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chJJƒuJLuJuJJJxrrlJTJJUuutl The Whitmore Lake tent of Maccabees has 6? inembers. Milton Dailey, of Ypsilanti, has been granted an original pension of $6 a rnonth. Rev. G. A. Moorehouse, of Webster, is to be married June 1 to a young lady of Grass Lake. Huron Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Dexter, has sent for a charter and will organize a Degree of Rebekah Lodge. Mrs. George Johnson, of Ypsilanti, suffered a stroke of paralysis the other day, but is now greatly improved in health. Air. F. J. MoNaney, of East Grand Forks, Minn., and Miss Celia Foster, of Chelsea, were united in marriage May 11. The ladies of the Ypsilanti Congregational church are planning to give their annual excursion to Detroit and Belle Isle about June 4. Sid Stevens assaulted Adam Schaner in Ypsilanti the other day and on Tuesday morning paid Jostice Childs a fine of 5 and costs for so doing. The next meeting of the Webster Farmers' Club will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Smith, in Ann Arbor town, on Saturday, May 11. A linie child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, of Ypsilanti, tipped a washtub of bot water over on itself Tuesday moiDing and was badly scalded in consequence. Tbe golden wedding of Mr. and Mra. David Soop was fittingly celebrated last week at their home west of Belleville. They came tbera when that secrion was a wilderness. Charles Meyers assaulted James Spawn in Ypslanti, Tuesday morning, because that latter ordered him to move his horse from where it was standing. Meyers plead guilty to the charge. Someone eiitered Jacob, Sohmid's saloon in Ypsilanti (hrongh a rear window on Monday night and emptied tbe money drawer of several dollars in cbange. Tbey also took with tbem several hundred cigars and whatever else they wanted. Ypsilanti Eastern Stars had an initiation Monday night followed by a banquet at wbich tbe hall was artistically decorated with red, white and blue streamers. The table was laden with a GnisptnoQS repast and at each plate was a DDique paper napkin witb the stars and stripes in one corner. When it was time to leave all joined in singiDg "The Red, White and Blue." It was quite a patriotic affair. Some Cheleea young men are talking of forming a cavalry company. W. W. Wedemeyer will deliver the Memorial day address at Uhelaea. Auattempt is being made to orgauize a military cotupany iu Liu.a tüvnship. Albert Litchfield, of Webster, is making extensivo improvements on bis iesidenoe. Cbelsea Eastein Stars have invited their Grasa Lake brotbera and sisters to visit tbém. Mrs. Rashton, an old resident of Iron Creek, died May 8, at the home of her son, W. B. Rushton. Mrs. Katherine Bollinger died in Manchester, May 7, of bronchitis and the grip, aged 69 years. No. 2 red wbeat has sold for as high as $1.40 a bushei in Manohester duriog the past two weeks. Henry Barris, of Lima, killed a bine raoer Monday of last weok that nieasnred over five feet in length. Aognst Steinegevveg died in Freedom Taesday of last week, from inflarumation of the lungs, aged 17 years. Lon Koster and family, of Milan, attended the funeral of bis mother in Eden, Ohio, Tbnrsday of last week. Mrs Fred Gilbert, oE Sylvan, died Tuesday of last week, aged 48 years. She leaves a husband and five ohildren. Burglars stole $150 from G. H. Ford, of Manchester, the other night, which he had hidden in the coal stove. M. Keeler, of Franoisco, was stricken with paralysis Tuesday morning of last week, which deprived him of speeoh. Several Manchester citizens are having flagpoles put op on their residences aod are floating the stars and stripes therefrom. Mr. Clarence E. Calver and Miss Viola MoM allen were married at the M. E. parsonage in Milan, Tuesday evening of last week, by Rev. F. O. Jones. The Saline Epworth League has elected the following offioers: President, Miss Lottie Wallace; seoretary, Miss Clara Strum ; treasurer, Miss Sela Fitzgerald. Win. Holmes, of Manchester, has a span of oream horses witb black manes and tails which he hitches to a varioolored oarriagn and thus outs quite a dash as he drives along with his striking tarnout. Zenas A. Curtís died at the home of his danghter, Mrs. W. P. Schenk in Chelsea, on Monday of last week, aged 80 years. The funeral services were held the following Thursday, Rev. J. S. Edruands officiating. The foundation of the mili at River Riisin in Bridgewater, was so badly ncdermined by the high water that extensive repairs will have to be made to it before Mr. Dresselhouse oan.either saw wood or grind feed. A Sunday school has been organized at the Merrill schoolhouse in Webster with Geo. Merrill as snperintendent, Will Burnett assistant superintendent, and Grace Kenny secretary and treasurer. Meetings are held at 3 o'clook p. in. Tbree old Chelsea gentlemen met and shook hands at the M. E cburch in that village one Sunday raorning reoently, whose combined ages were 262 yoars. They were Daniel Tichenor, 95; Thomas Leach, 85, and W. R. Purobase, 82. The Lima Snnday school bas been organized with the following officers : Superintendent, A. J. Easton ; assistant Superintendent, Mrs F. H. Ward ; secretary and treasurer, Miss Bertha Spencer ; organist, Miss Verna Hawley; chorister, A. J. Easton. William D. Bird, a model farmer of Northfield, died at liis home in tbat town Wednenday of last week, of heart diseaee. He was born in Northfield and had lived tbere all bis life with the excepticon of 17 yeara spent in Cíinton oounty. The funeral services were beid Friday. L. H. Miller, of Whittaker, sent two bags of feed home from Ypsilanti the ofcber night. It was put off on the oorner near M. R. Osborn's. Someone oame along wbo had not muoh respect for the eighth oommandment and carried it off and Miller bas not been able to trace where it went to. The offloers of the Ypsilanti Y. W. C. A. for the ensning year are: President, Miss Francés Higby ; vice president, Mrs. Guy Davis; recording secretary, Miss May Wood; treasnrer, Miss Hattie Rnthruff; members of the board, Mrs. E. M. Gaudy, Mrs. S. E. Howe, Miss Drury, Mrs. Holmes. Ypsilantians who have summer cottages at Portage Lake have given theni the following fanciful names: Gariy Densmore oalls his "Butternut Bunk;!' W. H. Sweet says bis is "Sweet Rest" M. M. Read designates his "Loenst Lodge:" Henry Stoup says his is "Hazel Dell;" and Robert Killian calis bis "Windemeer." Ypsilanti : Charles Dickerson, of Willis, has on exhibition at bis store, a pig tobat naa eight well formed legs, two bodies well formed to the umbilical oord ; from there forward there appears to be two bodies in one. The four fore legs are perfect. It has two tongaea, tbree nostrils and two sets of teeth. It has only two ears ; otherwise is 8ee m 8 to be doublé. It ia a white pig and was bred by Jay Dickerson, of Hompter. Manchester Enterprise: When the phyuician went to examine Allie Hoogh, of this place, he discovered that he had a orooked finger on his left band and remarked, "We oan't take y ou unlesa you have that finger off. " AHie tarned and laying his hand on the table said, "Take it off now, doctor." The doctor looked up with surprise at the answer and said, "You are too plnoky to leave behind," and be paeeed him. Saline high school has war reports every laorning. Elijah P. Reno, of Ypsilanti, has been granted an inorease of pension from $14 to $17 per month. Saline's new sohool library catalogue shows 890 volumes. There are 26 new books of nature study and 6(3 juvenile books. The pnblio sohool at Saline will furnish a part of the Decoration Day program. The exercises will ba held in tbe sohool yard. FoBter Kilpatriotc, of Whittaker, left his home reoently withont saying a word as to where he was going and bas not since beeu heard of. His wife is sbarohing for hirn. Saline seniors have been assigned the following commenoemeut parts: Valedictory, Ethel Taggart; salatatory, Aileen Sears; class hiBtory, Marión Leith; class prophecy, Martilla Nortb ; recitations, Tillie Blaess and Clara Sturm; oration, Earle Fosrliok ; essay, Nettie Moore; deolamation, Lutber Briggs.