcahsed r. borne in Dexter and will move to the village in the spring. Ed. Carley, of Munitb, recently ent down a bollow tree which contained a colony of 25 flying squirrels. Mrs. Northard died at the home of her son Robert Northard, of Dexter, Thursday morning of last week. Mts. J. B. Meister, wife of Rev. J. B. Meister, of Freedom, died Jan. 23, after a lingering illness, aged 41 years. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Goldsmith, of York, celebrated titeir 20th wedding anDiversary Jan. 21. A large nnrnber of tbeir friends were present and many tokens of esteem were given them. While sitting at the breakfast table Friday, Jan. 21, Thomas Coy, of Dexter, was stricken with paialvsis, which for a time deprived bim of the use of his left side. His condition is now mach injproved. Fred Burtless, son of Supervisor Bnrtless, of Manchester, entertained a company of fiiends at his paients' home Munday eveoing of last week, it being his 21et biithday. An oak writiDg des and a fine umbrella were presected to him on the occasion. Robert P. Clark, of Frenoh Landing, near Belleviile, Wayne county, died Friday nignt, aged 8? years. He carne to Michigan in 1835 and constrncted milis at Monroe, Petersburg, Ypsilanti, Dexter, I'lymouth, Adrián and Belleviile. He li.ved on bis farm since 1851. He was a merober of tbe Michigan state legislature in Ib62, and held several townsbip offices. I A donatiou was tendered to Rev. D. Q. Barry, of Saline, on Wednesday evening. Mrs-. Fred Rentschler, of Saline, made 111 pounrts of bntter in 13 dayB froiii six cows daling last mnnth'. Rtrs. T. C. Gardcer, widow of a former pastor of the Ypsilanti M. E. cburob, died at Battle Creek, Jan. 21. Ben Huchl has bougbt the part of Charles Fellows' farm iu Sharon on whioh the house and laige barn are looated. Wm. E. Stooking and family have ?one baok to farm life and have moved in with his fatber-iu-law Lewis Freer, of Lima. The Dexter Germán Lntheran Sooiety ;ave a well atteuded social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buss, on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Jeaaette Towner, of Ypsilanti, feil on a slippery walk Saturday night and reoeived a oomponnd fracture of aer left forearm. M. Eberle, of Bridgewater, died at ;he home of his daughter very snddenly last week. He was bnried at the liutherau chnroh Friday. The Saline Farmers' Clnb met at A. A. Wood's in Lodi today. H. D. Platt read a paper on that bcgbear of the farmers' life "Taxalion." Tbeodoie! Wedemeyer bas strnok a veritable Klondike in a milk pail holder on whioh he has applied for a patent. - Cnelsea Standard. Christian Laubengayer, formerly a resident of Lodi, died in Elm Hall, Jan. 23, and was bnried in Lodi cemetery Thursday of last week. Charles DeNike, of Ypsilanti, got bis arm oangbt in the shafting at the Peoinsalar paper mili one day last week, fractnring both bones. Daniel Hitchingham, of Angnsta, bas bought a pieoe of timber land betwsen Rawsonville and Ypsilanti and will move his mili on it at once. Mr. Jay Renwick, of New Hndson, and Miss Mattie Whipple, were married at the home of the bride's parents in Salem, Jan. 19, by Rev. fiannaford. Jacob Bullock, of Salem, has aooepted the position of overseer at the retired Baptist ministers' home in Fentonville and left for that place this week. Mrs. Stark, mother of Daniel Starfe, of Salean died Jan. 20, aged 83 years. Deceased was one of the early pionners of the township and was greatly esteemed. Township officers pisase take note The Argns will print your ballots, registration and election notices at a very reasonable prioe and guarantee accnraoy and promptness. Mr. and Mrs. Tilt, of Salem, who lost all tbeir household goods by fire recently, have had tbeir needs liberally oared for by kind f rienda and neighbors. They are a worthy old oonple. A scbool teaoher in Dover townsbip, Lenawee connty, flogged a boy for violating a rale tbar the boys shonld kiss the girls. The lad resented and the school board fired the teacher. Wm. Baxter, of Teonmseh, is 8f years of age, bat bis spirits are stil! ligbt and gay, and be enjoye to trip the "light fantastio" f ar better than most men many years bis junior. Mrs. Caherine Harriet Acton, wife of Alfred Acton, of York, died Jan. 21, af ter an illness of seven weeks' duration. fier hnsband, fonr obildren and three grandchildren sarvive her. Elmer T. Bickford, a former Saline boy, died at his home in Tower City, Dakota, Jan. 11. He bad been suffering from a protraoted illneas which soddenly euded in a fatal stroke of paralysis. Thomas Yonng, sr., of Lyudon, who is now 82 years of age, claims to be the only man living who bad a oontract frou; the state to build tbe railroad now oalied Michigan Central. - Chelsea Standard. Mrs. Martin Cremer died in Verna, N. Y., Tuesday of laso week. Her hnsband Martin Creruer was formerly postmaster of Ypsilauti. He will make his futuro home with bis danghter Mrs. John Lamb in that city. Mr. Rcibert Benerle and Miss Maggie Snhneider were married at the Bethels parsonage in Freedom, Jan. by Rev. Panl Irion. At the same plaoe aud date and by the same minister Mr. Henry Feldkamp and Miss Louise Spatbelf were nnited. Mark Vining'e bonse in Ypsilanti, caught fire Thnrsday of last week from a defeofcive chimney. The honse was badly bnrned and what furniture was Dot destroyed by flre was damaged by water The loss will amoant to f400 or $500, oovered by iusarauoe wbioh has been paid. Whaley Bros., of Milan, have been experimenting in the manufacture of syrop from eugar boets, and have satisfactorily demonstrated that they oan produce the finest quality of that artiole. Tbey will soon visit the farmers in that vioinity and oontract with tbem for all the sugar they want to raise. Will Laribee, of Britton, in Monroe cnoDty, met witb a very serious if nol fatal accident in a Britton saw mili Wednesday of last week. A circular eaw flew off the ehaft and strack hini in the left breast, tearing a fearful wound, exposing bis beart to view, and cntting his wrist very badly. His chances for recovery are vury slight. For severa! months past Mrs. Verne Hines, formerly Miss Snsie Patchin, has suffered from ill healh and finally Dr. Lynds of the nniversity hospita! was oalied who declarad tbat her irouble was caused by a tumor. An operation was performed Thursday vthsu chronio peritonitis was revealed, aud what was suppoEel to be a tumor proved to be a larga saok filled with green water. Tbis was removed and perfect recovery predicted. - Grasa Lake Ne we. Phil Sweer, of Salem, feil from a ïorae oue duy last week and broke bis eg jast above tbe aukle. Hon. J. M. B. Sill, late United States minister to Corea, will lectnre at the opara house YpsilaDti, Monday evening next, his subject being 'Corea.' During the year 189? 22 persons 25 years old and over wete bnried d Oakwood oemetery, Saliue. Between 25 anti 30 years tbe number was 3: beween 30 and 40, 2; 40 and 50, 1; 50 and 60, 4; 60 and 70, 5; 70 and 80, 4; 80 aud 90, 1 ; 90 and 100, 1. The Y. P. A. of Dexter Germán M. S. ohuroh has eleoted the followiug offioers for the ensning year: Presilent, John J. Schanfele; vioe presilent, Mrs. HenryNeeb; oortespouding eoretary, William Sohultz; seoretary, Hrs. Martha Schultz; treasurer, Harvey Spiegelberg; organist, Mariha Schultz. A benefit concert for tbe Dexter soldiars' tnonnment fund will be given at he Dexter opera house uex.t Tuesday evening. The local sinngers will ba assisted by Rev. Fr. Üoldrick, of üorthfield, and others. The program ïas been so arranged as to provide entertainment for lovers of all classes of musio, both classioal and humorous. Some oareless persou was out shootng in Bridgewater, Tnesday afternoon of last week; and shot ata flock of quail which werenear the oenter sohool house. The shot entered une of tbe Windows near where a class was recitng. Three of the qnail wete killed, bat the hunter did not dare show himself, and they wera picked up by tbe bc hol ars. -jiM tíeorge Burkhardt of Freedom, met with a serions acoident while drawiDg ience posts, Monday afternoon of last week. In desoending a small bilt, the ioad on whioh be was sitting slipped [orward, throwing him head f jremost to the ground nnder the horses' feet. Neighbors notioing the runaway team came to his resoue and found him oompletely parlayzed from the shoulders down. It is iiot yet known wbether