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Warren B. Stick ney bas been granted a pension of $6 a montb. The nniversity janitors, are taking a week's vacation tbis week. North Main street will be graveled from Catheiine to Depot sts. All the Main st. stores have been ordered to oonnect with the sewer. There will be no services in the Unitarian ohurch daring Jaly and August. The school board will spend $300 for repairs on the high school building this summer. Interlooking switches will be plaoed at the croseing of the Wabash and Ann Arbor roads at Milan. During the past year 14 children have been arrested in this county oharged with criminal offenses. The Bainum house at Manchester bas been leased to Gus Abram, reoently proprietor of the Fenton house at Fenton, Mioh. Dr. W. Herdman read a paper before the American Medical Temperanoe assooiation on Staten Island, N. Y. Tuesday. The oourt house olook laid off working for several days this week but has been repaited and is keeping time at the same oíd gait. Mrs. James uosgrove ama ai ner home three miles eonth of Ypsilanti Wednesday afternoon. The funeral is held at 10 o'clook today. The taxed bill of oosts in the sidewalk oase of Virgie Oomiske vs. the City of Ypsilanti has been filed witb the oounty oleik and amounts to $156. 65. Four oontribntors added $1Ü5 to th Perry soholarship fnnd of the high Bohool last week. Already there have been several applcations for aid from tbis fund. The ünitarian Sanday school hold their aunual picnic at Campbell 's grov tomorrow afternoon. The oar on whioh they go leaves the oourthonse at 1 :20 p. ra. John Seyfried was atrested tbis week on a warrant sworn out by his wife charging him with assault aod battery. He will be tried before Jnstioe Dnffy next Tnesday. The paving on Main st. nuw awaits the arrival of the iron poles, the ties andjtbe new rails of the Street railway. These were ordered as soon as the, dispute with the oity and the ooinpany was settled, but it takes time to get these tuings. VVhen thfly arrive and are put in plaoe, the work of paving will prooeed. The Ann Arbor Water Co. hm moved into the Lawrence blook on Ponrth ave. John Naylor, of Scio, is building a handsome residenoe on the oorner of Ann and Asbley sts. Rev. J. W. Bradsbaw preaches at the nnion services at the M. E. ohurch next Sunday evening. The Seventb Day Adventist have olosed their choren on the corner of Liberty and D vicion sts. The boys of Bathlebem chnrch give a socialjat Pritz' grove this evening with musio by the Washtunaw Times band. John MoNeil, of 731 Twelfth st.r died last Thnrsday of eciatio rheumatism, aged 67 years. He left two children. The Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, has conferred the degree of LL. D. on Dr. Challes B. Nancrede. Appleton University has oonferred the honorary degree of A. M. upon Dr. R. S. Copeland, of the homeopathie faoulty. The faoulty members of the board of control of athletios for next year are Profs. Pattenigll, Rolfe, Drake, Hutchins and MoMurrioh. The degree of L.L. D. was oonferred last week by the Unversity upon Hon. Wrn. R. Day, secretary of state, and npon Dr. Abram Jacobi, of New York city. Senator Andrew Campbell denies the rnmor that he bas withdiawu from the senatorial contest in this district. He says that the only way they oan get hira ont is to fire him out. The Miohigan Central will pay $285,000 into the state treasnry this year in speciflo taxes. The total arnount to be paid by the railroads of the state is 19,452,150.49. i The oity taxes this year will be ;5.92 on $1,000 valuation, a decrease of 73 oents on a $1,000 fiom last year. Tbe assessed valnation of tbe oity is $7,116,000, an increase of $200,000 over last year. Dr. Thomas J. Snllivan, of Chicago, son of Jeremiab T. Snllivan, of N. State st., is a snrgeou of the Seventb Illinois regiment of 'Volunteers. He is reoognizad as one of the inost prominent surgeons of Chicago. Tbe chief engineer on the G-loucester, the little steam yaoth single handed taokled both the Spanish torpedo boai destroyers off Santiago and destroyed them, is George W. McBlroy of Adrián. Adrián is very prond of him. The street cars were nnable to run last Priday morning for several hoors beoanse some malioious misoreant had out the feed wire between the power honse and Main st. A reward of $50 has been offered for his deteotion. Tive of the childien of Fred Maser, j who lives three miles north of the oity, have been down witb typhoid fever. The contagión was bronght bome by one of the danghters who bas been working in Detroit. Robert, a six year old bod, died on Wednesday of last week. Henry Mann bas snld bis residenoe on the ooruer of Washington aud Ashley sta., to County Treasurer Rebfnss for f3,500. Mr. Mann will remove to the house of Williain Reinhardt, corner of Packard st. and Fifth ave., this week. He will later boild a residence for himsfilf on Jefferson st. , adjoining that of bis sisters. The Michigan weatber bnrean reports hayiug well advanced and a ratber light orop, being good from the new meadows and poor froin the old ones. The wheat prospeots for the state are good, the heads being W6ll filled and the berry plump. Corn has made rapid progresa during the week and is in splendid condition. Detroit Free Press: Like the German who loaned a party some money and said to bim, "Yon keep the note so yon will know when it is due, " is the case of J. Jacobs & Son, who gave ohattel ïnortgages on all tbeir property a few days ago. Not one of the creditors would foreolose. They have retnrued the keys to Mr. Jacobs, telling hirn toopen np and to sell at retail or in bnlk as he may see fit, and afterwards to settle with them. Two creditois in the east show the same appreciation of Mr. Jacobs' life-long honesty. It is hoped on all sides that Mr. Jaoobs may safely weatber tbe severe finanoial storm through which he is now passing. Karl Borg, messenger at the Western Jnion office, had some powder blown n his faoe on the fonrth, while firing a small cannoB.l'i5;ai V" Mis8 Jessie Tayler, daugbter of Prof. fcloses Ooit Tyler, of Cornell, formerly of this city, bas been rnarried to Wilard H. Anstiu, insructor at Cornell. Eugene J. Koen bas pnrohased the house of Jobn Ross on Jefferson st. and will erect a residence for hitnself on the lot. Jefferson street is rapidly mproving. Engineer Crocker, of the Aun Arbor road, bas abont completed a residence on Spring st., between Miller ave. and Cherry st., which makes quite an improvement to the Btreet. Tbe hearing on the claim of a nephew ;o tbe mnrdered James Ricbard's property, whicb had been previously awarded toan illegitimate danghter, has been adjourned for two weeks. Marshal Sweet on Tnesday arrested Jennie Mason on the charge of keeping a disorderly house on Broadway and Eliza Weaver for being an inmate ;hereof. Tbeir trial is set for nexfc Monday. The post offioe now has a supply of the Ornaba Exposition stamps. Stamp ooilectors shonld get them.' They wil! remain on sale nntil December 1, and are the size of the Colnmbian stamps and of handsome designs. The following new books have been added to the Ladies Library for tbis month : Caleb West, F. Hopkinsun Smith ; Life of Tennyson, by bis son; Standard Bearer, S. R. Crookett; The Madonna of the Day, h. Dougall. Lawn extensions bave been made ou tbe west side of Spring st. from Hiseock to Snmmit sts., wbich add mncb to tbe appearance of the street. If the remainder of the etreet 3oald all be Bxed in the saine manner it would still [ortber increase its beanty. William Bell, of Ypsilanti, bas paid the jndgment of $925 seonred against bim by Charles Rinehard. It will be remembered tbat Rinebard was bitten by Bell's dog and the case proved one of the most interesting and hotly oontested of those reoently tried in this oonnty. The Detroit Legal News bas been incorporated by Guy B. Thompson, Sylvanus W. Cnrtis and Ambrose Egge. Mr. Thompson is the son of Col. Thompson, and Mr. Cartis was formerly a part owner of the Argus. The Legal News has proven great sucoess. It had a nicbe to flll and under the management of tbe right men it filled it. Times: The silver democrats hada good laugb on "General" Jack Hheahan this morning. He was beiug sned by a Mr. Rosentbal ou a bond which the plaintiff olaimed Mr. Sheeban had signed for F. A. Voorheis when the latter was in the tailor business on State st. The bond was claimed to have been given to secare tbe payment of Mr. Voorbeis' orders up to $100. Mr. Sheeban claiined tbat he bad not been notified of the aoceptanoe ot the bond, whiob the law reqnires shall be doue, and that he did not receive any correspoudence from them in regard to it. Tbe silver demucrats conld not let tbe obanoe slip by to yell "repudiationist" at him however to offset what tbe obampion gold demoorat had done two years ago. This is the way the Adrián Press looks at the reoent tronble in this city with tbe electric railway oompany : "People find it neoessary to make ooncessionB, and legislatnres of oities will after a wnile learn tbat the time to proteot all city rights in dealing witb a corporatiou, is wben a franchise is arranged. Ann Arbor had a 'ruotion' with a street railway coming in from Detroit, and presumiug upon tbe anxiety of the people to seonre snoh a road, tbe oompany declined to concede to Ann Arbor any rights, except perhaps to ride on the oars if they paid fare. Having declined to do any paving between the rails on Main street, the city took a hand in and began to do business. The oompany finally yielded and agreed to pave "between the rails.' But they were to be all o wed to oonstruot a'Y'sothey could aboat face a car. The counoil said Y oertainly, and now peaoe reigneth, paving progresseth, and the oorporation private knows that a oorporation ruunioipal is a bit more powerful unless it sleeps on its rights or barters them away." Measles have been epidemie in tbis ty. Yon will find the Argns office at 329 . Main st. Warren Lewis, of Ypsilanti, has jnst jurohased a $125 boat. The street railway company have bur carloads of grooved rails for Main The Detroit Jonrnal's ]ooal office bas een removed to M. Sohaller's store on Main st. Albert C. Sohumaoher has been electd secretary of the State Board of Pharmacy. A uew flag pole has been ereoted on ie postoffioe building by order of Postm aster Pond. Rev. Dr. Bradshaw exchaages palpits with Rev. Mr. Staley, of Dexter, next unday morning. The house of Fred Miller of Ypeianti, was bnrned. It oaught from parks from a locomotive. Bd. McCarthy, of Ypsilanti, is now olerk at tbe Cook house in the place f James Maman, resigned. The electrio railway between bere and Ypsilanti is now snpplied with power from the Ypsilanti power house. Sheriff Judson intimates that Jaokson ounty oan have the repnblioan noraination for state senator providing they rot ont a Pingree man. A siding is being built half way beween Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti to alow the electiro cars to pass and will be oallöd "Platt's siding." Postmaster Pond intends moving bis tamp window to tbe front of the postoffice where the general delivery windows have been and that part of the office has been fenced ofif. Dr. ,7ohnLee of Dexter, has received :he entire amount of bis insuranoe, 3,500, on his house whioh burned in iester recently. He will at ouoe re)uild on the same spot. Agent Gilmore of the Ann Arbor uad yesterday sold 10 tickets to resortrs for Elk Rapids. They ohanged oars at Thompeonville and took the boat at Elk Rapids for Old Mission. The large bean elevator of Swarthout Bros., at Pinckney, was bnrned yesteray together witb its contenta, abont ïve carloads of hand picked beans inluded. Loss $5,000, insurance $2,500. The Argus office was removed on oly 4 to 329 S. Main st., recently ooupied by the Washteoaw Times, wbich now ocoupiea the old Argas office. Godfrey did a fine job of moving heavy machinery. Mrs. Mart Tower, of Ypsilanti, lit a parlor match last Saturday, when the whole head flew off and went into her eye, wbere it burned until tbe tears )nt it out. It is feared that she may ose the eyesight. Lawyer A. J. Waters, of Manchester, s or hopes to be the Pingree candidato or represtentative in this second representative district in plaoe of John K . Campbell, of Augusta, who also hopes ;o suooeed himself. Mrs. Sarah J. Cook, wife of Marcus S. Cook, of üexter, died Tuesday evenno nf tirinfiv r.nmnlaint. aee 52 vears. ühe was a sister of George W. and Harrieóü T. Phelps, of this city. She had Deen ill for about three tnontbs. Ida Kahn tbe Chinese gir], wbo s;raduated from the medioal depaitment a year ago, has opened an office at Kin Kiang on the banks of the Yangtse Kiang river. She is tbe flret native wornan of China to become a physioian. Masón expeots to get the road betwéen Lansing and Ann Arbor: Tho road demanda $10,000 bonos to goto Masón and the citizens had offered $5,000. They bava decided to raise this aiuouut to $7,500 and expect to get the road. Dr. Alex. Corprou wbo has jost gradnated from the U. of M. and Miss Esther Dailing were married at the residetnce of Pnsey Moore on Blizabeth st. Wednesday afternoon by Rev. B. L. MoElroy. Dr. and Mrs. Corpron will reside in Minnesota. Selby A. Moran bas furuished as speoial bail for $3,000, in the case for criminal libel brought agaiust hiin by Sheriff Jndson, the following sureties: Gr. Frank Alliaendinger, Carlos Hill, Paris Banfleld, E. E. Calkins, C. H. Cady and Noah Cheever. Mrs. Henry íá. Carhart and sister Miss Carhart were thtown from tbeir buggy last Thursday afternoon, by being run into by a rnnaway dray team at the Michigan Central depot. Mrs. Carhart was not seriously injured but Miss Carhart received injuries to the spine. Michael Plemming, who served for two terms as sberiff of Washtenaw oonnty, died iu Chicago of heart disease, last Saturday. He was first eleoted sheriff in 1872, being the only deíaocrat eleoted on bis ticket and he had a landslide majority in 1874. He was buried at Chioago Tnesday. Among the Fourth of Jnly aocidents in this city was one by which Freddie, tbe 12 year oíd son of Joseph Gloesser, of 517 W. Washington st.. canie near losing his eyesight. He was firing off a toycannon when he received a charge of powder in tbe face, six or seven kernels entering tbe right eyeball. It is tbonghtthat thesigbt of the eye will be saved although it will be greatly impaired. Milán Leader : Geo. M. Heath, onr well kuown young chemist, wbo has been workiug for soine time on the tefining of beet and caue jnioe in tbe manufacture of sugar by the ose of chemioals, has acoomplished his undertaking with the best of resolts. His procees is entirely different from the oue nped at the present time and lessens the oost of manufaoture about fifty per cent. Tbis is oonsidered by leadiug sugar men to be a wouderful discovery, and will tindoubtedly aid greatly to inorease the mannfaotnre of sngar iu the ü. S.