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Sunday School Association Meeting.

Sunday  School Association  Meeting. image
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The semi-annnai meeting of the Ann Arbor Townsbip SnnDday School Association is to be held at the Congregational cnnrcb in this pity tbjs afternoon and evening. The afteruoötf program will conimence at 2 o'clook witb a praise servce, followed by a "Symposium on the needs of the intermedíate department of the school," by E. S. Gilmore, E. E. Calkins, J. .Montgomery, E. C. Goddard and E. H. Mensal; "The home department of the Sunday school" will be disonsaed by Mrs. L. N. Johnson, Miss P. A. Noble and H. N. Spaulding ; "The Association : What they shoald do for ns, " by R. J. McCall, of Webster, A. E. Calkins and E. A. Lyman ; "Primary session : Lesson tanght to a class of ohildren," Mrs. A. J. Dresser, Detroit. The evening program will open with a praise service, followed with addresses on "Primary work,"byMrs. E. J. Dresser, of Detroit, and "Bible stndy," by Rev. James A. Brown, Ypsilanti. Both programs will be interspersed with rousio.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News