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Editor of tbe Argns: May a reader of yonr paper ask a question tbrongh its columns: Wby are tbere more deaths from that one dread disease consnmptioD, in Washtenaw connty, than from all tbe other diseasea put togetber? At Ann Arbor where doctors are turned ont by Wholesale and great surgioal operations are done, a man may bave bis leg or iead ent off and sewed on and be better thaD before, bnt anytbing that needs science to cure it, like consutuption, wby all the people may die before being cnred. Miohigau is a temblé state for that one disease. It is also a great state for earning. Look at tbe medical schools here are. and why is nota little progress made in the curing of tbat disease as well as some othera. H. T. (Our oon-espondent sbould reoollect bat tbere are uo more deatbs in Washennaw oounty from oonsomption tban here are in other parts of the state. )r. Vaugban, tbe dean of the medical aoulty, has for years been advooatiDg be establishment of a consnmption jospital for tbe sole treatment of tbat class of patients, but so far bis efforts iave not been productivo of suooess. r'rogress has also been made in the reatment of consnmption and in au. y jeople are made to enjoy better bealtb, f they are not cnred, when the disease s taken in time and properly treated.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News