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The special eleotion to see whetber the f ree text book system sbould prevail in Ann Arbor or not was beid at the conrt honse Tnesday. It excited bot little interest, tbe opponents to the system doing all the eleotioneering work tbat was done. lo faot it was somewhat difficalt to fine! tbe ballots in favor of tbe measnre, so conppiouons were the "no" ballots. Freo text books were downed by a vote of 101 to 31. A meeting of the taxpayers of school district No. 1 was held at 7:30 in the evening to appropriate $14,000 fot additions and improvernents in the seoond, fourtb and sixth ward schools. Only 35 people were present and the amount asked for was granted. Considerable disenssion took plaoe over a ruotion not to make tbe addition to the seoond ward sohool, bat to devote the money to the ereotion of a new sohool boilding in the seventh ward. The arI gumeDts in favor of this motiou were tha tthe oicy is growing that way. The motion did not carry.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News