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Greatest Living Organist

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Guitanaiit, undOMbtedly the grea.test ïivkug organist, as ve-U -au the iiiiest composer for the instrument n)(xv living, ■vill givei a recital on the Great Organ in Uui-versity HaCl, Friday evening. February 11. Sueih. an opportiMiiHr may never occur aga.iin, as GuiKraaiit, is o-en' iBixty .viears 'of aga aiticí iin .all probabili'ty this widl be hit, last ,visib U Atmeirica. Of Mm a greaib critic .writes : "Xiaturadily tlhe musical services at La Trinite aittract ïausieians irom all pao-te of tlhe world. M. Guilmant is tihe sollo ai'gamist. M. : Salome .the aeconipaniist, aiiwl JI. Douiciiere tlie chovr-mastcr. M. Guilniaiiut plays tlie yoïoivtary, wliich is alten a l'oaig aiii'd gerand camposHdon, e.itiliier a SODialtta. 01.' his &v).i, or one l).v iLeii'de!teisoUiiii, a iugue by Bach. The omlgioúng voiiuiiitiary is of course a g:eat teaituine in tlua service, and i.he co lg:"g'atvlon selidoui' departe untíA tiHe Iísc. corda liave baea played, "F:ul' tihemes, sustaiiuetl interest, re.iïned and BOiuoJlarly; treoihtnent, and tihat ïiameliess charm which is 'the tirxie inspinatiioin and individuality of tlte oompoi-wi (and ■which i;0' .distingttisihied tlie niusto oi his vin-aster and itriieind, M. Lem.mens - tdiese are the cJiai-a.'triBtic f Guiimant's niuic- "As a, counpoiser J!. G-aSmaa ihas shorvvii vea-satWH'y auid widq sympathles. His mfts-t impar'tant compobtt ions are hds ïoiw Orgwu Sonat-as, tilia serles af earaiDOsütioma tuiwler xhe title oí 'The Practicad Organist," and mmiy tiramiscripttons froin otó masters as wietlil as "nouw .modern, sujch a.s Saiiut-Saeius, Duimiont and Campra, luit It is impossiblie ïully to enum ate Üiis giooid wart iu this üekl." ,'. T. Miall amd Expreas, Dec. 15tli : 'Sl. Gujillina,n't ia a virtuoso oí the pedalts ais well as ï 'the iica-uuals, and he g"ai3 a lime exhi'bitioai last nght, i'ii Arhicli, hoiwever, tecliuical ftchieTetmeote were 110 unduby nxagnftSed. Hls ara eomata h& ylayed M-ell, and tiie Baeh. nuiniber1 .was supcirblly óxme. The improivisationii on a tibem iu".ii'u-lied by Samuel V. Warren wias a dsllfeiliit o 'ais heareivs fiioim ïte smavity as well as inganuity of tneiatsaiBit'. New-Yturfcer Síaa.tis-ZeLtTMig : "It wias indeed a most desiTa-bie rest in tliie fliood oí comceift, to listen to the orgian reoútal of Gulllinaait, the grOat Frencii nraster. It Wfljs nnaltoyed pleOKuire oii the liighest .ord&r. He is great ! won(l'r.uil ! Altboosix a Freimchnxan, playiaig icinJuds ane of the heaviiT (icrniiiu sch'dol ; aiwl im liLs program lie gi-ves cclmpo-r;ioe of tiheeO gn-eat composers, suic.h as Bach, Hajidel, ftte. Eren to t'lue interpretatioina' m more sentimsavbal oonrpöi-iicioinK Gullmant'á pifayijng ï rema,i'k:i.lily stawmg and toaltSuy. In his Impcovieatloíie lie is si'mp'ly ïmar-veiLOTOs.


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