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Mrs. H. A. Viuoent is quite ill with tbe grip. Born, April 24, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Bortles, a daogbter. Mr. Green, of New York, is tbe gnost of Mrs. H. GUI. Mr. and Mrs, Minto are moving into tbeir new home on County st. Mr. and Mrs. .T. C. Ronse aro visitiug friends in Saline aud vicimty. R. Ingersoll, of Durand, spent Saturday and Sunday with bis fainily in Milan. H. C. Markham, of Ann Arbor, was tbe (?uest of Attorney and Mrs. G. R. Williams tbe last of the week. Mrs. Mate Ostrander and ohildreD, of Monroe, ara the gnests of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wisdom on Connty st. Tbere will be a uonundrum sonial at the residenoe of Mrs. Ella Bray Friday evening undar the auspioes of the B. Y. P. U. Prof. C. A. Carriok has purohased 10 acres of land in Trenton. Looks as thongh there might be a fruit farm some time in the future. W. Seaney was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kelley and family for a few days, leaving for his home in Fort Wayne, Indiana, the last of the week. Rev. R. N. Bouok preaohed bis last pastoral sermón Sunday at tbe Baptist oburch, but be iatends remaining in Milan and will preaoh hereafter in the Union churoh on W. Main st. The O. E. S. will give a pitriofcio concert at the Masonio temple Wednesday evening under the management of the following committees: Editor A. B. Smitb, Miss Mattie Carrick, and Miss Edna Zimmerman. Co. jB, f'rom Adrián, aud Co. C, form TeoumseJb, went through Milan Tuesday moDring en route for Islaud Lake. Tbere was a orowd of Milan people at tiie rlppot to greet tbem. The boys were u lue looking lot of soldier?. Thoy Bang suugs aud threw beautifnl boquets at the ladies and were making tbe best of the situation. Sunday morning R. Wiloox's horse sot frightened at a bicyole rider and Mr. W. in pnlling the borse up broke botb the lines, leaving tbe horse to ake its own conree. Mr. Wilcox and tfr. Elliot who were in the carriage nmped. Both tbe geutiemeu were slightly bait and tbe carriage was biokeu. Tbe borse was oaugbt in a short time uniüjured. "War, War," and "Are you fgoing ;o figbt the Spaniards?" can be beard froni groups of men on all of the street corners. Plags, both ü. S. and Cuban, float from mauy of tbe Milan homes. There is strong talk of raising a oom)any. of Milanites. Tbree of the boys iave gone witb companies from different poiuts as follows: Attorney Wm. Hurray with Co. A, Ann Arbor, Xara Swick with Co. B, Adrián, and T. Wayne with the Ypsilanti company.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News