Thorough Work
It is to be regretted that the good ■ work credited to a southern cyclone by the New York Tribune cannot be generally extended over the country, unhindered by any attempt to repair damages. So will think those who dislike to see landscapes and roadsides disfigured by flaring adyertisements. A cyclone in a Georgia town recently blew away a big fence, on which the "aftertaking" picture of a local farmer had been painted by a patent medicine flrm. Soon afterward the old fellow received the following note írom a neighbor: "I'm sorry the cyclone blowed yer pictur' so far, but I've got good news for you. Bill Jinkins found yer left leg, Mart Wilkins is got a hunk o' yer back, Dan Jones found yer right arm, an' I understan' Sister Molly Brown is got t'other arm, likewise yer right leg. All the pieces I seen fit together good. What I wants to know now is, how much will yer give foryour head?"
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News