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Sergeant Seabolt rec&ived a letter written on a cnff tbe other day. Six bundies of papers were sent to Chickamauga for the Y. M. C. A. tent Tuesday. . Co. A. now bas to maroh eight miles fonr days ont of every five, the flith day being =pent in oarup drilling. Company A received abont $3,500, Jnly 3, as their pay from the time they entered the service up to Jnly 1, at the rate of $15.00 a ïaonth for tbe privates. Brig.-Gen. Roe, the new comrnander of the brigade in wnioh the Tbirtyflrst Michigan is placed, inspected the regiment for tbe first time Monday. He praised the meu highly. Major Kirk's batatMon, in which are the Aun Arbor and Ypsilanti oompanies, made a long rnarch last Thnrsday and returned with only fonr members in the ambulance, an excellent record. Capt. Gutman, of the Monroe company, of the Thirty-flrst Michigan, died Wednesday at Chattanooga, of typhoid fever. His wife, brother and family dootor were with him at the time nf his death. Tha regiment is now paid np in fnll to July ]. When the troops leave tbe United States they will be given a month's pay in advanoe, and tbeir wages wil! be doubled while in the euemy's oonntry. The paymaster will travel with the regiment. Target pratice at ChiokainaugaPark has begnn, and the batatlions are marcbed eight miles into the country to a rifle range for target pratice. They leave in light marching order, oarrying a half of shelter tent, a rubber blanket, haversaok, canteen, and gun. After the praotice, they camp out in the shelter tents for the night, and return early next afternoon. Tbe new Michigan Y. M. C. A. tent is proving a popular feature at Camp Thomas, and tbe report of its seoretary, Mr. B. B. Johnson, of Ann Arbor, for the week ending July 1, is very i.yiu. lúe report snows we numDer wbo have availed thetnselves of its privileges for the week to.bavebeen 3,125; that 3,800 sheets of paper and 2,175 envelopes were furnisbed gratis, aod that 2,500 letters have been sent out and stainps to the aniount of $30.50 sold. Sinoe tbe tent opened a gross of steel pens have been used in penning love messages to friends at hom6. Funny rumors without any foundation run through camp. The latest is that the war departruent intends to make tbe Thirty-first suffer for the politics of its oolonel, and tbat tbe regiment is to be ordered back to Maokinaw Micb. Another is that the regiment is to be left at Chiokamauga Park for the saine reason, until the end of the war. A still mote presistent rumor is that Gen. Brooke bas his eye ou tbe Tbirty-flrst, and intends to keep it at the park uutil be gets away. Then the regiment is to go witb biin wherever he coes.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News