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Miss Amanda Reyei is visiting frienda in Detroit. Lacian Lovell, of Sonth LyoD, spent Sanday iu the oity. Dr. and Mrs. O. D. Silver, of New York, have located in this city. ■ Mrs. Agnes Wahr aud dangbter üarrie, bave been visiting friends in Salino. F. M. Warren, of Burïalo, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Noble, of S. División st. Miss Esther Darling, of Ypsilanti, is spendiug a few weeks withher sister, Mrs. P. W. Moore. Mrs. M. Feldkanip and her sister, Miss Pfiitzenmeier, of Freodom, were in the city Friday evening. Mrs. S. S. Cony and daughter Belle, of Ironwood, are visiting Mrs. J. F. Staebler on Miller ave. Evart H. Scott of this city and Dr. R. S. Armstrong, of Chelsea, left Tuesday for a ttip to California. Miss Ada Hill, of Saline, visited Mes Vesta Mills Friday and attended ;he Choral Union concert in the evening. Mrs. C. J. Snyder, of Gottst., has ieeu entertaining her aunt, Mrs. Olive DickeisoD, ofPykest., Wayne oounty, Mtoh. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zwergel, of STiles, bave been spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Belser and auiily. Mrs. E, b. Pardon, formerly of this oity, bas been appoiuted saperintendent of the Florenoe Crittenden mission in Ghioago. Miss Mina E. Jacobs has looated her art studio on the second floor of 121 S. Main st., over J. T. Jacobs & San 's shoe store. Mrs. Haanah Mark, of Webster, has een visiting her brother, Theodore Mark. Her sister and she are abont to abe a trip out west. Fred Krans, the auctioneer of Ann Arbor town, will conduot sales at Owosso on Tuesday next andj at jrtingsbnrg Wednesday. Col. Henry S. Daan, of this city attended a meeting of the old departuient otmtnanders of the G. A. R. at Grand Rapids, Monday. Jobo Hall, Mrs. T. Brogan and danghter Lillian, went to Nashville, Micb., Tnesday night, to attend the wedding of a brother of Mr Hall. ; E. H. Hnrd, of the Hnrd-Holmes Go.-, has retarned from Dulntb, Minn., wbere he has been for several montbs snperintending the refrigerator bnsiobss with whioh he and his father are ooooected. Gaorge C. Martin, of Wbitmore Iraké, öne of the men injured at tbe reoent ioe bonse disaster, was in the city Saturday. He its recovering siowly from tbe effecta of his aocident. Se bas settled with tbe Ice Co. for the amoont oí his dootor's bill, the wages doe him np to date and $50 in-oash. George A. Cook, register of deeds, retnrned from bis visit to California Monday. He fonnd his wife mach improved in bealth from her sojonrn aoiong the balmy breezes of tbat seotion. At Pasadena be saw John K. Miaer and had a visit with him, also with Charlie Fall in Los Angeles, and otbers. Among the gnests at the Ritter-Divne wedding in New York, Peb. 2, wre the following former residents of AnnArbor: Prof. and Mrs. Mark W. Harrington, Prof. and Mrs. Calvin Thomas, Mrs. Charles Kintner, Mrs. Paok, Miss Josepbine Rathbone, Rev. Iawrence T, Colé, Mr. Adrián Stevans, Psi D of '9ö, Mr. Corwin MoDowell, Mrs. Ellen Bradley and hi two daagbters, Mrs. Sohamacher and Miss Jane Bradley. W. G. Dieterle refurned Thnrsday eveuing ot' last week from an estended trip to tbe Paofiicc oast-, He says the only lively oity theie is Seattle, Wasb., aod he does not thiuk that the west is sb good for business as the east is. While in Seattle be saw several former residents of AnnArbor: Henry Kyer, sou of Nelson J. Kyer; Mr. Campion, brotber of Frank Campiou, who is auditor of a land and railroad office Harry Clark, formerly with the Argus also Mr. Josenhans, a brotber of Ger hardt Josenhans, Messrs. McAllaster, Sharp and Kearns, and Dr. Coe.