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Y. M. C. A. Notes

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The inonthly bnsiness meeting of tbe Y. M. O. A. will ba held Tnesday eveuing, Feb. 7, at 8 o'olock. The entertainment committee is at work on some plans whioh they hope wil! bring aome mare money into the building fnnd. The thanks of the association are doe to Dr. W. J. Herdmau and Jndge Newkirk for bookB whch tbey have presented to the library of the association. Dr. R. S. Cupeland will speak at the Y. M.. C. A. rooms Monday evening, Feb. 7, at 8 o'clock, on "The Cash Valne of an Eye. " Membcrs of the assooiation shoald not fail to hear this talk. Delegates to the Jackson convention, and members of tbe association who expeot to go as visitors, shonld cali oa tbe general aecretary and seoure their oredentials in order to seoure the reduced rate of a fare and a third. Jan. 28, Mr. Weinberg gave the gate reueipts from bis skating rink to the bniJding fond of tbe association. Beoker's military band fnrnigbed mnsic dnring the eveuing. About 60 was realized throngb Mr. Weinberg's generosity. The Y. M. C. A. on Sunday afternoon eleoted tbe following as delegates to tbe state convention to be held at Jaokson next week: R. L. Flynn, Clyde C. Kerr, E. J. Cbapiñ, F. L. Davis, E. Field. Wai. Goodyear, H. B. Godfrey, G. B. Smith, J. W. Kolau, E. Krap. Sunday, Feb. 6, Mr. B. B. Johnson, formerly general secretary of the assooiation, will lead the meeting at ;he Y. M. C. A. rooms, His subject will be "Let tbis mind be in yon, vvbich was also in Christ Jesus. " Miss Sperry will sing a soprano solo. All men are most oordially invited to at;end. 2:45 Suiiday afternoon is the jime.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News