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The North Sharon Sunday school reorganized last Sunday for the summer. A class of 17 children will be confirmed at Bethel churoh, Freedom, next Sanday. Miss Rodgers, of Saline, is teaching in district No. 1, Bridgewater, this term of sohool. Miss KoBe Sniith, a former resident of Dexter, died recently in Pinckney aged 4 years and 4 months. Mr. Woodard, the Whitmore Lake wagon maker, bas rented Mrs. White's farm in Ann Arbor town and moved on it. C. Handy, of Bridgewater, bas gone to Seattle, Wash., to lócate. His wife and her brother Adolph Hanke will join him later. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Breitenwischer. of Sharon, will go to housekeeping on the Faolbaber place in Freedom. They expect to build a new honse there. Michael Sobnh, of Bridgewater, died March 19, and was buried March 22. He was 65 years of age and had never been sick nntil the last few days before his death. Miss Noia Welch, a former well known resident of Dexter, died ïa Dansville, Maroh 19, aged 84 years. She was bnried iü St. Joseph's cemetery, Dexter, Marcb 21. Miss Minnie Hawkins, who bas successfully tang-ht tbe school in the fractional district of Webster and Soio for three years, hae been re-engaged to teaoh the spring term. Will Thurston was exbibiting for sale Monday a fnll grown, very fat opossntn. He dog it out of a hole ïiear Beeve's Mills, where it was happily domicüed with 14 sknnks. - Dexter Leader. Two very old ladies died in Manohester o-i Tbnrsday of last week. They were Mrs. Mary Eagan, who died of paralysis at tbe age of 75 years, and Mrs. Polly Traoy who died of old age baviLg reacbed her 84th year. William Curtis, a West Sompter farmer, bas made an assignmerit, and his crecitors wiil not receive 10 cents on tba dollar. His liabilities are estimatid at .$6,000 and the asaets $2,500, bnt tbe latter torn out to be plasteied ■witb heavy mortgages. Israel Hale, of York, has sold his farm to Everett Davenport. Boro. Maroh 23, to Mr. and Mrs. J, W. VanRiper, of Cbelsea, a son. The Sylvan Union Sunday school will give an Easter concert April 10. Fred Wild has pnrcbased the Binder farm in Lcdi, paying tberefor $40 per acre. The funeral of the late Azro Fletcher was one of the largest ever seen in Ypsilanti. Mrs. A.!K. Gage has rentad her fariu in Manchester to Alfred Tuthül of that village. Ed. Dresselhonse will teach the spring term of school in the Sil vor lake distriot of Freedom. Charles A. Heath, of Milan. bas been granted an increase of pension from fl? to $24. St. Mary's chnrcb, Chelsea, netfced $100.26 as tbe result of the St. Patrick's day entertainment. James Forsythe, of Mooreville, reoantly lost a young borse with dipbtheria or black tongue. The Sasan Lord farm in Augusta has been sold at adininistrator's sale to James Uosgrove for 5C per acre. The Webeter Congregational charoh Sunday sohool will hold Easter services in their chcrob on Eastner Sunday. Jusfcice James Kelly, of Manchester, will ruake a trip to his old home in Ireland next month if all goes well. Depnty State Game Warden Whitney Watkiua, of Manchester, has given dotioe that there will be do spearing allowed on the Raisin river after Apiil 1, William J. Wilcox, formerly of the firm of Beall, Comstock & Wilcox, of YTpsilaun, diad on Satnrday, Maroh 26. at Nyaok, N. Y., of typhoid f e ver. E. N. Randall and family, of Bridgewater, have moved to their farm near Norvell, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fon tiave moved to tbe E. K. Randall farm uear River Raisin. Joseph Alger, of Dexter, has sold bis Düat raarket to a man named Bowman trom Pinokney, who in addition to selliufj rneats will boy wbeat, beans and other farm produce. Rev. Geo. P. Wright, of Bridgewater, who bas been at Ann Arbor all winter ander treaüneut, has so far reoo-vered that he has been able to return home, to James Weirs. Wbitmoie Lake is so high this year tbat tbe water invaded the furnaoe room of the M. E. oburcb the other Sauday evening and pnt out tbe fire so fcbat no services conld be held in the oiiurch. In his four years" service Justice Childs, of Ypsilanti, bas tried 950 oases. Only three appeals to the circuit conrt have been made from bis decisions and each nne of them bas been snstained. G'aspar Max and family, of Ypsilanti, were obliged to vacate tbeir boose very suddenly at an eaily hour Tuesday inoruing on acconnt of it being on tire. Origin of fire unknown ; everytbing destroyed ; iusurance on fniniture $300, on boilding $300 The offioere of the Whittaker Evangelical Snnday school for the ooming year are: Superintendent, W. A. AndersoD : assistaut superintendent, Sol Stnitb ; secretary, Cora Lamkin ; treasurer, Fred Soholts; organist, Ethel Bordine; cborister, W. A. Anderson; librarían, Lee Kline. Edna, wife of William D. Cramer, assistant professor at the Normal college, Ypsilanti, died Monday ruorning after a short sickness. Deceased was 25 years of age. During her residence here, first as a stadent and afterwards as the wife of Prof. Cramer, she had, by her kindness of heart, made many warm friends. Her remains were taken to Spacta, Mioh., for interment. Frank Armstrong, who was sent to Jackson prison for 15 rnontha Alarch 4, 1897, for throwing a cobble stone CbroDgb Adam Sbaner's glass window, at Ypsilanti, which struck Shaner on the Khoalder, has made appliaation to tbe Bupreme court fot a writ of habeas oorpus, olaiming tbat be is detained in the state prison at Jackson beyond tbe expiration of bis seatence. He üiaiuia good time, but Warden übamberlain says tbat as he han served time at Ionia before be is not entitled to aoy good titne allowatice.j g ÉLiiiiM& Philip Seitz, of Lima, wbo has been serionsly ill, is improving iu health. The Webster townsbip board of registration meets at the town ball tomorrow, April 2. Jacob Steffee, of Sntton's Corners, broke bis leg Tuesday afternoon. througb the running away of bis team. Jay Gould, of Bad Axe, was arreat, ed at Milan Tnesday on a charge o: forgeiy by Depoty Sheriff L. A. Wilcox. Ed. Bennett met with a accident in the Cbelsea stearo lanndry Wednesday of last week whereby he lost the end o: a finger. Mrs. Thomas Reader, of Ypsilanti, aged 6iyears,felldown stairs Tbnrsday of last week and dislocated ber Jeft sboulder. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Boag, who have been living in Detroit for sotne years, will return to their old home in Chelsea. When Treasurer Smythe, of Sharon, settled with tbe county treasnrer he had leas than $5.00 worth of property to retnrn on wbich ' tbe tases were nnoollected. Charlps A. Arnold bas christened bis farm on seotion 2, Superior, tbe "Patriot Stock Farm," in bonor of "Patriot," bis thoroughbred Peroheron stallion. George C Parker, of Lima, bas pnrobased the Case property in Soio and moved thereon. His brother, Charles, has moved on tbe farm thus vacated. The Chelsea Standard wants the merobants of tbat village to put more bitching posts in front of their stores for aooommodation of farmers wbo oome tbere to trade. The Saline Farmers' Club meets at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hurd, in Pittsfield, tnday and B. N. Smitb willread a paper on "The present rural school system, bow it oan be improved." A large amount of building will be done in Cbelsea tbis year, A namber of new honses are now onder way and two new store buildings are in oontemplatioD. There is not a vacant bonse in tbe towu. E. C. Burdiok, of Ionia, was in towu tbis week íd tbe interest of tbe Anstin & Western Cu., manufacturera of stone crashers and road machines, trying to interest oor oity fathers in tbe purohase of a orusber. - Chelsea Standard. Don't yon buy one, nnlesa yon want a wbite elepbant on your bands. Robert Lambie, aged 76 years, died in Ypsilanti, Saturday, after a month's illDess. Deceased was one of the pioneer merchants of Ypsilanti. In 1839 be came to this locality froto Sootland and took up tbe oooupation of farming. Sbortly after be opened a tailor sbop iu Ypsilanti and later embarkad in the dry goods business. By strict attention to business be amassed a comfortable fortune and retired from meioantile life about 25 years ago. He was a member of tbe Presbyterian ohnrob, and leaves a widow and one daugbter to mourn bis loss. Clayton McFall, of Milan, would have lost bis life Sunday week bad it not been for tbe pressnoe of mind of Frank Dalrymple. Tbe boys were standing on a bridge watohing tbe river, wbiob was unusually bigb, when tbe railing of tbe bridge Buödenly gave way and yonng MoFall was precipitated into the water. Tbe curreut was so strong tbat be was nnable to reaoh tbe bank, but Dalrymple seized tbe broken railing, put it against a tree and held it there until MoFall oould get bold of it and then the boys who were witb hiiu pulled him out. Miss Laura Green wbo lives witb her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green in Manchester town, went down cellar Monday ot last week to gbt some gravel, wben the wall caved iu on ber and sbe would bave died bad not ber mother misser! ber and remembering tbat sbe went to tbe cellar, took a lanteru aud found her partly baried by the earth. She was extrioatad by a neigbbor and is reoovering. At the same time her father, who is nearly 100 years of age, started up the road after the cows aud feil upon bis face in the road and was unable to arise without help, whicb was afforded by a ueighbor. saaiCïïïïsaiaHss Chester B. Gregory, a well kunwn tinsmith, of Ypsilanti, died of paralysis Tuesday inorning. Joeepb Crossmau has purobased the hotel at Hamburg frora E. W. Wheeler aud will take possession May 1. The Normal college at Ypsilanti celebrated on Mouday, ie beiug memoria day. Prof. Daniel Putnain read a historical paper aod ex-Congressmau E P. Allen gave soine remiusoences o! early days at the suhonl. .lobn Surridge, au oíd and respectad pioneer, of Milán township, died at hie home a mile and a half west of Milan village Wednesday night of last week aged 72 years. He was a native o: Kravestock, Essex oonnty, England. Charles Naoker, of Salem, had been a Colorado miner from 1880-85 an( learned many pointers regarding the values of mineral produets. Last fal as he was putting a ditoh through bis farm, one mile north of Salem ne dis oovered some familiar stoues aud bog ore tbat gave hirn the impression tba they carried a profitable peroent of iron aud bis ouriosity conld, not bo appeasec until be expressed a sample to the Michiagn Agriooltural College for an alysis. Last week Mr. Naoker reoeiv ed the resolts of the analysis from Prof F. S. Kedzie as follows: No. 1 stone oontains 20.39 per cent; No. 2 bog iron ore contaus 53.58 per oent iron Wben this bog iron ore is near enough to a large city for the profit to more than cover the oost of transportation i is sold and used for tbe purifiuatiou o ilamiuating gas. The iron is not pie sent in snffioient quantity to pay for working the ore for iron." Mr. Naok er's impressions were well founded ant he still thinks Salem may yet be tbe sontheru Menominee of Michigan. -