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A pbotographers oar baa located in Whittaker. The new Consolidated fire hose house at Ypsilanti will cost $5,000. Jerome Lashier, an old pioneer of York towuship, is very sick. The pnpils of the Bishop school in Augusta enjoyed a holiday last week. Tbe Evangelical Snnday school at Wbittaker reorganized last Sunday. Cali on the Argns for yonr offioial bailóte. We do them quickly aod cbeaply. James Hankard, of North Lake, has been soffering fiom an attack of donble pneumonia. J. R. Holmes, of Iron Creek, wiil baild an addition of 60 feet to bis barn tbis sommer. Miobael Mohart bas lerited Garry M. Osborn's farm in Saline and will move on it April J. Wheat is looking well on the grouud at Nortb Lake, and some farmers have sown their dover seed. Tbe Manobester counoil bas donated $ 20 to moDDt the caunon ordered by tbe Q. A. R. in the public square. Tbe five months old daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Nich Maler, of Saline townahip, died Wednesday of last week. Milo Green bas bongbt tbe old Ray homestead of 40 aores in North Lake. He will bnild a new house on it tbis spring. Etui! Kantlebnner, of Chelsea, has aooepted a situation witb tbe wbolesate gtooery flrm of Brown, Davis & Warnbr, of JacksoD. The Ladies' Society of the Daxter CoDgregational churob is making arrangements to give a pabilo dinner in tbe village on townsbip eleotion day Monday, April 4. Mrs. Edward King, aunt of Charles E. King, of Ypsihmti, died at Elmira, N. Y., Thursday night of last week. The remains were brougbt to Ypsilanti Satnrday and interred in Higbland cemetery. P. E Noah and Miss Flora Burkhart are the chosen delegates of the North Lake Epwortb Leagoe to tbe state oonventioQ to be beid at Jackson April 1, 2 and 3. The alternates are Miss Mary Wood and Mrs. F. A. Glenn. James Tracy has rented tbe Feok farra iu Sharou. There is a de mand for nice, neat oottages in Mauohester village. Porter Moore, son of W. I. Moore, of York, died Tbursday night of last week. William Conrt, of Ypsilanti, has been graated an increase of pension frorn $14 to $24 per íxionth. Manobeeter townsbip has paid ont 1353.50 for woodchnck, crow and sparrow soalps dnring the past year. Miss Mina Middlebrook is teaobing tbe spring term of school in the Zimmeriuan district Manchester townehip. Miss Jennie M. Cbatterson, of Ypsiianti, vvill teach tbe Lowden school in Ypsilauti town during the spring term. Mrs. Polly O. Heath, a pioneer of Augusta township, died at her residence Friday of la grippe, aged 68 years. Charles H. Üreenman, of Whittaker, has been granted an original pension of $6 per month, which carries with it an arrearage of $500. James Robius, the Salem cheese maker, has gone to Howell to work for the Michigan Condensed Milk Co. io its new cheese factory. The wages for farm hands rn the vioioity of Cheriy Hill ranga at from $15 to $19 per month. Most farmers tiave already bired their help. Robert Geraghty has pot in a $100 claim agaiust tbe oity of Ypsilanti, for injuries received in falling on a defectiva sidewalk on E. Cross at., Maren 14. A petition is being oirculated in Ypsilaoti, which everybody is signing, to faave dogs licensed and tagged instead of baving the tax spread upon the tax colla. Rev, J. F. Orwick, obaplain of tbe .ïackson prison, delivered a leetnre on "A Voice from tbe Prison" at the Nortb Sbaron school house last Friday evening. Rev. üeWitt C. Oakley, who had been spendiag the winter with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Newhall, of Ypsilanti, died at Dwigbt, Obio, on Tharsday of last week. The Sansbine Clnb has been organized by a number of little girls in Manuheater. Miss Lynda Watkins is its president and it uieets every other Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Pet(!r Nies, of Freedom, died March 11, after tbree weeks' illness, ot' nflaoimatiun of tbe bowels. Hbe was 62 years of age and leaves a husband and four daughters. The celebrated .1. H. Taylor vs. Clark Whitcomb case was triad before Jostioe Joslyn, of Ypsilanti, Saturday afternoon and the plaintiff was awarded a JQdgment of 60.85 and costs. The Willis Creamery Assooiation eleoted tbe following directors for tbe eDSuing year: Cbas. F. Thompson, George M. Rassell, F. J. Fletcher, ilarry Snudgrass and Elijah Darling. P. J. Kern, wbo lives south of towri, reporta tbat he bad a ewe that gave tmtb to tbree lambs last year in March aud to five lambs last Febrnary. All were good si.e and sonnd. Tbis is certainly an nnnsnal reoord. - Manchester Enterprise. Married, March 10, at tbe home of William Chandler, in tbe village of Holt, William Eisele, of Dexter, and Miss Ida Stevens, of Mason, Rev. Mr. Ökinner, of Okemos, offioiating. Mr. aud Mrs. Eisele will be at home to their friends in Dexter township after April 10. O. D. Moore has been given the contract to finish the ioe housesfor tbe Toledo loe Co. at Wbitmore Lake, George Mulbaob, of Salem, will be his foremau. Mr. Moore will complete the five rooms already np and build on ttiree more rooms 138 f eet long, 40 f eet wide and 40 feet high. A oompany of yoang people started oot Friday night to give Clyde Biddle aorprise, but met surprise themselves before tbey reaobed tbeir destination. I.oaded in a rig and sitting at the bottoin of the hill with a broken evener, jast beyond Geo. Tbenrer's was tbeir condición. Tbey tried in vain to repair the damages bnt were unsucuessful and aU bands had a fine walk. As a result tfae rubber markec next day was boomiae. - Saline Observer. Salem Tent, K. O. T. M., will do initiatory work at Plymouth next Monday eveuing. Miss Marr, of Detroit, wil] build a new honse on her farm at Whitmore Lake at onoe. The receipts at tbe reoent free aeat offering at tbe Chelsea M. E. ohuroh ainonnted to $225. Ben Mizner, of Ypsilauti town, expeots sooo to move to Frank Lambie's farm in Superior township. Jacob Read, of Sonth Lyon, sold a drove of 120 beau fed bogs to Drover Sutton last week and tbey wure good ones. The Toledo loe Co. bas 30,000 tons of ioe seoared in its ice houses at WhitiDOr Lake, besides baving sbipped 300 oars. Dr. C. E. Parker bas moved on his fatber's faim 'è% miles sootb of Dexter. He will still continue bis veterinaiy practica. Alioe Irene, the infant danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Jobn VValsh, of Lyndon, died March 11, and was bnried in St. Mary's church nemetery Marcb 13. Win Clancy, of Ann Arbor, has leased George S. Ranscbenberger's saloon in Wbitmore Lake for a term of five ypurs and will take possession April o0. Mr. Ralph Pisrce and Miss Mabel Fletoher, were matried at tbo home of the bride's parants in Cbflsea, Wednesday eveuing of last week by Rev. Thomas Holmes, D. D. Mr. and Mrs. George Smitb, of Willis, who are abont to move to Snperior, were snrprised by a party of neigbbors tbe otber evening, wbo presentad tbem witb a bandsome set of dishes as a token of their kind regard. Mrs. Elmer Smith, of Chelsea, was called to Grass Lake reoently by the siokness and death of ber fatber. His demise was followed the same week by the death of bis wife. Mrs. Smitb bas tbe sympatby of her friends in ber donble affliction. Died, at her home in Evanston, III., March 1, Mrs. Katherine Donelson. The deceased was a daughter of tbe late Jadge S. W. Dexter" "and tbe téinains were brought to tbe family home in Dexter, where the funeral was held Wednesday of last week. Charles Warren, a gentleman wbo lately moved to Ypsilanti from Port Hnron io edúcate bis children, was stricken with heart failure in King's grocery store, depot, Monday afternoon. He feil over and strnck his head on the aharp corner of a desis. Medical aid was given him and be bas recovered. Tbe Dexter Township Snnday School Association met at the Ñortb Lake M. E. churob Wednesday afternoon and evening. An interesting program of papers, addresses and music was rendered in wbiob Rev. W. J. Tbistle, Rev. C. Ross, W. H. Glenn, Harry Neeb, Mrs. R. Wbalian, Mrs. Henry Neeb, Miss Bernioe Allyn, Miss Mattie Glenn, Jobn Sehaufele, Miss Bertba Noab, J. G. Fisher and Mrs. F. H. Glenn took part. At tbe annaal meeting of the Farmera' Vlgilance Assooiation of tbe townsbips of Augusta, Ypsilanti, Pittsfield and York, held March 12, the following ofticers were elected : President, L. A. Wiloox; vice president, Jesse Hewens; eecretary, J. C. Bemiss, treasurer, C. H. Roberts. Eaeootive oommittee - for Augusta, Bert Darling and Elmer Sanderson ; Ypsilanti, J. L. Hunter and O. B. Pester; Pittsfield, Fred Hutzel and M. F. Case; York, A. W. Dexter and G. F. Richards.