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THE BILLVILLE REGIMENT. ■Corporal Muster; Sergeant Buster; Captain Drillup; Colonel Fillup; Captain Shooter; General Scooter; Colonels Shorter And Firewater; Brigadier Driveit- (Not one private!) -Atlanta Constitution. The paving of Main st. will be commenoed next week. A tri-etate band tonrnament is to be held in Jackt-ou, Ang. 17. The new steps that are being jiut in at tbe south and west entranoes to the contt house will cost $700. A registered package was reneived at the post offioe Satoiday froin Skaguay, Alaska. It was nine days on the road, The entertainment in the A. M. E. church Thnrsday evening of last week netted $18.13 and was a oreditable performance. Rov. Fr. William De Bever, of Redford, formerly of Ypsilanti, has been made ohaplaiu at Nazareth Aoademy, Kalamazoo. Jaoob Volland oarue to Anu Arbor 60 years ago June 2. He walked in from Freedom, a distance of 14 miles through the woods. Rev. Henry Neil, of Flint, preaohed in the Presbyterian ohurcb Sunday morning and evoning, in exohangewith Rev. J. M. Gelston. Teaohers' examinations for seoond and third grade oertiflcates will be held at theoourt house in thieoity uext Thnrsday and Friday, Jnne 16 and 17. The Oraole board has organized for next year. F. E. Nasb, of Pasadena, Cal., has been eleoted managing editor and Arvid C. Braasted, of Isbperuing, business manager. Three weeks from today Ann Arbor will have oommenced to pnt on her peaceful summer air. Cotnmeucement will be over and only those wbo will attend the summer school will be left of all the great army of students. Times: A. Ed. Meyer, the strong man, who graduated from the law department here, is about to take a show out on the road. One of Mr. Meyers' feats is a tug of war in whioh he bolds eight or ten men pulJing on eaoh arm in opposite direotions. . The cotnmon oounoil has adopted the reoominendation of the street oommittee tbat a Telford macadem be ordered on N, División st. between Detroit st. and the middle of the blook of Kingsley st., the stone to be 'taken from Main st. when tbe pavement is laid. The colored people of Ypsilanti expeot to have a oelebration Ang. 1. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank is now selling exohange on the bank at Dawson, in the Klondike región. Adam Saner bas purohased Mrs. M. G. Henion's property 527 Thompson st., and will make extensive improvements to it. A wreokM freight train at Wayne Friday nigl t i;aused some Ann Arbor people oou.iug back from Detroit on the late train to remain there nntil Satnrday morning. The TnesdayNight Club, of Ypsilanti, has issned a nnmber of invitations to Ann Arbor people to be present at a negligee dancing party at Light Gnard hall, Ypsilanti, this evening. Walter Wetherbea, of Wall st., Northside, had bis arm tattooed with a patriotio design. He is now in the hospital snffering from a bad oase of blood poisoning and may lose nis arm if not bis life. Jan. 11, 1893, Anna G. Page fited a bilí for divore from ber hasband, Charles R. Page, of Chelsea, alleging extreme oruelty and non-support. The decree was granted to her on Friday last by Jndge Kinne. Times: Sheriff Jndson was ont of town today (Monday) and Editor Moran was seen ont on the Saline road early this morning. It does not take a fortune teller to know that both are hnstling for the bear dance, June 16. The regatta held by the University Canoe Clnb on the river Hurón Monday afternoon was largely attended. The races were good and were very pleasing to the spectators particularly the swimruing races and the water duel. The Ann Arbor high sohool nioe defeated the Detroit high sohool nine at Beunett park iu that city Friday afternoon by a score of 14 to 12. It was a spiritless game all through, doubtless caused by the lack of attendance, not inany more than 50 people altogether being present. P. W. Sbnte, proprietor of the Waldorf hotel at Ypsilanti, has oommenced snit for $500 damages for slander sgainst N. B. Trim, of that city. Sbute claims Trim reported that he was going to move ont seoretly some chattle mortagged honsehold goodsand that it damaged his rapntation. Dr. Donald MacLeau, of Detroit, formerly professor of snrgery in the University, was on Satnrday appointed ohief snrgeon of división with tbe rank of major. Dr. Sohnyler C. Graves, of Grand Rapids, a gradúate of the university, and well known here, was on the same day appointed brigade surgeon with the rank of major. A kettle of tar which was being beated caught flre Monday morning, and the flames ran np the side of a barn belonging to the Missess Knight at 311 E. Ann st., and got into tbe roof. There are four barns olose to each other at that point and the flre department did some lively work to prevent the flre from spreading. Ifc paya to be polite, even when selling newspapers, as John Cabpman, the little newsboy who sells Detroit Evening Journals can testify. On Saturday 41 of his onstomers contribnted 25 cents each and purohased him a new suminer ontfit of clothine iaolnding shoes and hat. It was a kind remembranoe of Johnnie's uever-failing politeness and gond temper. Detroit Free Press: Ann Arbor's postmaster expeots to do the biggest business in the history of the office, and it is said that it is partly owing to the editor of the Ann Arbor Daily Times offering a prize of $100 to the first tnember of the editorial forcé of that paper that will get married. The letters are written by young men who desire a position on that paper and by young ladees who desire the names of tbose already employed there. The long talked of "Hygienio Tea'1 to be given by the ladies of the W. C. T. U. will take plaoe at the parlor of the M. E. ohuroh Tuesday afternoon from 3 to ü o'clook. There wili be ruusio, lunoh aud nnmerous other entertaiuing things provided. From 3 to 4 will be the babies' hour, and mothers are iuvited to bring their little ones two years of age and under. The lunoh is 10 oents and there will be striotly hygienio foods served, but they will be some that are not generally known, and the public is invited to attend and find out what they are. Tbe assessed valuation of Ann Arboi isabont $7,000,000. Miss Rhoda Fnller has commenued the fonndation for a new honse on E. Aon st. Airs. Hnldah L. Richards has rented her home on E. Hurón st., tu Prof. Wagner for the sninmer. It is rnmored that Postmaster Pond wil] give a banqnet to the newspaper men of Washtenaw connty in the near future. On Tnesday Joseph Kollanff, tbe tailor, paid a fine and costs of $6.20 to Justice Duiïy for being drunk and disorderly. The alternative was 10 days in jail. The members of Arbor and Johnson Tents, K. O. T. M., and Arbor flive, L. O. TM., will attend divine service at the Presbyterian chnrcb, on Sunday, Jnne 19. Monday was the biggest money order day in the history of the Ann Arbor post offioe. The reeeipts were $2,022.2? and the disbnrsements were $1,989.25. Among the items in this year's oity budget passed by the comtaon conncil Monday night was one of $3,100 to pay principal and interest due on the main sewer bonds. The democratio ward oauouses for the city of Ann Arbor will be held next Tuesday evenins at 7 :30 o'clook for the purpose of eleoting delegates to the oounty oonvention to be held Weduesday, June 15. Rev. W. L. Tedrow, pastor of the Englisb Lutheran church, will speak at the men's meting in the Y. M. C. A. rooms Sunday at 2:45 p. ra. All men are invited. Fans and ioe oold phosphate free. At tbe meeting of Ann Arbor Lodge, No. 325, B. P. O. E., to be held next Tbursday evening a large olass of candidates will be initiated. Every Elk in Wasbtenaw oounty is eBpeoially requested to make a strong effort to be present. The Woman's Anxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will hold its regular monthly rueeting Monday, June 13, at 3 p. m. in the tooms of the association. Complete arrangaments will be made for sending things to Company A. All interested are invited. Courier: As Alderrnan Huwell of the sixth ward was going home tbe other night a tramp stopped him witb the usual reqnest for "A little money to get something toeat." The alderman turned sharply on tbe fellow with, "Whatyou doing here? I'm worfeing thisside." The tramp replied, "All right, pard,"and at once orossed to the other side. The following are the amount of the appropriations for the several funds of the city government for the year 189899: Streets and walks, $15,000; flre department, $8,000; polioe, $3,000; póor, $2,000; water, $5,000; contingent $1,000; for keeping and maintaining culverts and crosswalks, $5,000; for paying the interest on and the installment of prinoipal of the main sewer bonds, $3, 100; total, $42,100. Last year the appropriation was $45,620. The Ann Arbor Humane Society held its annnal meeting in tbe parlors at Newberry hall on Monday eening. Tbe reports of the officers showed tbat a great deal of good work had been doue during the year, both in disposing of poor suffeiing animáis and in inculcating lessons of humanity among the cbildren of the sohools. The following officers were chosen : President, Judge W. N. Brown ; humane offioer, Zenas Sweet; seoretary, Byrou A. Finney; treasurer, Mrs. Anna B. Baoh ; obairmaii educating oommittoe, Andrew Ten Brook ; ohairman soliciting committee, Mrs. J. J. Goodyear. Prof. Alberto Jonas has been appointed by the Mnsio Teaohers' National Assooiatiou as delégate for Miohigan at the ooming oonvention, whioh will be held in New York oity, at the WaldorfAstoria, from Juna 23 to 28. Prof. Stanley has by offloial writ named Prof. Jonas as representativo of the University School of Musio, giving him full authority to aot as such at the M. T. N. A. oonvention, with the deolaration that an aotion t3 be taken by Prof. Jonas, not involviug departures from the settled polioy of the üniversity of Musio, will be endorsed by tbe director of the Üniversity School of Musio. Prof. Jonas will leave for New York June 22. The employees of tbe D., Y. & A. A. eleotric railway have all had tbeir wages raised 15 cents per day. Contractor Clancy has completed tbe Washington st. surface water sewer and s nowatwork on the Liberty at. sewer. The teachers and pnpils of the fifth ward schools decorated the grave of the late Prof. W. S. Perry Sunday afternoon. Governor Piogree has appointed Philip T. Van Zile, of Detroit, a membei of tbe state board of examiners in law for flve years. The case against Christian Seyfried, who is charged by Jobn Fachs with baving assaulted him, has been fnrthei adjonrned to June 20. Mr. James H. Prentiss and Miss Edith Noble aro to be married Commencement Day, Jnne 30, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. A. L Noble. Frank Schneider and David Barolay were before Jnstioe Dnffy Wednesday on a charge of drnukenness. They are now doing 10 days and 5 days respeotively in tüe county jail. The State Savings Bank will oare for the city's fonds this year, paying 2 per cent on deposits. charging 6 per oent on overdrafts, and paying laborers' pay ohecks at any time without discount. Airs. Mary A, wife of the late Roper A. Whiteman, of Northfield, died Wednesday at the age of 76 years ol heart disease. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock from tbe Leiand ohurob. Hnron Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Dexter, is expeoted to be present at tbe memorial exeroises to be held by the Oddfellows of this oity next Sunday. Rev. T. W. Yonng will deliver the address. Rev. J. J. Staley, of Dexter, will also take part in the exeroises. Otseningo Lodge, No. 95, I. O. O. F., elected the following offioers at its meeting Wednesday nigbt: N. G., R. A. Denny; V. G., W. B. Clanoy; eoording secretary, George H. Fischer; sermaneut secretary, John Wanr; ;reasnrer, George H. Miller, represenative to Grand Lodge, George Clark. Three drnnken men were arrested aturday while disturbing the peaceful everies of the residents of S. Fifth ve., by lond and nnseemly taJk. Monday moning they were taken before ustice Daffy who imposed a sentence f $6.70 fine and costs or 10 days in ail on eaoh of them. They did not ay. At the High School this evening here will be a grand war entertainment, and by the help of a strong calium light yon may view the horrors f war, visit the Cuban insurgente, witness battles between theSpanisb and he Cubans, see the sinking of the laine, visit our boys at Tampa, enter ie barbor of Havana, and gain much nformation regarding tae exciting vents of the last few months. Adrnison 10 cents. Miss Julia Farlin, a mnsic teacher living at 1209 S. üniversity ave., was out riding on a tandem bioyole with a gentleman VVednesday evening. They staried tocoast down the steep hill that winds down from the Observatory when tbe bioyole beoame unmanageable and both riders were thrown violently to the gronnd. Miss Farlin was severely injnred abont the head and was nnoonsoious for some time. Sbe is being oared for at the Üniversity hospital. The gentleman got off with a few scratcbes and bruises. The 34th Regiment, heretofore known as the "Fighting Fiftb," went throngh Aun Arbor on tbree sections of trains abont noon Monday, bonnd for Oamp Alger, at Falls Churcb, Va. It being dinner honr there were not so many people at the Ann Arbor railroad depot to greet them as met tbe 33d wben they went throngb. Tbe government bad provided 122 gallons of coffee for the meo and tbe Woman's Relief Corps was on hand with sandwiches, doughnuts and frnit whieh was very aooeptable to the hnngry soldiers. The ladies of Ann Arbor are invited o meet with tbe Woman's Anxiliary f tbe Y. M. C. A. Monday, June 13, at 3 p. m. at the Y. M. C. A. rooms to rrange to send some good tbings to ie boys at Chickamanga. This is a matter in wbicb all sbould be interestd irrespective of rank or fortune. hare are many tbings that would rnake the lives of the volnnteer soldiers more oomfortable that oan be sent them at small sacrifioe to the senders, but whioh wonld be doubly welcome to tbe boys at tbe present time. Turn ont, ladies, and show the patriotio material that Ann Arbor women are made of. Aylmer, Ont., Express: "Dr. George F. Clark, jr., of Bay City, Mioh , stopped over in Aylmer for a day last week while on bis way to New York, where be was going with several other young men of Bay City for the puipoee of bringing back a yacbt whiob tbey had reoently pnrchased. They will come up the fiudson river to Albany. thenoe tbrough tbe Erie Canal to Buffalo, and on up the lakes to Bay City. They expeot the trip to take two or three wseks, and possibly they will not have some fun." The gentleman is a brcther of Dr. E. A. Clark, of Ann Arbor, and is well known here. The question of providing fire proof vaults for the offices in the court house will come up before the board of supervisors again this fall. It is to be devontJy hoped tbat tbe present board will disoard the penny wise and pound foolish plan oí its predecessors and provide a suitable receptacle for tbe valuable books and papers on file in the oourt house. Sbonld a serious fire break out in the interior of the court house and gain any headway there would be no power on eartb that could prevent their destruotion. Snch a happening would entail au untold amount of entanglements and lawscits as to oorrect titles to property, eto.


Ann Arbor Argus
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