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Death Of James M. Welch

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James M. Welch, a Detroit real estáte dealer, died Tuesday evening at the jome of bis nieoe, Mrs. Franoes Palmer Bnckiugham in Detroit, aged 83 years. He was born in Harrisburg, Pa., and was a prominent demoorat iu politios, serving as reoeiver of taxes. 3. B. McCraokin, of Detroit, in speaking of Mr. Weloh's death saya: "Mr. Weloh was conneoted with the Virginia contingent that were aruong the first settlers of Ann Arbor. Híb oncle, Johu Allen, was ainong the first settlers, and bis family was oonnected with the oircunistanue that gave the name to the place, as the legend goes. John Allen was a lawyer at Ann Arbor and was a member of the state senate, two terms, 1845-48. A sister of Mr. Welch was the wife of Dr. Samuel Dentón, a prominent physician of Ann Arbor, and a px-ofessor in the medical department of the state university. He was also a membfir of the state senate conourrently with Mr. Alien. Another sister was the wife of Oluey Hawking, a prominent lawyer of Ann Arbor, who was a meiuber of the state senate in 1839-40. Mra. Buckingharu, the niece at whose house Mr. Welch passed his last days, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins. Mr. Weloh himself was private secretarj to Gov. Barry during bis first two teims as governor. Mr. Weloh was not an aggressive man in his temperament, but was oue whom to know was to love.