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- hh - ■ i - - ■ ■ i i i ■ ■ - ■ "- . - . . . m - 1 T f There ara at present flve companies, averaging 55 eaoh, drilling regularly on the oarupus. Prof. Volney M. Spaulding bas been given a year's leavs of absence on 1 count of ill health. The dual tennis meet between Chicago and Michigan will take place in Ann Arbor, June 10. C. A. Bishop, '01 eng., is oonfined at the University hospital with an attaok of inflammatory rheuruatism. Assistant Professor Frank Jkl. Dixon, bas been appointed assistant professor of political economy at Dartruonth College. Prof. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, of Cornell University, will deliver tbe commenoement address June 30. Subject "The Old World in the New." Drs. W. B. Hinsdale and R. S. Copeland have been in Grand ftapids this week attending the meeting of the State Homeopathie Medical Society. Prof. Dean C. Worcester will give bis interesting lecture, "Spanish Rule in tne Phillipine Isands, " in Normal hall, Ypsilanti, noxt Wednesday evening. Cards bave been issued announcing the marriage of Miss Lois F. Pierce, a student in the School of Music, to Mr. William J. Fuller, formerly of Missouri. Prof. M. E. Cooley bas been given the privilege of appointing bis owu assistant engineers, with tbe assnranoe tbat his appointments would be oonfirmed. Prof. F. W. Kelsey has been in New Vork for tbe past week on business relating to the translation of Prof. Mau's book on Pompeii, soon to be issued by Maornillan & Co. The tronble bet ween Torn Cox and the track management has been settled by tbe atbletio board paying hint bis salary and referring the question of retention to the boaid of control. Tbe staff officers of the ü. of M. battalion are : Major, J. G. MoConkey ; adjutant, Thomas R. Dean; sergeantmajor, E. T. Berg6r; quartermaster sergeant, M. R. Day ; surgeon, Thomas Van Urk. The 'Varsity easily defeated the Miohigan Agricultnral College team Saturday aftemoon in an eigbt-inning game by a score of 20 to 1. With tbe exception of the 'Varsity 's batting there were no features. The following are the officers of the Anti-Saloon League: President, Ira M. Hawkins, of Goshen, N. Y. ; vice presideDt, Irving T. Raab, of Flint; seoretary, Walter R. Matthews, of ADn Arbor; treasurer, James S. Taylor, of Almont. The Students' Christian Assooiation has raised $3,300 this year, $1,800 of wbicb went to tbe building and library debt. This year's expenses have amounted to $1 5,000. Only $75 remains to be raised. The assooiation oleaied $75 on its May Festival refreshment rooom. At the regents' meeting Friday Dr. C. B. Nanorede was given leave of absence until Oct. 1 tojoin the 33d Miohigan Volunteers as its surgeon. Dr. S. B. D. Tobey, of Oakland, Iowa, wbo left tbe senior medical olass in tbe spring of 1860 to join the Union army was given the degree of M. D. While in Chicago Prof. T. C. Trueblood secureri the definite promise of George R. Peck and Henry D. Esterbruok, two of the most distinguished orators in tbe United States, to appear before tbe Oratorical Assooiation tbis year. One of these gentlemen will appear before tbe holidays and tbe other oue later in tbe year. The board of regents has decided not to establish a ohair of arts as the addit.ional expense oannot be inourred next year althougb tbe new ohair must come soon. The university art uollection is tbe fiuest nf -the college oollections in the United States. The engineering department's request for a chair of naval arobiteoture was also denied on the same grounds. U. of M. Daily: Dr. T. C. Hendricks, of Chicago, class of '68, was in the city Monday and Tuesday. He oame bere in 1864 and bougbt wbat is now No. 806 and a part of No. 808 S. University ave. for $600. In March, 1869, he eold it for $1,600 and thus paid bis entire oonrse in the University and natnrally feels very kiudly toward tbe institution. The Students Leoture Assooiation on Saturday morning eleoted the following offioers for next year : Presdent, J. 8. I Lathers, '00 law ; vice president, E. Thompson, '99 dent; corresponding seoretary, J. H. McCreary, '99 lit; recording seoretary, J. A. Montgomery, '00 law; treasurer, C. Dnrand, medio; assistant treasurer, A. J. Bleazby, '99 lit; direotors, P. W. Voorheis, '00 law; O. Hodge. Throngh thecourtesy of the Standard Oil Company, of Cleveland, O., the Chemioal Museum has recently come into possession of an interesting and valuable exhibit. The collection comprises one huudred bottles of liquid producís and a dozen cans of greases and solid lubricants, all manufactured by the Standard Oil Company. Tbere ia also an attraotive display of paraffine candles of all sizes and grades, and of paraffine Easter eggs. In addition to tbe samples compusing the exbibit, the company was kind enough to send a full set of duplicates, which can be used for demonstration and analysis. The museum is already in possession of a fine coJleotiou of petroleums from all parts of the world, the gift inainly of Mr. S. F. Peckham, of Ann Arbor. The addition of the Standard Oil Company's exhibit renders this feature of tbe museum unusoally complete.


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