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Ypailanti is to have a humane officer. Howard Brown, of Ypsilanti, is spending the suminer in Eorope. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McFarlane, of Ypsilauti, sailed for Austria last Saturday. Dundee has raised a company for the Thirty-fifth regiment of Michigan Volnnteers. Ypsilanti has a dog and monkey show today. NothiDg unusual about tfaafc is there? "Billie" Smitb, formerly of Ypsilanti. is one of Roosevelt's famoos rough riders. Mrs. E. M. Spencer, for 13 years organist of St. Lnke's Episcopal chnroh in Ypsilanti, has resigned. Ashby Toler, of Willis, bad the misforfcune to pnt his shonlder out of joint one day last week. Conrad Shaffer has the contract for building the new Presbyterian church in Saline. Prof. and Mrs. Chas. T. McFarlane, at fche Ypsilanti Normal college.lef c Friday for Europe. It took the homing pigeons of Will Carpenter, of Ypsilanti, 1t% minotes 4o travel five miles. The Rev. M. J. Fleming has resigned rhe pastorate of St. Joseph's church, Dexter, on acoount of ill health. Mr. Homer W. Wyckoff, of Chicago, and Miss Jeannette VanDusen, of Ypsilanti, were married in Detroit yesterday. Miss Helen A. Rice, for fonr years preceptress of the Ypsilanti bigh school, has acoepted a position in the Elgin, 111., schools. Bleven yonng ladies from Chelsea and vicinity have arrived home from St. Joseph's Academy, Adrián, to spend their vacatioD. Samuel Rnssell paid $6.30 fine and coeis into Justice Child's court in Ypsiitnti last Tbursday for assanlting and bsttering Martin Miller. Prof. Crittenden, principal of the Ypsilanti uigh school, has accepted a siimlar posición in tbe schools of Moline, 111., at a $400 increase of salary. Misa Edith Foster, of CheJsea, won the gold medal for exoellance in mnsio at. Sr. Jofieph's Academy, Adrián, at the second annual oomrnenoement held Juae 15. Chas. Waiz, of Jackson, was married to Miss Katie Braon at the rf sidence of the bride's father, Jobn Brann, of Manchester, Jnne 20. About 50 wedding guests were present. Dexter bas the aiuiips. Measles are prevaleut at Dexter. Gregory has sent six reoruits to the ariuy. Dextsr needs a voluuteer fire compaDy. Webb DePny, of Saline, is building a new honse. William Kaiser cf Bridgewater, is buildiog a new house. D. M. Baiubridge bas been appointed postmaster at Clinton. Mrs. Maria Hixson, of Clinton, was 98 years old last Sanday. Tbs sumtner guests are increasing in numbers at Whitmore Lake. S. Tate, of Bridgewater, has purchased a ton of wool tbis season. The Congregational churoh, of Dexter, has purebased a f300 organ. The slaughter house of E. .Tedele in Dexter was destroyed by fire June 16. Mooreville Ftrawberry raisers pioked 210 bushels of strawberries Jane 15. Ira Van Gieson, of Bridgewater, was kicked by a horse recently on his left sida and badly iujured. Dr. and Mrs. J. McLaren and Miss Nellie McLaren, of Port Arthur, Tex., have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McLaren, of Chelsea. . Darius L. Bal], who settled iu Grass Lake with his parents in 1833, died Jnne 7, aged 65 years. He was the author of many pioneer reminisoences. Ed. Dorsaru's horse, "U. of M." broke the track record of the Simmocolon traok, Ypsilanti, last Thursday, by rnaking the third qnarter in the third mile in 32 L. seoonds. The boys of Gaorge Gorton, of Wateri loo, have been having some bad luok. One feil in the barn and out a gash iu his head and anotber stepped on an axe. and ent a gash in bis foot. Those who ate ioe cream at the Normal Alnmni banquet and at a party given by Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Beaman, of Ypsilanti, were taken with crarups in the stornach. All have reoovered. On aocount of the many cases of supposed ice cream poisoning which have taken place in Ypsilanti recently, Mr. Brown, of the Brown creamery in that oity, bas requested the state milk inspector to make an analysis of his ioe orean] . The Saline high school oommencement occured on Thursday evening of last week, wben a class of nine graduated, seven of whom were young Jadies. The annual alumni banquet was held in the Saline opera honse last Friday evening. Elmer Raymond, a son of George Raymond, of Sharon, was thrown down in front of the cutter bar of his mowing machine. Several bad gashes were out in his leg, one of which took seveu stitches tn close. Tbe mowing machine, a new une, was badly broken. The Manchester schools during the year just passed enrolled 379 pnpils of whom 336 were in attendanoe at the close of the year. Of these 36 were non-resident pnpils. There were 38 wbo were neither absent or tardy during the year. Dexter Leader: Doring the past few months, the people of Dexter and vicinity have built a $1,000 soldiers' monument, have raiaed $3,500 bonus for the eleotrio railway, and f4,000 for a new oreamery. Now, what's the matter wit.h D8xter. Ypsilanti Senfciuel: A resident of the firet ward waa aronsed at an early hoor the other morning to relieve a oat in distress. Pnssy had found a salmón can upon a garbage pile and in her greed had crowded iu until retreat was iinpossible. By dint of a qoarter bour's careful work tbe cat aud tbe can were divorced, and Tabby left for borne without a pur of gratitude. Tbe follovring are the nevrly elected offloers of the Manchester High School Alumni Association : President, Rev. B. Addis Leeson ; vice-president, Clarence A. Berger; recording secretary; Julia Kirchhofer; correspunding seoretary, F. M, Freeman; treasurer, Dr. Geo . A. Servis ; orator, Herbert M. Teeter; altérnate, Martin J. Cavanaugh ; poetess, Mrs. Ellen F. Clark; altérnate, Jennie L. Moore; essayist, Fannie Haynes; altérnate, Bessie Aulls; historian, Mrs. C. E. Lewis; altérnate, Mrs. J. F. Spafard; toastïnaster, G. S. Rawson. Grass Lkae News: Last Sunday John Marrinane carne up from Chelsea by vehicle bringing his best girl with lino. While here he unharnessed and :ed his borse at Charlie Lantis' barn. Wben he got ready to return bis father larnessed up and brought out bis rig for him. John then droe to Cbelsea and on returnkig his outfit to the livery atable the owner sung ont, " Where d'ye get that horse?" "Of yon, of course, " Jobn remarked. "Noc mnch" retnrned the other, "the animal I Jet yon have was a horse and tbis beast isn't of tbat gender," and it was so. Jobn's dad aad hooked up one of Charlie Lantis' aorses instead of the Uhelsea steed and a mournful solemnity pervaded John's entire being when he focad out the mistake. Daniel Aylesworth died in York June 19, aged 93 years. He was born in New York and removed to York townsbip in 1836. He bad always been very heaithy and rugged until this spring. For some time he has been growing weaker, and was taken siok on Deooration day and was taken to the house of Mr. Jones west of Milan from whoae reaidence he was carried to bis last resting place. He was tbree times married, surviving all his wivea. He nsed to delight in telling tales of bis adventures in the early days, among wbich was the one wben he kil led a bear with a clnb while out huniing the cows. He was well known to all around tbis part of the state, and he bad never missed vofcing at a township or general eleotion during his sixtytwo years residence in York. A few goats have been sold in Saline. Plymoutb fnruished eight young men to the U. 8, army . The Holzbauer band, üf Dexter, play in Saline next Monday. Giass Lake has a military company captained by E. A. Croman. Henry Neeb, of Dexter township, has gone into tbe poultry business. Miss Hattie Stowe of Ypsilaoti, bas gone to Enrope for stndy. A Fourth of July picnic will be held ia Arbeiter Grove, Ypsilanti. Rev. and Mrs. Gardam, of Ypsilauti, are reoreating on Long Islaud. J. Staadecker, of Toledo, has shipped 19,000 pounds of wool from Manchester. The infant cbild of William Breining, of Freedoiu, died June 21, aged three days. Adrián ooilege has conferred the degree of Pb. D. upon Rev. B. F. Aldrich, of Ypsilanti. Chas. Hebblewhite, of Bnffalo, and Miss Bell Marshall, of Ypsilanti, were married June 21 . Louis Mosher and Miss Mary Webb, of Ypsilanti, were married by Rev. U. T. Allen, June 22. The alumni sooiety üf the Chelsea high school held its annnal banquet on Tuesday evening. Mr. John M. Ressler and family, of Norfolk, Va., are visiting Mrs. E. C. Warner, of Ypsilanti. Miss Donna McLachlan, of Mooreville, has olosed a successful term of school in the Tamarack district. Prof. August Lodeman, of tbe Ypsilanti Normal, sailed for Germany last Tbursday to join bis family tbere. Miss Grace George, of Ypsilanti, sailed last week for Europe where she will study in Francs and Gerruany. Miss Florence Bassett, of Ypsilauti, will teach music in tbe normal sohool at Fort Soott, Kansas, at a salary of $900. The first and second grade pupils of tbe Chelsea schools held a picnio at Gates' grove on Wednesday of last week. Robert, the four year old son of Christian Kuebler, of Freedom, feil over a pail of hot water and was very badly scalded. John Miller and John Howe, of Chelsea, have retnrned home from Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont., to spend their vacation . Walter Tolbert, colored, was arrested in Salem, Friday, on tbe charge of stealing a horse from a man named Hunt in Colchester, Ontario. Dr. W. J. Stapish, of Andersoc, Ind., formerly of Chelsea, was married Wednesday, June 22, to Miss Clara R. Hettel, at St. Mary's chnrch, Chelsea. The Stevens hnnse in Whitmore Lake, bas built a long stretch of sidewalk leading to tha new depot. Now if the good work conld be continued and tbe walk built to the depot it would be a great imprcvement for Whitmore Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McKune, Wm. Cassidy, John Wade and daughter, Libbie, Miss Kate & arman, Mrs. Edward Gorman and son, Thomas, Eogene and Harry Heatley, Martin Conway, Mr. aud Mrs. Thos. Murray, tbe Misses Nellie Walsh and Lena Foster, all of Chelsea, attended the closing exercises of St Joseph's Academy, Adrián, June 15. Wm. Van Riper, Alabat Avery, Wm. Jessept, John Kolb, Meivin Temple, George Simons, Edward Hewett, Walter Cole, Al Hyzer, Wm. Renton, Berbert Fenton, León Tanney, Chas. Garner, Wilber C. Farrington, Frank Campbell, Will Cobb, Wm. Tbayer, Elzer Winters, Norman Bust, Lee McPherson, Fred Coqnillard, and George Frink have left Ypsilanti to join the Thirty-first regiment at Cbickamauga Park. Milan Leader: Elizabeth Blakeslee, of Milán, has resided in York township, continuously for nearly sixtynine years, and we ventare to say that no otber resident of Washtenaw oounty can claim a longer residence. Sbe and her brother, Thomas Richards, also a resident uf Milaa, came here trom England with tbeir parents sixty-eight years ago last October. Mr. Richards has lived in tbe township nearly all tbat time but nof continuously.