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Edward Hisoock was in Toledo last Friday. Jndge V. H. Lane was in Adrián Saturday. Miss Clara MoMonagle has returned from Cinoinnati. Rev. B. L. MoElroy and faniily are at Whitmore Lake. Dr. MoClytnonds bas been spending a week at Whitmore Lake. Frank .1. Glenn is spending the summer at Maokinao Island. Miss Mabel Howard, of Adrián, has been visiting in the city. Paul C. Meyer and family ara spending a week at Base Lake. Miss Ernma Loeffler is spending the snmmer at Hnronia Beacb. Mrs. T. Thompson, of Mr.ycard stv is in Detroit for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Crittenden are spending a week at Whitomre Lake. B. B. Morgan, formerly of this city, has removed from Ypsilanti to Howell. Sid W. Millard, George Apfel and Fred Sohleicher are fishiug near Chilson. Mise Leda Stimpson is spending the snmmer at Traverse City and Old Mission. Miss Mary Gelston, teacher in Alma ooilege, is spending her vacation at home. Mrs. Vet. Armstrong was called to Canada last week by the death of her mother. Qaincy Turner has retnrned to his old place as night watchrnan at the nniversity. Rosvsell Waterman and wife have gone to their cottage at Bay View for the surumer. Mrs. J. W. Morton and son returned Tuesday from a two weeks' visit in Concord. t Prof. George W. Patterson and family sailed last week on the Koenigen Lonise for Bremen. Andrew Peterson, of tbe Kyer Milling Co., is spending the week in Ontario, visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rentpchler are attending a national convention of photographers in Celeron N. Y. Mrs. Isaao N. Noble is speuding the snrumer at Clifton]Springs, Saratoga, and other eastern resorts. George R. Barker, of Bay City, formerly with the Argus, was in the city several days last week. Mrs. J. L. Sinith and danghter, Olive, of Brouk st., left Satnrday to visit in Pontiac, Holly and Claikston. Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Wadhams and ohildren went to Base Lake Tuesday, where they will oamp for 10 days. Jaoob Dengler, a machinist of the Ann Arbor car shops at Owosso, spent last Snnday in the city visiting bis rnother. Mrs. George E. Gates and Master Leon, of Kalamazoo, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Lonisa Keyes, of Washtenaw ave. W. W. Wedemeyer and O. E. Butterfleld are in attendance at the oonvention of the national republican olnbs at Omaha, Neb. Prof. Woodburn, of Indiana, with his wife and cbild, is spending the summer witb his father-in-law, Rev. Mills B. Gelston. Prof. Frank Wagner, of the Rose Institnte of Technology, Terre Hante, Ind., is at his father's, William Wagner's, tor the summer. Miss Sara Whedon, Miss Cole, Miss Hnnt and Miss Seymour are aiuong the teachers attending the educatioula oonvention at Washington, D. C. Mrs. Carrie Stone, of Fifth ave., went to Kalamazoo Satnrday to visit Mi-b. L. H. Stone. Sbe will visit her son in Saginaw before she returns. Joseph Kelly, conductor, and George Crocker, engineer, of Spring st., were in Darand Tuesday attending the Ann Arbor air brake school of instruction. Walter Perry, of E. Washington st.,is spendiüg his vaoation with his brother Ernest, at tbe Industrial Works at Bay City, where he will praotioe in drafting. Mrs. G-ilbert M. Monroe, of Felch st., will go next week in company with her sister, Mrs. Waterman, of visit her daugbter in Colorado íáprings, Col. Miases Margnerite Knowlton, Sybil Pettee, Caroline Pattenfjill, Grace Millard and Esther L. Holden have been spending a week at Weidemann 's grove, vVhitmore Lake. Mrs. W. L. Tedrow and children retnrned Tuesday evening frornJSomerset, Pa., where they have been staying with Rev. W. L. Tedrow 's parents for the past seven weeks. Rev. Henry Gelston, brother of Rev. J. M. Gelston, of this oity, who is now a resident of Florida, will flll the vacant polpits of three ohurobes in Cleveland tbis summor. Miss Effle Godfrey, of 420 N. Fourth ave., elebratod her 17th birthday last Friday witb a pionio on the island for her young lady friends and a very enjoyable evening was spent. Toin MoGrail, of Durand, chief electrioian of the Ann Arbor road spent last Sanday in the oity visiting bis sister. Torn's house in Durand is coinpleted and he claims to his friends that he has simply put it np to rent. Dr. Theo. Klingmann, of S. Ashley et., assistant to Dr. Herduian and pathologist of the Michigan asylums, left on Satnrday for an official visitation to the asylums of Newberry, Traverse City, Kalamazoo and Pontiac. He expects to return home by the end of next week. Mrs. L. M. Palmer leaves today for the east. Isaaö N. Noble went to Tecnruseh yesterday. Samoel Henne leaves for New York oity today. Miss Ruth Durheim is visiting in Findlay, Ohio. Miss Jennie McBride is baok from a visit in Owosso. Miss Barbara Schwartz has returned to Berlin, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Harty Clark spent Sunday in Detroit. Mrs. Emily Boutwell and sou are visiting in Detroit. Evart H. Scott and family are rnsticating at Oavanangh Lake. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Caikins left Wedoesday for Buffalo, N. Y. Miss Dolan, of LansiDg, is visiting her sister Miss Margaret Dolau. Miss Pearl Tubbs has retnrned froru Lansing, where she has been visiting. Mrs. Ross Granger retarned from Cbickamanga Park, Wednesday evening. Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Ihowernian are spending the sn in in er at Whitmore Lake. Miss Christine Lil'ey leaves next Tuesday for Medina and Mt. Vernon, N. Y. A. 3. Sawyer and family have gone to Cavanaugh Lake fora six weeks' outing. Cari Braun is spending a two weeks' vaoation in Chioago, III., and Green Bay, Wis. Miss Emily Piikin and Miss LuoilJe Goddard returned Saturday frorn Petrolia, Canada. Rev. Henry Horton returned Satnrday from a month's vaoation spent at Flnshing, N. Y. Mrs. Charles Kintuer, of New York city, is spending the surumer with her mother, Mrs. Paok. Miss Susanne MoUauley leaves today for the sonth. She will teaoh in Rockford, 111., next year. Rev. Henry Tatlook and faoiily left yesterday for the lakes near Ottawa, Ontario, to be gone several weeks. Prof. P. R. de Pont and family left Satnrday for Les Cheneaux Islands where tbey will spend the snmmer. Mrs. William Grossmann and two ohildren, of Saginaw, are visiting with Michael Grossruann, of W. Liberty st.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News