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Health Officer Of Detroit

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Dr. Heneage Gibbes bas been altuest □nanimously appninted bealth offloer of Detroit to suooeed Dr. Dnffield. His appointment was deoided on at a meeting held Tnesday evening at the resiaenoe of Dr. Longyear. Dr. Gibbes bas many warm friends in Ann Arbor who will be pleased to hear of his appointment. and even those wbo were most antagonistic to him while he was in the "ntiiversity, are warm iu tbeir praise of his fitness for the position. The Detroit Free Press bas the fellowing to say regarding the appointment; "While it was known that the appointment of health officer was to come up, only a favored few knew tbat eaffloient votes had already been secnred to insure Dr. Gibbes' elaction. The latter was not a candidate in the sense that he filed a formal application, but his election was asked for by a soore of the most prominent pbysioians in the city. "Coinmissioner Pound was the only member of the board who voted against Dj. Gibbes, and he stated that he did so on the ground that he believed the matter shonld have been laid on the table until a new oommissioner had been appoioted to sneceed Dr. Le Seure. The commissioner also thougbt that a man snffioiently qnalified for the position oonld be fonnd without going to anotber city. His ojections bad no weight in the proceedings, bowever, as the wholo matter bad been qoietly sertled several days ago and Dr. Gibbes was asked to be in the city last nigbt so tbat he conld hear the good news. "The election was deferred antil all other business had been dispoeed of and then Dr. Dnffield's resignation, dated Feb, 10, and asking to be relieved Feb. 16, or as soon thereater as possible, was read, Commissioner Pound immediately moying its acoeptance. The application for the position were then iead and disclosed tbe ñamas of Dr. Alonzo Bryan and Dr. Oscar L. Dales, at present bealtli officer of Grand Rapids. A nnmber of letters were also received asking for the appointment of Dr. Jay W. Morrison. There was a lnll in the prooeedings for a few moments, tbe members of the board evidently wanting sometbing and not knowing jast bow to get aronnd it. Commissioner Pound wiggkd in his seatfora moment and then snggested an executive session, wbicb was at once taken fot granted, and tbe newspaper men bad to move. "It was an hour before the exeootive were disposed of, and Commissioner Davock at once moved to proce(d to an election. Commissioner Pound amended by moving a postponement for tbree weeks, but he lost. The name of Dr. Morrison was proposed by Commissioner Davock, but tbe other tbree voted in the negative. Commissioner Pound tben took a turn and nocninated Dr. Arthur D. Holmes and Dr. John L. Irwin, in tnrn, bnt he was tbeir only supporter. Dr. Lougyear stood sponser for Dr. Gibbes, and as soon as his name was mentioned, all but Commissioner Ponnd feil in line, and tbe election was over. "


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News