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Mike Sobatitz spant Thnrsday and Friday in Jackson. Gns Sodt, from Ana Arbor, oalled en frieudg bere Sunday. Miss Bertha Spenoer speur part of last week in Ann Arbor. George Mitohell, from Detroit, called on friends hure Satnrday. Will Stooking, from Laneing, spent Snnday and Mouday faere. Several from here attended oonfirmation at Rogéis' Corners Sanday. Town meeting was very lirely this year. Eaob party seoured a part of tbe offices. Mrs. Hattie Bradley, wbo bas been helping to care for Mrs. Morse, returner! to her home at Battle Creek Mouday. Died- Tbnisday, Maroh, 81, 1898, at ber home in Lima townsbip, MrN. T. F. Morse, aged 59 years Tbe deceased bad been a resident of Lima for 33 years, removing there from Lodi. She was wel] known to tbe people iu this part of tbe coanty. The fnneral services were beid at the house Snnday morning at 1 1 o'olook, Rev. Mr. KliugmauD, of Soio, offioiating. Tbe iuterment took place at Lodi Plaius. Süe leavea a hnsband, and three ohildreo, May, Amy and Charles.