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BiggesOffer Yet The Ann Arbor Argus AND The Twice-a-Week Detroit Free Press; Both Papers One Year For Only $1.60. THR TWICE-A-WEKK FREE PRESS is conceded by all to be MICHIGAN'3 LEADIN(i It is published on Tuesday and Friday of mch woek, and is almost equal to A I)AÍLY" PAPER. Remember, that by takinpadvantageof this ombiuation, you get 52 copies of THKAIiGUS and 104 copies of THE FREE PRESS, for only ll.Bfl, whlch makes the oost ol the naner. to you ONE CENT PER COPY. A 500-PAGE BOOK FREE The Free Press ALHANAC a„d Weather Forecasts for 1898. CORRECT. CÜNCI3E. COMPLETE. Over 20,000 Copies of 1897 Book Were Solí: at 25 Cents. An accurate and superior Book of Refereuee that tells you all you want to know. Thero wlll not be a useless page in it. A Praotical Educator and Hand Book of Encyclopedie Information on subjects Statistical, Official, Historieal, Political and Agricultural; likewise a Book of Religious Fact. and general Practical Directions on everyday a ff airs of Office, Home and Farm. A eopy ol this book wlll be sent to all subscribing mmediately and sending I5 cents ad ditional for mailing expenses, making $1.7? in all. The book will be published about December 25, 1897, it being impossible to get it out earlier on account of getting complete jecords of 1897 events. Copies of the book wlll be sentto all taking advantage of this offer, as soon after above date as pos.sible. Do not delay, but take advantae of tliis remarkable liberal offer which we make tor 1. limited time ouly, by special arrangemeutswlth the publi8hers. Remember we send both papers a full year for tl.tiO, and you eau, have a copy of the book by sending 15 cents additionai. Address, ARGUS OFFICE, ANN ARBOR, MICH HUMPHREYr CURES No. I Fever, Congestión No. 2 Worms. No. S Infants' Diseases. No. 4 Diarrhea. No. 7 Coughs & Colds. No. 9 Headache. 'No. 1O Dyspepsia, Indigestión.. No. 1 1 Delayed Periods. No. 1 2 Leuchorrea. No. 13 Croup. No. 14 Skin Diseases. No. IS Rheumatism. No. 19 Catarrh. No. 27 Kidney Diseases. No. 34 Sore Throat. No. 77 Grip & Hay Fever. Dr, Humphreys' Homeopathie Maniiíd oí Disea-ses at your DruRKists or Malled Free. Sold bv öruegists, or sent on receipt of .Seta ., 50cte ory$1 T Humphreys' Med. Co.. Cor. Williaw and John Sts., New York. TRÜOK AND STORAGE C. E. GODFREY. Kesidence and Office, 48 Fourth Ave., North Telepbone Kz.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News