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Still At Work

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The meeting of the directors of the L., D. & A. A. Wednesday of last week was the most important one held yet. The preliminary survey was ordered to be made and the engineers started out Monday for the purpose of measuring the distance accurately and determining whether the best route has been selected. The altitude, levéis, etc., will be taken. One hundred thousand dollars is all the aid that will be asked of Lansing, Ann Arbor and the intermedíate country, which is less than one-seventh the cost of the proposed line. Secretary Taylor will push subscriptions along from now on. He is going right at it and it remains with the people now to saywbether they want the road or not. The sooner the subscriptions are ready the earlier the road will be built. If subscriptions are ready in sixty days the road will be running Sept. 1. The breaking out of war is the only thing now that can interfere with the building of the road, if the aid is forthcoming from thiscity and other points. - Dexter Leader. Speaking of the Lansing, Dexter & Ann Arbor Eailroad, the Lansing Journal says: "A milk train, painted white, will" be one of tbe features of the proposed Lansing, Dexter & Ann Arbor electric railway. Regular trains will run every hour and a half, equipped with double-trucked, vestibuled cars that will be daisies. Every other car will be an all passenger coach and the altérnate coach a combination passenger, mail and express. Open excursión cars will be run for the excursión business. Even the freight cars will be " beauts." Farmers can have a side track run right to their barn doors and can have a steam cai from any part of the steam railway system of the country switched off in tb their barnyards. Farmers' homes and premises lighted by electricity is one of the many conveniences made possible and contetnplated by the directors of the southern electric line


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News