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Athens Theater

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Tomorrow evening a great attraction will be put on at the Atueus. Digby .ïieU's socoess in "The Hoosier Dootor' should gladden tbe hearts of tbe tbeate ..going public generally, and bis bost o: admirers partioalaily. Mi. Thomas oreation bas opened np a new field fo this brilliant comedian and it is grati fying to be able to report his immediate snooess and tbo universal praise beBtowed upon hitn by the press throughont the conntry. For many years Mr. Bell has stood befoie the pnblio as the chief exponent of comio opera con.edy toles, and his efforts have been always so meritoiious and aitistio that his multitude of followers will wisb him hearty continnation of snooess in his new field of departnre. Frora his fitst introdoction before the public as a pretentious figure in tbe theatrical firmament, Mr. Bell's eSorts have always been sinoere,painstaking and artistio.and bis present aobievement -will nnqnestionably be endorsed very generally. It ooines, as [it were, in the line of pro motion, and its resnlt is wbat was predicted for him many years ago. The oompany, witb whioh Dnncan B. Harrison. Mi. Bell's manager, bas snrroanded him is partionlarly strong in nam es of artists of recognized ability, among whum are tbe following ladies and gentlemen : Lauia Joyoe Bell, Mabel Striokland, Kmma Bntler, Viola Miles, Mamie Faltón, Margaret Owen, Estelle Marbnry, Jsanette Wilder, and little Ethel Vanoe and the Messrs Arthnr Hoops, Frank Alonroe, Herman Hirshberg, Gage Clarke, Harry S. Eobinson, Joseph L. Treaoy, Bert Bayard, Charles Edwards, Edward Franklin and otbers. Manager Lisemer has booked Robert Pitzsimmons and oompany for Wednesday evening, Feb. 9, at tbe Atbeus Theater. Champion FitzsimiBODS, altbongb hardly a star of tbe first magnitude in the dramatic world, is oertainly a great drawng card and is beiug reeted by crnwded honses wherever he 5 oes.


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