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dxruuxnjxnjxruTJijTjTjxnjTJTxiJTrijiJvuTja The homeopathie hospital bas bfeo allowed tbe nse of two additional nnrses. Miss Emma Bnllook, of Howell, bas been granted a diploma of gradaation froro tbe university training sohool for nnrses. Cbief Jnstioe Grant, of tbe suprema coort, wi]l deliver an aóNJress to tbe stodents of the nniversity at some date in the neai future. Tbe late Judge Samuel T. Douglas, of Grosse Isle, left bislarge law library of 800 volumes, to the university, and the regents have aooepted the same. All work at the nniversity was suspended from 9:45 to 13 o'olook Tuesday, and the stndents generally embraoed tbe opportnnity to take part in the entbusiastic send-off of Cos. A and G. Secretary of State Day. of Obio, senda bis boy to the U. of M. Secretary Alger, of Michigan, sends his boy to Harvard. Both ooileges are all rigbt, bnt doesn't it look peonliar? - Courier. Dr. Meyers, of Clinton, Iowa, a gradaate of the medical department in 1861, and wbo niarried Miss Lanrett Corbin in 1863, is dead. Botb Dr. and Mrs. Meyers were well known in Ann Arbor. In spite of the rain two bundred stndents were out on the campas last nigbt, divided into about 20 squads and drilled by ex-militia rnen and students who prepared at military academies. No enrollment was made. Edgar Bates, a member of last year's gradnating class, writes froin Fort St. Philip, La., that tbe goverument is working 800 men night and day building fortifleations. He is timekeeper. Torpedoes will be planted in the rivei. The failnre of tbe Coldwater high school to pass esaiuinations for admission to the nniversity has caused an investigation, and it is alleged that the anthorities at the nniversity are about to drop Coldwater from tbe diploma list. Prof. Mortimer E. Cooley has been granted leave of absence until October 1, or longer if neoessary, to permit him to aocompany the naval reserves to the ooast. George B. Wiloox, engineering, '95, of Bay City, will attend to Prof. Coolay's woik in the university. The following men will represent the 'Varsity in the relay race at Philadelphia: F. A. Hatob, Detroit: Clayton Teetzel, Chicago; H. A. Hayes, Chicagn; N P. Thompson, Port Hnron; A. M. Webster, Elyiia, O. Hayes, the fastest man, runs the quarter in 53 seuonds on a very slow track. The annnal debate between the üniversities of Michigan and Chicago takes place in univestity hall this evening. The snbjeot for the debate is, "Resolved, that the action of tbe seuate in rejecting the proppsed treaty of arbitration between Great Britain aud tbe United States was wise. " Michigan will defend tbe affirmative side of the question. At thé meeting of the board of regents Friday, it was decided that auy senior of good staudiag, who enlists in the United States service at this time sball reoeive his diploma in June, ag if hé bad completad his conrse. Also, that all other students stopping work now to enlist shall be allowed to take op their work at the samé time in auy future without additioual fees. Prof. Lewia Begemann, instructor in pbysics and cbemistry at Parsons college, Iowa, and bis luotber are spending some days in Ann Arbor, tbe Jatter receiving treatment for cataraot of the eye from Dr. Fleming Carrow, wbile tbe former is visiting old friends, and noting with interest tbe improveruents in tbe varióos departments of the university sinoe he gradnated in 1889. Tbe titles of several of the U. of M. professors bas been changed by tbe boaid of regents. Prof. Lombard is now known as professor of pbysioJogy, Prof. McMurrich as professor of anatomy and direotor of the anatomical laboratory, and Dr. Haber as assistant jrofessor of anatomy and director of be bistological laboratory. Charles j. Bliss, assistant in physiological cbemislry bas been transferred to the aboratory of hygiëne. At the meeting of the board of legents Friday tbe deans of tbe different lepartment sabmitted a plan for preventing furtber scandals in tbe Studnts' Lectnre Assooiation, ■wbieh was adopted. All tiokets will be issued by tbe treasnrer Qf tbe university, wbo will give them to S. L. A. offioers and take reoepts. All offioers will make written reports to tbe treasurer of tbe university. An auditing committee wil] be appointed, whose cbairman sball be a member of tbe university senate. All entertainments sball be approved by the president of the nniversity before contraots are made and all contracts must be approved by tbe auditing board.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News