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Local Brevities

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The oberry crop is reported large. Sorue 8,000 baas have just been planted in Portage lake. Gilbert C. Rhodes has been appointed sidewalk inspector. The banks will olose at 3 o'olock between Jiily 18 and Sept. 10. The Betblehem Sauday school held its annnal picnic at Relief Park yesterJay. Only one deed and two mortgages have been filad with the register of deeds this week. The steps at the north entranoe of the oonrt bonse are to be rebnilt. John Baumgaiduer bas the contract. The Baptist church, of Milan, bas extended a cali to Rev. Mr. Killaru, of Kalamazoo, which he has acoepted. The sidewalk committee meets at 2 :30 o'clock Monday with the intentiou of ordering a number of uew sidewalks. Harvest is earlier than last year, most of the wheat iu this vioinity being already ent. The yield is exoellent. Dr. Frank S. Bonrnes, or Major Bonrnes as it is aow, sailed from San Praooisco on the steamship China June 18 and rnnst be now nearly at Manila. Mrs. Addie M. Wheaton, of Ypsilanti, has juet brought suit for a divoroe from her hasband Amara C. Wheaton, of Leslie, Mich., on the ground of desertion. Dr. Nancrede was the surgeon in charge of the city of Washington whioh arried at Old Point Comfort yesterday with a large number of sick and wonuded soldiers from Santiago. Norman Sweet was arrested on the charge of stealing a dog which followed him off. He plead not guilty bat when he fonnd he conld pet off by paying tbs costs, $6.?0, he said that was mnoh cheaper thaa having a lawyer and ohanged his plea. Albert Blaess, of Lodi, baa received intelligence of the death of an annt in London, Englaud, who had a life interest in an estáte which will now revert to the heirs, of whioh Mr. Blaess is oue. He will leave foi England this sumrner to look after the matter. Miss Moore, of S. Fifth ave., has received a Honolula paper, a souvenir addition, printed in red and blue on white paper, on thearrivalof the second detaohmeut of troops for the Phillipines. The ladies of Honolulú furnisbed f ree meals to the 4,500 soldiers. Prof. B. A. Hinsdale read a paper before the Educational Congress at Washington, D. C, Wednesday on "Is is possible aDd desirable to form a federation of colleges and universities in the United States similar to the National Federation of Medical Sohools?" Thomas J. Keech, the manager of Tolbert's Lnmber Yard, has set an example which many others in the city shonld follow. He has had all the weeds on the property which he controla in th3 city, ent down. A word to the wise is sufficient. Will others do their duty or must tbe Street commissioner do it for them. Mrs. Esther A. Pike, who was so badly burned Jnly 1, at the gasoline flre in Walkers boarding honse died at 4 o'olock this morning from tbe result of her injuries. This adds another td the long list of fatalities due to the ose of gasoline whieh have occurred in this city. Mrs. Pike was a mach respeoted and indnsfcrions wornan. Quite a little breeze was stirred up this week by an attempt of Clay A. Greene to eject the city from the offices it is now ooonpying as city offices. Sorue rent had been witheid until the offices shonld be repaired. Mrs. E. N. Greene, the owner of the building, ponred oil on tbe troubled waters by promising to make tbe desired repairs and the oity will nofc move. Don Stark, the Ann Arbor boy who was wonnded at Santiago bas had bis lfift arm amputated below the elbow. Tbe fitst report bad it tbat bis entire rigbt arm bad been blown off by a shel). He was insnred for $2,000 in the Home Forum company, and that oornpany has notified bis family that they are ready to pay over $500 for tbe loss of bis arm as soon as they are forni8bed a doctor's certifícate. A nnmber of diamond options in the Tontine Savings Association owned in this oity have matured and F. H. Ortraan and Oswald Dietz now wear diamonds, wbile Wm. A. Gwinner, H. W. Hintz, L. H. Heydlanff, C. F. Kayser, J. F. Campion, D. P. Gollins, E. Jjaubengayer, M. A. Davenport each reoeived checks for 40. The amonnt paid in was $23.75, The losers at this game bave not yet been ennmerated. Until recently, for many yeats, Laoins Tabbs was the village drayman of Dexter. He was accnstomed to pay the freight bilis of the merobants of tbe village and did not present or oolleot tbe bilis from thera, so that be has now over $700 of freigbt bilis. His wife nndertook to oolleofc these bilis tbe other day and put them in the hands of an Ano Arbor attorney, who it is understood will commenoe snit against several of tbe Dexter rnerohants. Adrián Times: Henry Loeffelhardt, tbe 5-yearsold cripple, whose feet were straigbtened at Ann Arbor, was bronght before the concil by Overseer of the PoorKirk last evening, to let the aldermen see what had been done for the unfortuuate little fellow . A year ago when the lad was taken to Ann Arbor to be operated npon, his feet were inverted, so tbat he is obliged to wear iron braces nntil , bis bones harden. His ankles will always be etiff. The boy's fatber is an inmate of the Kalatna,oo insane asylum. Tbere will be do murning services in the Presbyteriau ohnrch this rnonth. A move is on foot to consolídate the Hnro"u Valle and the AunArbor Buildiug and Loan Associatious aud bas been reoommanded by the directors of both assooiations. The street car traoks between Hmon and Catherine sts. have been torn op and these blooks are praotioally inipassible. The work of preparing these blocks for paving is being done. JRev. Fred E. Britten, son of A. W. Britten, of E. Liberty st., bas resigned the pastorate of the Baptist ohuroh in Albion, to accept the ehairinauship of the prohibition state oommittee. The last of the "Frozen Trnth" oases have boen disposed of, and out of the en tire sixonly one has been bound over to the cirnuit court for trial. Detective Culbert was bound over to tbfe cironit coort Wednesday nnder $500 bail, charged, nnder a supreme court decisión, with being a principal in iudncing saloonkeepers to viólate the law.