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John W. Maynard Dead

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Although not unexpected, the death of John W. Mayuard Tuesday morning at 4 o'olook, was a great shock to the many friends of the family. Mr. Maynard was bom iu Massaobusetts in 1813, and was the son of Ezra and Baney (Mosely) Maynard. He witb his parents settled on seotion 3, of the township of Pittsfield, later known as the Booth farm, in tbe year 1824. As a yonng man he carne to Ann Arbor aad oponed a store in tbe Duft'y block. He continned in business nntil his death, his son John having bad the active management of his grocevy store on Ann st. dnring the past yeats. Iu 1844 he built the residenoe on N. DivisiĆ³n st. in which he died. Mr. Mayuard and wife were of a very kindly, hospitable disposition. Their home was always the gathering place for many friends, particularJy stndents, hnndreds of wbom will learn of his death with sinoere feelings of regret. Mr. Maynard had a good memory and enjoyed nothing better than when surronnded by friends to tfall stories of bygoua days. His memury was of the kiud that he oonld recall all tbe details that ao to make a story interesting. Daring his life he saw the city of Ann Arbor grow from a small village to its present size. On Deo. 7, 1836, Mr. Maynard ried Miss Mary J. Wilcoxson, the 60th anniversary of this event being celebrated a year ago last December. At this time only one of the gnests. Prof. Andrew Ten Brook, who was at the house warming in 1844 was present. Mr. Maynard was very public spirited. He oan be largely thanked for the locatioo of the University of Miohigan in Ann Arbor. A coinmittee of Marshall business men were trying hard to secare its looation. The 40 acres that constitute the oampus were owned by the Ann Arbor Land Co., consisting of W. S. Maynard, E. W. Morgan, Charlie Thayer and Daniel B. Brown. His brother W. S. would only give his consent to the donation of the land upon condition that the deoeassd would give him a half interest in 146 acres in the Second ward. In spite of the advice of his attorney Mr. Maynard generously compliedwith his brother's request and tbe 40 acres were deeded to the state for university purposes. The widow of the deceased and three sous, Dr. William Mayuard, of Danville, N. Y., John H. Maynard, of Ann Arbor, aud Fred A. Mayuard of Grand Bapids, atturney-general of Michigan, survive. The funeral services were heJd Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. It was oonduoted by Rev. J. M. Gelston, pastor of the Presbyterian churuh, of which the deceased was a meuiber. There was a very large attendanoe of friends wbo made up au iiaposing funeral cortege. The remains were interred in the family burial lot ia Forest Hill oeruetary.