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Heiberfc Benedict was given 10 days in jai), for vagtaucy, by Justioe DnSy yesterday. Boru, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Smitb, of Aun Arbor town, Monday, May 9, a 10-pound baby boy. The repnblioan oongressional conventiou for the second district will meet in Adu Arbor, Weduesday, July 20. J. L. Babcock has had a fine Portlaud cement walk bnilt around his handsome residenoe corner of E. Ann and N. Divisiou sts. At the regalar meeting of the board of public woiks Wednesday night Dr. W. B. Siuith was re-eieoted president tot the ensuing year. Sergeant C. L. Petrie, of Co. A, and Mrs. Marie Baner were mariied Wednesday eveniag by Rev. VV. L. Tedrow. Another war marriage. Morgan Williams bas resigned his job as a ïnotorinan on the electric railway and has gone back to work at bis trade with C. H. Major & Co. Mrs. Ross Granger will continue the Monday and Saturday evening parties from 8:30 to 10:30 p. ia. at the academy. Admissicin, 25 cents per conple. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sohmid entertained 102 of the yonng people of Zion Lutheran church Monday eveoing, at théir home on S. Fifth ave. It was a very pleasant; and sooiable evening. May Festival refreshments will be served each evening after the concerts iii the oíd chapel, University hall. Ice crearu, cake coffee, iced tea, etc., uuder anspïoes of the Students' Christian 'Association. Times: Mra. Wm, Wheelar went to ïsland Lake Wednesday to ineet her hushand, a rnernber of Co. C, First Infantry. Returning she was taken with a serious case of inflarumation of thé stomach. She is Leing cared for by the oity. The proceeds from the lecture by Dean C. Woroester on "The Phillipine Islands" at the Athens Theater Wednesday evening amounted to $?5 for the benefit of Co. A's indebtedness. It was a fine lecture and was greatly enjoyed by those persent. The Michigan erop report of May 6 says: "The ontlook for fruit of all kinds is generally promising tbroughont the state. The average percentage for apples is, for the state, 91, and for peaches 94. The sectional averages range from 90 upwards. The letters froni fruit specialists oonfirm tbe high : averages here given." ; i Golden Rnle and Fraternity Lodges, E. fc A. M., will have a joint meeting Thnrsday evening next when the tbirl deeree will be worked. Th is will be followed by an elabórate banquet. The oaodidates will be Prof. B. M. Tboinpsqq and President Gottlob Luick. The grand, lodge of Michigan is expeoted to be present. The work will be done by pjoked members of botb lodges. Eev. H. E. Lutjen, pastor of the Germán Evangelical churoh at Ypsilauti, celebrated bis öOtb birthday Tuesday. Four minister, from Detroit, one from Ann Arbor and one from Dundee were present to help him celébrate the event. Services were held in tbe cbureb in tbe evening and after these closed the ministers and oongregation repaired to Mr. Lntjen's home wnere refresbments were sorved and a deligbtful time spent. Miss Amelia MoLaren was married in Chicago, on Tbursday of last week, May 5, to Mr. Richard Wirt Groom. Mr. and Mrs. Groom will be at home at 511 E. Kingsley st., Ann Arbor, from May 20 to Sept. 1. Miss MoLaren faas been a resident of Ann Arbor nearly all ber life and is well known as one of onr brigbtest young women. Tbe Argos wishes Mrs. Groom every happiaess in her new relations. Thursday nigbt of last week Dr. C. Gt. Darling left bis horse and fcuggy standing on Detroit st. while he went ínto a house to cali on a patiënt. Wfaen he carne out again they had disappeared. Tbe sheriff and pólice were notified and seareb was made for tbe thief. On Friday Jesse Seabring was arrested on suspicion. He has been boand over to stand trial at the next term of the circuit court. The horse and buggy were recovered from a Detroit stable wbere tbey had been left. Times: Here is a case of pa's hat, or political primogeniture. Freddie Alger, son of the secretary of war, has been appoinnted assistant adjutant general and will be assigned to a position on Gen. Miles's staff. Now Russie Alger, another son, wants to be a big boy like Freddie and be somebody. Aooording to the latest reports from Washington, Russie will get it. Freddie and Russie will make generáis, whether they have had any experieuce or not. Their's is a case where experience is unnecessary. Pa is at the helm.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News