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Dr. W. B. Hinsdale ia at Washington D. C. Miss Kate Reyuolds has been visiting iu Jackson. Miss Carrie Schaeffer is visiting iu Urbana. UI. Karl Green is spending the sumruer in Charlotte. Mrs. J. W. Bradshaw is visiting in Ironton, Mich. Sidney HiJl has been visiting in Adriau this week. Eneene NeihofE, of Detroit, was in the city Wednesday. Allen M. Broornball is epending the snuiiner at Sand Beaob. Earl Gasser, of Cleveland, Onio, svas in the city over Sunday. Harry Niohols, of Chicago, 111., was in the oity over the Fourth. Miss Emily Pitkin visited in Detroit two or three days this week. D. W. Springer, of the high sohool, bas gone to Washington, D. C. Thos. R. Woodrow is enjoying a two weeks camping trip to Pine Lake. Karl G. Sohairer is spending bis vaoation at Joliet and Chicago, 111. Miss Ray Fanst has returned from an extended visit in Medina, Ohio. Mrs. E. A. lápenoe sails for Rotterdam, ou the Strendam, tornorrow. Mrs. George Hill, of Bnffalo, N. Y., is visiting her parents in this oity. Geo. W. Wiltse and family, of Packard st., removed to Clinton this week. Miss Lillian M. Volland, of the flrst ward sohool, is inWashington, D. C. Dr. and Mrs. McReeves and son, of Clinton, have been visiting in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Vogel, of Chalsea, visited Mr. and Mis. Fred Kern, aay. Wm. N. Brown and family have gone to their sniumer home near Traverse City. Mts. M. G. Bower has been visiting her son B. Frank Bower, in Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Ethel MoLean, of Hancock, is visiting her grandrnothar, Mrs. Wm. CondoD. Prof. E. F. Johnson was in Ypsilanti Wednesday, amernberof the state board of eduoation. Miss Milla Morton is spending the sumnier with her grand parents in Mendon, Mich. Mrs. E. E. Aldricb and children, of Albion, were visiting in the city the first of the week. Bert Williams, of the F. and M. bank, and famiiy are takiDg a month's oating at Base Lake. Snperintendent Chas. H. CoveJl, of the St. Louis, Mioh., schools, is attending the sumiller school. Mrs. J. C. Parker, of Detroit, who has been visiting Mrs. S. W. Beakes, returned home Tuesday. Rabbi Hansmann, of Emanuel Temple, Grand Rapids, will spend tbesurnmer in stndy in this city. Miss Florenne Belle Cady is visiting in Chicago and Milwankee and will be absent throngh August. Mrs. Catherine Seyler, with her daughter, Miss Hena, of Detroit, is visiting her sod, Edward Seyler. Mr. and Mrs. Almeron Crandall and Miss Florenoe Reed, of Ceveland, Ohio, are visiting at M. E. Crandall's. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Lewis, of Chicago, III., who have heen visiting Charles S. Millen, returned home Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Walraff, of Grand Rapids, who bas been visiting the Misses Gerner, returned home Wednesday. Mrs. Jennie Hastings, with her dangbter, Maude, of Albany, N. Y. is visiting her brother, Clinton J. Snyder. Mr and Mrs. D. F. Scbairer left Tuesday for Omaha, Neb., where they will attend tbe Exposition and visit ftiends. George B. Mason, formerly proprietor of a drug store on State st. , bas aocupted a position in Dr. Salisbury's drug store. Eupt. and Mrs. Herbert M. Slaneon, and Prof. Walter Hamilton left Monlay to attend the National Edocational Association oonvention in Washington, D. C. Mra. .Tnlia Pitkin, acoompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pitkin, of Galeston, Texas, went to Petrolia, Ontiiro, Tnesday, to visit her son, Gilbert Pifckin. L. C. Goodrich leaves Satnrday for Alpena and the nortb on bis tour of isitatioo of the obapters of Royal Arch Masoury in the northern part of he' state. Aid. Kooh, City Engineer Key and Contractor Wro. Clanoy went to Massilon, Ohio, yesterday to aee the manufactorers of the briok to be used here in paving. Charles Crossman, tuanafaotnring jeweler of New York oity, was ia Ann Arbor Tnesday, visiting Lis aged naother, Mrs. Daniel Crossman, of Jaokson ave. Mr. Crossman has many old friends in the oity who are pleased to hear of bis saooess. He is devoting nis speoial energies to the manufaoture of tnrqnoisemounted rings, watch charras, eto. He reeen tly visited Egypt iu search of torqaoie. Louis Schneider, of 515 Seventh st., bad a family garnering last Snnday. The Sohneider brothers were not able to be present bur eaoh sent a dangbter so tbat tbere was qnite a collection of yonng lady cousins, eaoh hearing the name of Schneider, from Pnlaski, Conoord and Detroit. They remained as the guests of Miss Tillie Scneider over the Püurth, which they spent at Wbituiore Lukfj. J. Hohisel was in Owosso yesterday. Miss Mary Manly visitad in Jacksou the first of the week. Miss Olive Benedict is speudiug soine weeks iu BaUimcre, Md. Mrs. W.H. Mclutyre is spending a few days in Mouroe aod Toledo. C. W. Wagner and faiaily have goce to WequetoDsicg for tbe surumer. Mrs. W. W. Watts aud Mrs. T. W. Mingayare in Wayne township visitiDg the forrner's sister, Mrs. Parshall. Aid. Artbur Brown, Dr. A. C. Nichola and Judge Babbitt visited the soldiers at Chiokatuauga Park the first of the week. Dr. Theo Klingruann leaves toruorrow for an offtoial visit to the asylums at Newberry, Traverse City, Ealamazoo and Pontiac. The Misses Bertha Feiner, Carrie JKtanse, Emma Weitbrecbt, Mabel B. Benham and Lottie Millard started for Washington, D. C, and other easteru points Tnesday eveniug.


Ann Arbor Argus
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