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Newspaper Reporters

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A very oommou error is prevalent that the work of reporters, given in newspapers, as a rule is not entitled to respect or credeuoe. It is generally asBumed ttif the reporter writes chiefly or wholly to make a sensation or iu soiue way interest re;#srs without regard to facts, while just the reverse ia the truth iu all reputablo newspaper establishments. It is safe to assume that the statements of reporters given in the leading reputable jouruals of the country are quite as truthful as are the general statements from the pulpit when the minister gets outside of strictly religious teacbings, and very much more truthful than are the public expressions of most if not all of the leading professione. With very few exceptions the management of our leading daily newspapers enforce truthfulness aud fairneaa as the supreme attributes for a uewspaper writer, aud yet it is common for all who are displeased with auy reportorial statement to say that "it'sa mere uewapaper story. " It is true that there are a few conspicuousexceptions to the rulo that governs the reputable uewspapers of the country. .Not only are the managers cf our leading newspapers eutitled to great credit for the scrupulous care tbey inforce ou their reporters aud correspoudents to present tho truth with as exact fairuess as is possible, but the publio little know the ceaseless care that is exercised in every reputable newspaper office to prevent the publicatiou of even the truth when it would be more harruful to publish thau to suppressit. ïhere is uot a week, indeed hardly a day, that the uewspapers of this city do not suppress the facts proper for public inforroatiou which would make a most interestiug story solely because it would bring a flood of sorrow to the inuocent and helpless aud cast au imperishable shadow upon their lives. With all the errors necessarily committed in a uewspaper office by reason of the haste with which the articles mustoften be prepared, the public little know with what thorough integrity the uewspapers, as a rule, protect the innoceut even at the cost of suppressing legitimateaud interesting Information. The skeletons of hundreds of households are carefully guarded ín the newspaper offices of the couutry, aud generalíy without even the kuowledge of the people who are thua


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News