Miss Florence K. Wetmore isvisiting friends in New York city for a few weeks. Mrs. Morgan Williams spent Sunday vvith Mr. and Mrs. Will Pnroell, of Toledo, Ohio. E. S. Gilmore and C. W. Wagner visited Grand Rapids on Y. M. C. A. business Friday. John Baumgardner went Saturday to Tiffin and Cleveland', Ohio, on a brief business trip. Miss Mabelle J. Galbraith, of Flint, is the guest of Miss Nellie Mingay for a short time. Miss Charlotte Edingtoa, of Flint, ia the guest of Mrs. Glen V. Mills during the May Festival teason. Rev. John Neuinann, of the Bethlehem Evangelical Lntheran churob, went to Sandusky Satnrday. Mrs. Minnie Vanderwerker, of Detroit, spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. J. D. Murnan, of S. State st. Capt. Ross Granger was in the oity Tuesday evening. He drove over frocn Island Lake with Jim Robison. Dr. S. M. Hartley has returned home from a visit with her daughter Mrs. Killilea, at Milwaukee, Wis. Karl E. Harriruan, of the Detroit Free Press, is in the oity to repoit the May Festival and visit his parents. Robert Gerner, of Detroit, has been spending a few days with his sister, the Misses Gerner oo E. Madison st. Miss Emtua Bach, of the S. A. College at Lansing, is the guest of the Misses Lohr during the May Festival. Miss Matnie Knapp, of Chicago, is in the city visiting relatives and frieuds and attending the May Festival. Josepb Williams and sister, Jessie, went to Alma, Monday, to attend the wedding of their brother, Charles to, popular young lady of tbat oity. Mrs. S: G. Curry has been spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. F. Staebler, of Detroit st. , on herway frorn Boston, Mass., to her home at Ironwood, Miob. Prof. H. M. Slaoson, of Moline, 111., the newly elected superintendent of our publio schools, was in the city for a couple of days the early part of the week looking over the schools. Dr. Frank A. Waples, who has been a ïuissionary physician for several years in China, together with bis wife and child, are in tbe city to visit bis parents Judge and Mrs. Rnfns Waples. A. Fred Binder, of Portland, Oregon, arrived here last Satnrday. Mr. Binder left this city for the Paoificj coast in 1862, and bas since made bis home in California, Oregon and other places in tbe west. He is now stop ping witb bis nepbew, Cbas. Binder, sr. , and intends making tbis bis future home.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Florence K. Wetmore
Charles Binder