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The 'Varsity field day will take place May 31. The dnal meet with Illinois has been canoeled, at tbe reqnest of Illinois. In the baseball game between Miohigan and Chioago at Regenta' Field, Tuesday afternooD, Michigan was viotorions by a score of 5 to 4. Fred Heffelbower, '97 lit, bas oaptnred a f60 scbolarship at Colombia University throngh bis thesis on "Military Terins Used by Caesar." The city road roller was loaned to tbe Atbletic Assooiatiou Saturday and with it the baseball diamond and ttaok at Regents' Field were rolled down smootb and firiii. Dr. Yaughan will leave this week for Washington to attend tbe meeting of tbe American Association of Pbysioians, wheie be will present a paper on uric acid oompoands. Tbe uational convention of College Repnblioan Clnbs, which was to be held May 19 and 20, bas been postpond nntil next October, after the opening of tbe college year. The new offioers of the S. C. A. were iDstalled Sunday evening at Newberry hall. Dr. J. H. Kellogg, of Battle Creek, delivered a fine address on "The Qreater CbristiaDity." Prof. Fred L. Ingraham has resigned his position on the Normal College faoulty and will return to tbe university next fall. He will complete his literary oonrse next year and then enter upon the practice of law. Tbe eigbth annual contest in tbe Northern Oratorical League will be beid this evening at Evanstou, 111., under the auspioes of Northwestern University. Charles Simons will represent the U. of M. and will deliver bis address on "John Brown." The Students' Lectnre Association eleotion Saturday afternoon was close and exciting, and resulted in the oboice of an electoral ooilege which assures tbe victory of the literary ticket, witb .1. S. Latbers at its bead as president, and H. J. McCreery as oorresponding seoretary. U. of M. Daily: In all probability the dual track and field meet witb Chioago will be held at Detroit the 28th of tbis montb instead of June 11, as formerly soheduled. If the ohange is made we will play Chioago baseball at Chioago on May 19 and June 11, and the state high sohool meet will be beid here June 11. Micbigan's representatives T. Berkible, Lloyd C. Whittnan aad David Dillon defeated tbe representatives of Cbioago Uuiversity in the debate at Univprsity ball Friday evening, the deoiaiou of tbe jadges being nnanimous for Michigan. Tbe verdict of the audienoe and friends of both sides sustained the decisión of the judges. President James B. Angelí has an artiole in the Micbiganensian, whicb was issued Tuesday, on "Two Egyptian Uuiversities. " It is the first arfcicle for publiation that President Angel! bas written since bis going to Tarkey and is a most interesting one. He desoribes the peonliarities of Hfe at tfce universities of Heliopolis and Cairo, both of whicb he visited in his recent trip op the Nile. Prof. M. E. Cooley passed his two days' examinaton at the bands of tbe government experts with great eolat. It is 14 yoars since Mr. Conley left tbe navy, but be asked for the hardest examination be oould be given. Tbe examination was made to cover everytbing and Mr. Cooley passed it a topDotcher, eligible to be a obief engiueer in tbe Davy. He will be the bead of the engineers' Btaff on the Yosemite. At the meeting of the State Medioal Society in Detroit today Dr. Doe will be cbairman of tbe eection on tbeory and practioe, aDd Dr. Novy will present two papers. Odo of tbem, on room dieinfection, will compare the relativo merits of tbe formaline and snlpbur methode. The other paper wil] be on yellow fever, based on Dr. Novy's investigations, whiob were begon in Paris and only reoently finished. Co. A of tbe U. of M. was orsanized Friday evening. Tbe membership of the oompaDy is limitfed to 45 in order that profloienoy in discipline may ba acquired as soon as possible. The offioers of tbe company will be a captain, two lientenants, five sergeants, foor oorporals, on6 quarter-master sergeant and two boglers. Wm. Magly, of Cincinnati, bas been eleoted captain and Mr. Atkinson flrst lientenant. Over 50 applications have already been received for membersbip, bat as the reqnirements are high many will doabtless fail in gaining admission. Tbe University of Michigan Alumni Assooiation is sending ont oircnlars for the purpose of inoreasing its membership and to flud out wbether its members want a banquet. If tbe replies indicate tbat tbe banquet is deslred by tbe members, notice will be immediately sent ont stating the exaot date and other deatils. Assooiate members may prooure tickets for this banquet on payment of f4. It is proposed to entertain the acting president and Huch other members of the facnlty as may aooept their hospitality. Invitations will also be sent to men of prominenoe wbo will be invited to deliver short speeches on tbis occasion. Twenty-two membeis of the Detroit Naval Reserves were stndents in tbis university. Their namea, with their class and present positions, are as follows : M. E. Cooley, chief engineer ; i T. H. Hinchman, '91, flrst assiatant maahinist; M. W. Campan, '96, water tender; E. J. Ryan, '94, oiler; R. G. Kirohner, '97, ooxawain; S. S. Hanes, '93, gunner'a mate; Edwin Denby, '95 L, gunner's mate; P. A. Hinobiuan, '95, seaman; H. L. Lyster, '95, seainan; A. W. Russell, '9(i, seaman; H. W. Standart, '9S, seaman ; A. P. Gilmore, '95 L, seaman ; M. O'CoDDor, '95 L, seaman; T. A. SConeman, '94 L, ordinary seaman; M. B. Snow, '99, ordinary seaman ; George Bnrke, '97 dent, ordinary seaman; A. J. Moritz, '9?, orditiary 1 man; A. M. Campau, '97, ordinary seaman; T. J. Keeua, '01, ordiuary seaman ; R. G. George, '93, yardsman ; H. W. Newoomb, !01, yarderoan; M. L. Tilton, '00 L, yardsman.


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