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r R. WILLIAMS, Attorno? at Law and Pension Claim Attornw, MILÁN. MICH. Co n veyancingand Collections. -2J 1'hcituL-rr.pnoa ■ Pi Ifllf , rSkk. "-" "' Kt VI V O fefll' fÈl REST0RES V'TAUTY. ïstDay. p''[M,Well Mar lSthDay.Pp Of Me. THE GREAX 30 th D&v 3?miaro3E3c n.3S3vrEXiir produces the above resulta ln'3O clayg. It acta powerf ully and quickly. Cureü wben all others Lail. Young men will regain their lost manhood, and olds meu will recover their youthfui vigor by using; REVIVO. It quickly and Burely restoreB Nervousness. Lost Vitality, Impotency. Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wastine JDiseasee.and all effects of eelf-abase or excess and indiscretion,, which unöts one for study. business or marriage. Itr not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bringing back the pink glow to pale checkg and restoring the fire of youth. It wards off Jnsanity and Consumption. Insist on havinu REVIVO, no. other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail, S1.00 per package, or six for S5.00, with a posi' tive u ritten guarantee to cure or refunct the mouey. Circular free. Address ROYAL MEDICfflE CO., 271 WaDasï Ave., CHICAGO. ILL, For sale at Ann Arbor, Mich., by.Eberbaohi Drug and Chemical Companv. RIIEÏ k HANin BAKERT. GRÖCERÏ AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE, We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c, For VTholesale or Retail Trade. We shall also keep a supply oi OSBORNE'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. III. Swift & Oo.'b Best White Wheaj Flour, ByO Flour, Buokwheat Flour, Oorn Meal, ."ted, &o., &c, &c, At Wholesale and Retail. A eeneral stock olj 3R00EJIES AND PROVISIÓN S constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reas onable terms as at any other house in the city. "Cash paid for Butter, Egs, and Countr Produce generally. IGoods Delivered to any part of the city with o it extra charee. ïllnaey & Soabolt piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, Igent for the following Fint Olass Compañía repreaenting over twenty-eieht Mlllion DollarB A seta, issuee polloles at the lowes trates tna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of Phila 3,118,713,00 Gemianía of N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N.Y. 4,065,968.00 London Asaurance,Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 N.Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1,774,505.00 Phenix, N.Y 3,759,036.00 WSpeeial atteDtion giveu to tbe insuranoe o lwelUngB, schools, churcñes and pnbltc building! airan of ttaree and flre reara HUMPHREYS7 CURES No. I Fever, Congestión No. 2 Worms. No. 3 Infants' Diseases. No. 4 Diarrhea. No. 7 Coughs & Colds. No. 9 Headache. No. 1O Dyspepsia, Indigestión. No. 1 1 Delayed Periods. No. 12 Leuchorrea. No. 13 Croup. No. 14 Skin Diseases. No. IS Rheumatism. No. 19 Catarrh. No. 27 Kidney Diseases. No. 34 Sore Throat. No. 77 Grip & Hay Fever. Dr, Humphreys' Homeopathie Manual "} Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free . Sold by arueiHSts, or sent on receipt of .L} 50cts. or $1. Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor.WUHani 1 and John Sta., New York.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News