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Gat seediug has begun iu Mauobester township. Frank MoCaffrey, of Ypsilanti, is greeding sqnirrels for pets. Manchester sobool teachers are drilling the childreu for Deooratioa day exsrcises. Daniel Case, of Milán, has been granted an increase of pensioD frorn 8 to $10 a inonth. Rndolpb R. Paul, of Freadom, has one to Cbioago wbere he has a poaitiou as bookkeeper. M. C. Edwards, of Milan, bas traded his property in that illage for a farm in Ypsilanti towu and has moved there. R. H. Ostrander, forruerly a drnggist in Milau.died at his home in Monroe April 8, of pneumonía, aged 38 years. The infant son of Joseph Miller, of Ypsilanti, stuok his finger into bis papa's eye the other day, lacerating the eyeball quite badly. The fine for riding a bicyole on the sidewaik in Milan is $5, but it is not enforced as it shonld be. Tbere ara other ordinances violated. Jnst like Ann Arbor. M. O. Dey, who was killed ín Hillsdale last week by ruuuiug into tbe fast train ou tbe Lake Sbore road while riding a bicyole, was a pbotographer in Manchester a few years ago. Lamberc Renau, of Freedom, died April 8, aged 80 years. His wife died two days previons aged 81. Botb fnnerals were held the same day and were largely atteuded by sympathizing friends. Tbe recital at Whitmor6 Lake for tbe benefit of tbe Ladies' Aid Society was a soccess. Hies Qainby's bird trilling and selectioas from James Whitcomb Kiley were bigoly appreciated by the audience. Tbe cbild and Yankee dialects by Miss Nash wtra very effectiva. One of the Lebeck boys, sbot a wild swan Dear tbeir place in Sylvan oue day last week with a rifle. Yesterday S. P. Fcster was íd that vicinity aud heard abont the bird and went over to see ït. He pnrchased the same and brot.t;bt it t town aDd presented it to B. B. TnruBull, who üae sent it to Detroit to lie ïnunnted. It was a eennine wild ?waD, perfectly white and meascned eeven feet from tip to tip ou his wiiiRS aud from the tip of its táil to the caá of its beak was over six foot. This bird was Been in that vioinity a week agi and nnmerous bunters tried to bag him. - Chelsea Herald. Miss Mary Buss, of Freedom, is very low vvith consumptiou. 1 The piuk ey is epidemie ia the ' tuury loom of the Qrass Lake sobool. A grauge bas beeu organized at Btouy Creek with between 40 and 50 oharter ' membera. Charles Miller, of Cbelsea, has beeu appoicted a gnard at the state prisou at Jaoksou. Miss Mary Allen died in Dexter, April 7, of cunsumptiou, after a liugering illness. A rear end colusión] on the Michigan Central, at Dexter, oue day last week, wrecked three cars. Miss Florenoe Chapín, of Milan, is teaching the spring term of school in London, Monroe oouuty. The Chelsea public schools were olosed for 10 days Thursday of last week, ou account of diphtheria. The Mauohester Enterprise wunts thn traant officier to see to it that all young boya and girls attend soliool. Ypsilanti towuship has taken a step toward good roads by voting one day's ■work for $500 valuation of property. Mrs. Wiedemann is having a new cottage bnilt at Whitmore Lake on the site of the one burned a year ago. Rev. J. F. Orwick, of Jackson, delivered a leoture at the North Sharon sohool hoase Thursday fivening of last week. An oíd folks' dance will be held at the Dexter opera house this eveniDg for the benefit of the soldiers' monument. Auotioneer Fred Kraus says he hae seen the fiuest looking wbeat in Webster the past week that he has seen in many a year. Rev. J. A. Swenk, of Whittaker, bas been appointed by the M. E. conference to a pastorate in the sonth part of Monroe oounty. Mrs. S. T. Gridley, of Ypsilanti fcown, oelebrated her 76th birthday Monday evening of last week among a oompany of 50 friends. The Manoheter creamery will be started up again if the farmers will supply it with the milk necessary for its suocessfnl operation. Ten persons were baptized by Rev. Snier at the Sharon M. E. ohurch Snnday, April 10, and nine wero received ioto the cburoh on probatiou. Henry Heselschwerdt, of Chelsea, bad his wrist caoght between the bumpers and badly cut while ooupling oars on the Michigan Central one day last week. Jübn Dnody, sr., a well known resident of Dexter township and au old subaoriber of the Argns, died at bis home very suddenly Wednesday night of last week. Thotuas Young, sr , an old and respeoted resident of Lyndou, is lying dángerously ill. No bopes are entertaiued of his recovery. - Chelsea Standard. Aoril 14. Tbe Norman Qaackeuboss estáte in Angosta has been divided np amoug the heirs by S. S. Bibbins, Wm. Bishop j and P. J. Hammond, tbe j era aupointed by the probate oourt. Some cbildren made a bonflre in Wui. Raiser's yard in Bridgewater, Monday of last week. The flre spread and oousomed a hog pen, tooi house, ioe hoase and hen honss. The horse barn near by was saved on!y by great effort. Will Holzbauer, of üexter, had the tbumb and forefioger of bis left hand badly mnashed reoently wbile driviDg n well on Lon Bennett's farm in Webster. The conplina of the 250 lbs. weiglitosed in drivingthe tubiagbroke and Iet tbe weigbt fall abont three feet making a terrible wound. The remains of Cnrtis Emeriok, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jaoob Bmeriok, of ypsilanti. were interred ïn Highland oemetery Satnrday. The deceased man was fonnd dead beside some flood wood on tbe river bank at Charlotte and it is tbought tbat apoplexy was the oanse of bis death. He was 52 years of age and leaves a wife aud family. The new offioers of the Chelsea Epworth League are: President, S. C. Stimpsoii; lat vice president, Flora Kempf; 2nd vice president, Mrs. M. G. Curtís; 3rd vioe president, Mrs. Jas. R. MoLaren; 4th vioe president, Mrs. F. P. Glazier; seoretary, Charles Barton; treasurer, Ethel Bacon; choriiter. Nellie Congdon; pianist, Edith Coügdon. The Western Washtenaw Ilnion Farmers' Clnb held a well attended meeting at the home of Emil Zenke, in Freedom, yesterday. The topics for discussion were "What relation sbonld we sustain to our schools?" aud "If the U. S. should adopt the postal s;,vings bank system, how could the fnnds be safely ntilized so as to bring tbe greatest good to the greatest number of people?" Saline Observer: Anotber mystery bas been reported in York townsbip. Sometbing üke 10 years ago, JMrs. W. W. Kelsay who lives a few miles east of tbe York cbnrob, beoaine afflicted of a spinal trouble wbich bas sinoe compelled her to remain in bed most of the time. Sbe ba3 since baffled theskill of a dozen pbysioians, none of whom have been able to relieve her in tbe least acd her life has been a most tedious one. A few weeka since she learned of a bealor who was somewhere in the west, and wrote him, saying tbat at 10:30 o'olocb on a certain day sbe wonld üke to be cured. A little befyre the bour arrived on that day she asked ber husband to help ber into a big ohair aud to buudle ber up, he did so aud eb then anxioasly watched the olock nutil tbe time oame, when a seneation passed over bet and she at onoe arope. diessed herself and assisted in getting tbe dinner. Tbe next day sbe went to obnrcb and last week she and ber bnsband visited at tbe home of their brother-in-law J. B. Lasbier. R. Henry Soadin, of Wabster, has ■etnrned from a wiuter's stay in Highands, N. C. Maurioe F. Lantz's new house at vVbitmore Lake is just about ready for aií occupauoy. Christ Eiseninann is dow oocupying :ne Philip Gruuar farm io Freedorn whieh he purchased soine time ago. Deacon Calvin Lowe, of Willis, vsho 3ied the otber day, bad lived on the Earm on whiob he died for 45 yeats. Wm. Bnrtless, of Manchester, is boing strougly urged by Teoumssh business men to go there and buy wbeat. The uusightly wooden awuings in front of business hooses on Main st., Qrass Lake, have been removed in part. A son of Alvin Pratt, of Dester, was kicked in the face by a horse Monday uigbt of last week and lay unoonsoious for four hours. The Spring .Lake loe Co. bas deoided to plat five aores of land in Wbitmore Lake info village lots and place them on the market. The Manchester school board has invited Prof. Essery, all the teachers and the janitor to rernain aoother year at the same salaries. Mr. Fred J. Wendhanser, of Milan, and Miss Mary Miller, of Saginaw, were married at the Baptist parsonage in Dexter, April 9. Mrs. Deyball, of Chelsea, was throwu from her carriage uear Korth Lake Mouday of last week aud fraotaied one of her legs. Peter McGue, a well known resident of Dexter, died of oancer of the stomaoh after a painful illuess of soveral ruonths duration, April 8. Rev. D. Carter, of Milford, wil! leoture for the benefit of the Epworth League at the Methodist chuvoh, Dexter, Thursday evening of nest week. Charles Arnold, of Superior, had his large harns destmyod by tire receutly together with several horses and oattle. Insured for fGOO in the Washteuaw Mntnal.


Ann Arbor Argus
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