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Mrs. Suuderland's reoent entertainment for the benefit of tbe Perry fellowsbip netted $440. Wru. E. Hanselmann, a native of Wurtemberg, Gprrnany, was made an Amerioan oitizen in opeu oouit on VVednesday. Daniel Seyle'-, Charles H, Worden and David Rinsey are the new ooramissioners appointed in the estáte of Willard Poster by Judge of Probate Newkirk. Charles F. Dietas, at one time in tbe employ of the Argns, is now the propriütor of a jub printing office of his owu in Cbioago. Cbarlie is a neat, tasty worKman, and sbonld suoeeed if that is any reootumendation. At the meeting of the directora of the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday evening it was reported that the pledges of tbe snstainiug membersbip laoked 300 of ! being enougb to oarry on the work of the asaooiation for the next year. Miss Lydia M. Glasier ditd at her home on Geddes ave.. Tuesday, aged 52 years. The funeral servioes were beid at the house yesterday afteruoon Re?. J. T. Smderlaüd offioiatiug and the remains were buried in Forest Hill cemeteiy. The further hearing of tbe protest in the Riohard Webb will oase had to be pnstponed nntil next week, on account of Wm. Stephenson, whose wife is the oontestant, being taken with an apopleotio seiznre. He is confined to his bed at the St. James hotel. The Detroit Tribune says "Seuator Campbell flings back the challenge of Gov. Pingree and Sheriff .ludson and Eays he will show tbero whetber he will be ra-eloteed or not. Campbell says Judson has almost run his political oourse." „And so the merry war goes on. Timotby Fohey's farm of 240 acres of land in Noitbfield, was sold od a chanoery execution VVednesday by Cironit Court Commissioner Butterfleld. It was divided into three 80 acre seotious which were purobased by Jobn Coyle, Patrick Coyle and Philip Dufly. The wbole piece brought f6,800. Marie Degan, 27 jears oíd, a woman about town, who oorues from Fosters, was found Wednesday morning lying in a sbed dead drunk. She was taken to jail on a dray and was taken before Justice Pond yesterday morning. She was fiaed $6 and coste or 10 days in jail. Tbe fine and costs were paid. Dr. Ort, president of Witten berg College, Springfield, Obio, will neliver the last lecture of the Trinity Lutheran series iu tbe churcb tbis nveniug. His Énbjeöt will be "Gustavus Adolphus" iusteuti of "Ideáis" as announced on the t'i-keta. It is a giand lecture and Dr. Ort is equally grand as a lecturer. Edwaid B. Healey got ont of jail Wednesday moruiug after serving a 20 days' sentence for drunkenness. He was at onoe rearrested on complaint of Rufus B. Wiokes, cbarged with larceny. This ruorning before Justioe Pond he pleaded guilty and was senteuced to 30 days in jail. An old vioman, partly paralyzed and deaf got off the train Monday night having expended all her uioney in gettng thus far from Charlevoix on her way to Chelsea wbere she said she had a niece residiug After wandering around in the oold for sorne time she went to the jail and fiegged to be looked up for the nigbt. She finally got an order for a night's lodging which was gratefully reoeived. A peculiar find was made Saturday in the alley aear Washburne's livery baru. It consisted of three Masonic aprons and one embroidered collar bearing a partly obliterated name tbat cannot be decipbered and the words "Ann Arbor." The parapbcrnalia has been turned over to ex-Ald. C. M. Lamb. Notbing bas been learned so far tbat will throw any light on the discovery. - Adrián Times. Nellie A. Lennon sued Wilbur M. Serviss on a olaim for wages in the oirouit ooutt. Mr. ServisH asked Judge Kinne to set aside tbe process beoause be was a non-resident. The oourfc refnsed and tbe supreme court was asked for a mandamus by Lawrenoe & Butterfield, who were Mr. Serviss' attorneys. On Tuesday the supteme oonrt denied tbe petition, thus sustainng Jugde Kinne in his action in the oase.