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Detroit Schemers

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The Detroit Tribune and News came out froru under tbeir inasks on Snoday when in the columna of tbe NewsTribune was advocated tbe proposiciĆ³n to remove tbe universiiy as a whole to tbat city. Tbe long line of agitation and petitioning tbe legislatnre to remove the bomeopathio department to Detroit and also tbe oft-qnoted idea of removing tbe otber medical department tbat city thns acqniresdonble signifioanoe and only shows tbat it is anotber of the News-Tribnne oombinatinn's cnnning schemes to ultimately dismemlier tbe university or else absorb it as one of tbe anneses to tbat city's poor exonees for law and medical colleges, whioh only exist to giatify tbe overweening pride and bostility of some of Detroit's professional men to tbose departments of the university. Below is given tbe artiole: "There is still anotber enterpiise, possibly better tban any, wbereby tbe city of Detroit may immortalize itself. Tbe University of Michigan is bonsed perbaps in tbe poorest lot of buildings of any large university in the world. lts oampasis already overorowded. Tbe uoiversity is perennially inpeounioos. Tbere is not the wealth in Washtenaw connty to endow it. In the present day tbe tendeocies of the great universities are toward the large oities. Sooner or later the University of Michigan will be hampered by its locality in Ann Albor. "Now, suppose, as a bi-centennia] memorial Detroit raises a fund uf f3,000,000 to secure the removal of tbe university to this city. With tbe atSliation of our existing law, medical and art schools, and their valnable libraries and collections, and with the impetns wbicb would be given it by a gplendid eqoipment of bnildings for all pnrposes, Michigan University wonld spring at once to tbe very first position among tbe universities of tbe country. "We have been agitating of late tbe enoouragernent of mannfactoiies iu Detroit. Here is a mannfactory of tbe higbest valoe. It neversbuts down on aoeonnt of over production. It disbnrBes probably f rom $2,000,000 to 13,000,000 a year to tbe place of lts location. Simply as a oomruercial matter it wonld be a most desiiable acqnisition to our oity. But in tbe wond-widB prestige it wonld give us its valne wonld be inestimable. And tbe advantage wonld be reciproca]. Detroit wonld add Instre to the nniversity in its beanty of sitoation, its metropolitan advantages, its faoilitiee for boating (as important a oonsideration to Oxford and Cambridge as any of tbeir obairs of Greek or Hebrew), and in the kindly entbnsiasm of a rioh and onltnred peciple. And Detroit has as yet no state institntion of any kind for her citizens to feel pride in and to cherisb. Let ns have the university." Soripps' fichemes are nnmerons, but when they inclnde a proposition to remove the U. of M. to Detroit or any otber large city it is time a balt was called on tbem.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News