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Eugene E. Beal has openerl up a Rhoe store in Owosso. It is iu charge of Charles Zeifle. Ralph Farnum has been appoiutert a Bobstitnte mail carrier at the Ann Arbor post office by Postrnaster Beakes. Mrs. Bridget McMabon, of Ann Arbor, bas been granted a widow's penBiou of $2 per month. Prof. R. B, Keiapf is makiag preparatioos for a fine evening's musical entertainment whioh will be given BOOD. Oscar O. Sorg is doing tbe job of paiotirig the buildings at tbe county poor farm, bis bid being by far the lowest one received. Miss Seabolt, pianist, Walter Crego, oornetist, Alberto Long, violinist, and Frank Mnlntyre, baritone, gave a concert at Hamburg Toesday night. The New State Telebpone Co. bas declared a quartorly dividend of two per cent, payable May 1. The company bas expended $400,000 duriug the paHt year in oonstruoting new lines. N. W. Ayer & Co., of PhiladeJphia, have made applioation to the school board to advertise the Aun Arbor high eohool. The oommunicatiou bas been referred to the oommittee on supplies. The opening of the Ann Arbor Clearing House Monday demonstrated its advantagss as a time saver for the banks. Tbe olearance was made in eight minutes. Under tbe old method it used to take nearly an honr. People baving reserved seats for the May Festival in Seotions 2 and 3 down stairs, should be snre and see tbat they are exohanged. New seats have been put in and numbers ohanged, making this absolntely neoessary. The Festival Journal contains full iut'ormation ou this matter. The Miobigan Central Railroad Co. bas issued an order stating thatany employé of the oompauy who desires to go to the front in oase of hostilities and does go, will flnd bie position, or a better one, awaiting him at the close of the war. The order is made general, oovering employés in all branches of the road's service. The I. D. Y. Club had a party at the home of Miss Agnes E. Finuell, in Dixboro, the otber evening, when eight new members were taken into the club and initiated. At 12 o'clook a bonntiful supper was sered to whioh 30 aat down and did ampie jnatice. After supper musio and games followed till au early hour in tbe morning and all had a glorious time. ■ Boro, to Mr. and Mrs. George E. Apfel, Saturday moraiag, twin girls. Mrs. Eliza R. Sonderland preaohed in the Unitarian charol), Jackson, Sonday morning. The sparrow lionnties íd tbis oounty laounted np 10 $137.3? last month. Just that mach ruoney spent for no eartbly good. The Yonusr Men's Catholio Clnb eave an enj ij uble box social in the C. M. B. A. litil Thnrsday evening of Jast week tu 30 of its members and their ladies. Prof. Charles H. Cooley has been appointed by Governor Pingree a delégate to the national oonferenoe of oharities and corrections to be held in New York city May 18-20. From April, 1897, to April, 1898, the University Hospital Cirole of the King's Daughters paid ont $358 to keep wortby but aeedy sufferers at the Uuiveraity hospital for treatment. Luiuk Bros. have the oontract für fnrnishing the luiuber and inside finishing of tbe new law building. The contract was seonred in conipetition with some of the largest Detroit firms. Jaokson Press : Tbe remains of Wm. Meacham, who died at the prison Wednesday, were shipped to Ann Arbor tbis morning by Unertaker Bennett, none of his friends caiing to bear the expense of burial. The hearing in tbe case of Aaron Cauine, the York farmer charged with plaoing ties on the D., Y. & A. A. railroad traok in Pittsfield, oommenoed in Justice Dnffy's court Friday morning. Shortly after noon an adjournmeut was taken nntil next Monday. Welch Post, No. 137, G. A. R., Welch Corps, W. R. C, and J. T. Jacobs Camp, No. 90, S. of V., will attend service at the First Baptist church in a body, Sunday morning, May 29, tbe Sanday next preueding Memorial day, on invitation of Rev. T. W. Young. Miss Emma E. Bower, great record keeper L. O. T. M., was in Detroit Tuesday at a sessiou of the executive comrnittee of the great hive. On Wednesday the comniittee witneseed the exemplification of the work of the convention hive, as it wilJ be given before the bienuial review in Detroit in June. The Ohio Central Hailroad has offered a speoial excursión rate tbrough J. J. Kirby, assistant general passenger agent of the Ann Arbor Railway froni Findlay, Obio, to Toledo, for April 28, on aocount of the performance at the Valentino theater by the St. Thomas' Dramatic Society of this oitv. Thursday eveniiig of last week 20 friends and classmates of Oren J. Bury assembled at his home, 617 Spring st. , and gave him a rousing suiprise party it being his 19th biithday. The evening was spent in music, recitations, speeohes and games, during the conrse of whiob refreshments were served and a flashlight pioture of the party was taken. The mystery which bas snrronnded the disappearance of James Foley, of Lansing, on Deo. 14 last, has been oleared up. On Thnrsday of last week his dead body was found in a swamp hole in Eaton conuty. His sou-in-law, C. A. Maynard, the State st. grocer identified the body. It is supposed tbat Mr. Foley committed soioide. Says Vioe President Angus of the D., Y. & A. A. eleotric line: "If the oooncil does not delay ns about tbe Congress st. bridge we will be running electrio oars between Ann Arbor and Detroit by May. We will have cars out as far as WayDe this week while the traok is alreadv laid as far as Sheldons." This nieaus that in about three weeks the line will be oompleted. Manchester Enterprise: This week will see the doors of Mack & Co. 's store in this village closed. Mr. Maok carne here four years ago and bougbt the Mack & Sobimd stook and has done a rushing business ever since. He has been one of the best patrons of the Enterprise and hundreds of people have watohed its columns for his. weekly announoements. He has drawn people to this village from mauy miles away and has given theni bargains suoh as they bad never known before. Is it then to be woodered at that our readers join us in regretting bis decisión to close the stoie? n,i „iniüühB-w1 - There are a nuinber of cases of measles íd tbe oity. The Epwortb Leagne of the M. E. ohurch will give an entertainment in JBibg School hal!, May 5. "Onr FJat" oompany whioh was to have appeared at the Athens Theater April 29 is stranded in Chioago and will not be hete. Miss Clara Jaoobs, Ann Arbor's popalar vocalist, will sing an offeitory in St. Thomas' charoh next Snuday at the 10:30 a. m. service. Roland Reed will play a return date at the Athens Theater, the early part of next njonth. He will pnt on his new play "A Man of Ideas." Major Seymour Howell, in corurnand of the batallion of which Co. A is a rueniber, is recognized all over tbe United States as a thorougbly eduoated military man of praotioal experience. An aotnal pbotograph of gold hnntera "Crossing the Chilkoot Pasa" whiob was sent to J. E. Beal by a friend who is now in tbat región, is on exhibition in Goodyear & Co. 's drng store window. George Dengler, wbo has been employed in tba Courier bindery for several yeais, is makiug arrangements to go into business for bimsself in tbe Ann Arbor Saviugs Bank blook. He is succeeded by Gustave A. Weinkauff, formerly with F. .T. Schleede. The Ann Arbor road will run its first excursión for tbe season of 1898 on Sunday, May 8, from Mt. Pleasaut to Toledo. From tbat time oq nntil the close of the resort season tbe road will conduct an exoursion every Sunday, alternating from Mt. Pleasnt to Frankfort and from Mt. Pleasant to Toledo. Tbe road will also oommence its Snnday excursions from Ann Arbor to the lakes in a short tinue, as soon as the weather is warm and favorable. Saginaw Lodge, No. 47, B. P. O. Elks, presented the Saginaw división of the naval reserves with a magnificent silk flag, on Monday evening last. It is not generally known or even surinised tbat suob a presentation by tbe Elks is a peculiarly appropriate one, in view of the fact that no oue who is not a Dalive bom or fully naturalized oitizen of thu United States can belong to tbat order, and that tbe national colors at all times drape tbe altars in its lodge rooms. Rev. E. D. Kelly has perfected arrangement for the production by the St. Thomas' Dramatio Club, of '"Kobert limmett" at the Valentine Theater, Toledo, on the evening of Thursday, April 28. A special theater train will run from Aun Albor on that eveuing. leaving at 5 o'oluck standard returning to leave Toledo at 11:30 p. m. Fare for adults 75 cents, for ohildren under 12, 40 oeuts. Tbose intendiug to go can go on tbe 31:25 a. m. train if they profer it. Milan Leader: In the appointment of Geo. H. Pond, of the Anu Arbor Couiier, as postmaster at Ann Arbor, Washtenaw editors feel as tbough a personal favor had been conferred upon fiaob of them, and the act fnrther shows an appreciation and a recognition of the services aud power of the newspapec fraternity. Ann Arbor, whiob has been thus favoied during tbe last few years, is to be cougratulated upon tbe continuanoe of tbat kind of post office administration. Tbe monthly bulletin of vital statistics for March shows the number of { deaths in Wasbtenaw oounty to bave been 75, divided as follows: Anu Arbor oity 33, Ann Arbor town 2, Augusta 1, Bridgewater 1, Chelsea 2, Dexter 2, Freedom 4, Lima 1, Lodi 1, Manohester 2, Nortbfield 1, Pittsfield 2, Salem 1, Saline 4, Soio (inolnding Dexter village) 2, Sharon 1, Webster 1, York 3, Ypsilanti town 1, Ypsilanti city 10. No deaths in Lyndon, Superior, Manohester village, or Milan village; no report from Sylvan. At the regular meeting of Lyceum No. 1 Anu Arbor high school, Friday evening the program, consisting of roll cali, patriotio sayings, message by tbe president; speeob "Am I willing to go towar," Forkner; "Budget," Tinker, was entertainingly carried out. The debate in whioh Messrs. Jetfers and Mead took the aflirmative and Messrs. Huston and Potter the uegative, was on the subjeot "Resolved, tbat the United States has the right to secure Cuban independence by armed intervention. " Tbe judges decided for the affirmative 3 to 1. Dnring thfl past weet O. M. Martin has condooted the funerala of four old persons whose total age aggregated 345 years and 24 days. Yesterday morning Marshal Sweet took Fred Morton, aged 14 years, to the Lansing Reform School, to remain there nntil he is 18 years of age. Myrtle Moon was granted a divorce last Satnrday by Judge Kinne from her busbaud Charles Mood on the gronnd of extreme cruelty. Both parties reside in Ypsilanti. The news of the president Jbaviog signed the Cnbac resolntions was received in Ann Arbor 10 minntes after the aot bad been consumruated. Co. A at onoe floated the national oolors from tbe flagstaff at the armory and they say it will stay there nutil the difïioulty with Spain is settled. A Tnscola county editor, in desoribing a cyolone, said it tnrned a well wrong end np, a cellar npside down, moved township lines, blew all tbe staves out of a whiskey barrel and left nothing bat the bung-hole, cbanged the day of tbe week, blew all the oraoks out of fenoes and took tbe wind out of a politiciau. Judge Babbitt was in Detroit yesterday. A bicyclist ran into him and spilled him around on Woodward ave. like a deck of cards in tbe hands of a new beginner in a lady's whist olub. He picked bimself up and took an inventory but found bimself still intaot and without any claims against an accident insnrance company. - Times. Mr. and Mrs. Myron H. Mills celebrated the 25th anniversary of their wedding at tbeir bome on Packard st. last Friday evening, wben abont 60 of their relatives and friends weie present to do tbem bonor. Many beautiful ?ifts were presented to Mr. snd Mrs. Mills as mementoes of tbe oooasion. During the evening Master Fred Daley Rang several delightfnl solos. Leo, Ypsilanti's pacing wonder, had a serious altercation at tbe atbletio field in Ann Arbor Wednesday witb the Alpha Delta Phi buil dog. The bnll dog was turned loose upon tbe plebeian Leo bnt in about 15 minutes tbere was not enough sonnd flesh left of the Alpha Delta Phi terrier to stiok a sooiety pin into. It is thongbt that the shock to the system of the buil dog will prove fatal. - Times. Paul G. Suekey, representing tbe Michigan Sugar Co. of Bay City, was in town Thnrsday. He reports that the company bas contraots for beet raising whion oover neatly 2,700 acres. Sbould a suflicieut acreage not be eeoured by contract the oompany purposes to nter upon the woik of cultivation itself, in order to make the first season's run an assnred snooess. Those who contract to raise two or three acres tbis year will be given the preferenoe for future oontracts. - Clio Star. William Aotion, an old soldier aD,j sailor residing in this oity does not incline to tbe opinión that the United States would have an easy job in defeating the Spaniards. He says: "I was in the British army even years and in the British navy seven years. I also saw three years of service in tbe civil war under Sberman. While on tbe Mediterranean I was in a position to watcb the Spanisb maneuver their battleships and I teil you tbey could do it as proficiently as the British or any other nation." The cantata "King David" as given at Zion's Lutheran ohurcb Wednesday evening by tbe soloists and ohoruses oonneoted with the cboir of the ohurob, is spoken of by those who heard it as being ons of tbe finest pieces of singing that has been beard in tbis city in mauy a day. Tbe solos wera well sung and the oboruses strong, well drilieü and eft'ective. The cburcb was crowded with an attentive and delighted audience, and the bigbest meed of praise is due to Mr. Louis Boes, nnder whose diiection tbe cantata was given. J. T. Jacobs Oamp, No. 90, S. of V., oelebrated its lOth nnniversary Tnesday evening witb a banquet, at wbicb there was a large nuiuber of veterans and sons of veterans present. Past Captain Colin M. Stevens acted as toastmaster of the evening and among other speakers introduced Hon. J. T. Jaoobs, Col. H. tí. Dean, Major Sonle, Captain Robert Campbell, Captain William Krapf, of the Sods of Veterans, and Edward Krapf, división quarterinaster. Music was furnished by Messrs. Thomas, Jones and Cox, and Charles Sboeman read a poem of nis own composition called "Sous of Veterans. ' ' About 75 people from Anu Arbor attended the dancing party given by the ladies of the Eastern Star at Light Guard hall, Ypsilanti, Friday evening. There were in all 104 couples at tbe party, so Anu Arbor furnisbed oue-third of the entire quota. Finney's orohestra played music for dancing that was a revelation to the Ann Arborites, both as regards the brillianoy of its time and spirit, aud tbe party was greatly enjoyed. Tbe program was a mixed one of round and set dances so that all oould and did partioipate. A special motor conveyed the Ann Arbor party to and from Ypsilanti, arriving here at 2 a. m. The lowest bids for the paving of Main st. and putting in storm sewers presented to the coirruon counoil Monday night were tbose of William J. Clancy, of Ann Arbor, and tbe Alcatraz Asphalt Co. Mr. Clancy's figures for a brick pavement are $16,409, and for the storm sewer $4,005.70, a total bid of $20,414.70. The Aleatraz Asphalt Co. offers to put down an asphalt pavement for #16,623, or the pavement and sewer for $22,700. Taking the Aleatraz Co. 's bid of $16,623 for the pavement and W. J. Clanoy's or Herman Hutzel's bid of $4,005.70 for the sewer would make the lowest total bid for asphalt and sewer $20,628, or $214 more than it would oost for brick.