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Republican Harmony

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There is a seemingly irreeoucilable oonflict ou in the republicau party now when there is do election iminiuent. Illnfitrarive of the plaiu language beicg used by mpablicaus couueruiun eacb otbei-, the following editorial is repriuted from the ïpsilantian and is written by an ex-cbairman of the repub3 eau oonuty corumittee, wbo bravely bore the heat of battle, when bartle iu this oonuty was hopeless. Oor readers will beat in mind tbat tbese are not the words of the Argns or any other democratie paper bnt one of the most partisao of the repnblioan papers of the state. The Ypsilantian says: "The Sunday Free Press placed before its readers the facts touehing the municipal extravagance of Detroit, by showing that. in every department except the educational, tlie expense account greatly exceeded last year that of other cities. The pólice department, for instauce, cost $2.43 per capita of population, while Newark cost only $1.81: Pittsburg, $1.52; Miiwaukee, êl.JS; St. Paul, $1.32; Cleveland, $1.24, and Windsor, 52 cents. These tígures are a fair sample of other departments, vnd show what the Pingree machine has cost Detroit. This of course does ïiot effect Washtenaw county, but an examination of supervisors' report for 1896 and 1897, will show like astonishing results where the Pingree machine has the firmest grip. Take the machine run by Pingree's Field Marshal, Wm. Judson. Judson is sheriff of the county and has authority to appoint deputies. Here the machine has full swing and the result shows that, whereas in 1896, before the machine was got into full working order, it cost the county only $1,714.63 for deputy sheriffs services, but in 1897 these deputies were incr'eased so largely that the county was taxed for their services $3.532.46. ""The same extravagant increase is seen in state expenses. In 1896 the state tax for Washtenaw county was $58,026.15; in 1897, $66,760.29. Farmers who see their savior in Gov. Pingree should remember that this increase of state tax was before he began litigation. What it may be after Atkinson bas drawn his $1,000 fees for a year, and other political sponsors of Hizexcellency have taken their rakeoff, it is impossible to predict. The increase in Detroit was in geometrical ratio, and no doubt the same o'erniastering genius for running his personal machine at public expense under high financial pressure, will appear when the next tax levy is made. "Pingreeism is a synonym for the most corrupt and extravagant machine politics ever known in Michigan, and "will continue to magnify itself the longer it is suffered to exist. Packing caucuses.gagging delegates.and throwing mud on everybody not joining in the riot of spoils, are favorite tactics. Gov. Pingree will flnd that the S0 republican papers in the state who oppose his renomination have a large and intelligent company of yoters back oí them whether he is nominated or not. This fact should be kept steadily in mind." ■flr On the other hand tbs Pingree elemente of the party claim that tbe men who give ntterance to snch sentiments as given above aro tools of therailroads and otber corporations wbo have evaded their jnst share of taxation and that if they are allowed to have their way they will rnin tbe party. Gov. Pingree himself said in bis celebrated Bnffalo speech: "Today all the trnsts, all the monopolies, every agency which is bleeding the country, bas taken refuge onder the wing of tbe repnblican party, beoause tbey fear tbe democratie party, which hss kicked tbem ont. " . WhiJe tbis lepnblican love feast is going on the Neue Washtenaw Post chimes in aDd declares that the republican party is tioctnred with "knownothingism" and instanoes the Miohigan Clab banqnet at Detroit as attended by the kid glove aristocracy, who are filled with intoleranoe and hatred of the foreigner, and does not so mnoh wonder tbat the Germana oling to the democratie party in spite of the issues of fiee silver and free trade. It must be remembered that the editor who thns writes did yeoman seivice for the repnblican party last fall. This barinony was evident at the repnblican banqnet in this city last Thnrsdiiy eveuing, when flon. A. .7. Sawyer replied to Pingree's Bnfïalo speeob and by the strongest kind of implication charged the governor with "aesuming thfi tole of an informer and proolaiming from the onter wall of the temple that the party is full of all manner of iniquity. " And Col. Atkinson( in reply called attention to what he called Sawyer's glorification of corporations and the Eockafellers, which he said he did not believe in. Tboee two speeches were odd specimens of logic from a repnblicau poinfc of view. Sawyer's speeoh boiled down was: Corporations were not organized by the republicans but by the wioked deruoorats and corporations are a good thing anyway. Atkinson's speech will boil down to the following propositions: The railroads, which own half thie property pay one twenty-sixth of the taxes; the railroade bribe legislators; ODly one demooratio legislator vated with the railroads; if the repnblioans dou't rnake oorpoiations pay tbeir share of tbe tases the demócrata will. Both theae speeches were excellent examples of repnblican logic. To add to the genera] appearance of barinony, the Anu Arbor Register, yesterday comes out in a three colnmu article headed "King Rule or Ruin. Repnblicans sboold and will rebnke snch aotion. Eigbte3n Men plan nntil midnigbt to down the ïonng Men's Republioan club - A stiatagem is proposed - It sncceeds only when aided by gross deception - Republican party ternporarily ia the hands nf a disrepntable leader." The Register charges that the bosses set ont to kill the club, whioh was inimical to their rule. So they emasculated tbe oonstitution, and acoomplished this by triokery and treaohery. A seoret meeting of Boss Jndson's henohmen was held and they plotted to the wee small hours to down Moran, and finally basely deceived and lied to him. The Register says that it bas interviewed over 150 of the former mernbers of the club and tbat they are very sore and almost without exception threaten dire vengance and that the aotion of last Thursday will result in great injury to the party. In the meantime Sheriff Judson is not, saying mooh bnt is sawing wood - all the time sawing wood.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News