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Albert Eisel will build a house in Chelsea this fall. Miss Maud Taylor is teaching in district No. 7, Manchester. R. A. Snyder, of Chelsea, has 26 acies of onions in one field. The Ypsilanti Arbeiter Verein had a picnio at their grove yestsrday. Manchester will vote on free tex boofcs and "uaiform" text books Sept.ö Rornayn Chase has compJeted bis new hunse in Sylvan in place of the one burned. The Southern Wasbtnaw Farmers Club meets at Richard Green's on Friday, Sept. 2. No farmer will forget the annual farmers' picnic at Whitmore Lake Saturday, Sept. 3. The Sonday school picnic of the Manchester M. E. oburch was held at Sand J-iake Tuesday. Miss Lydia Haselschwardt, of Sharon died Aug. 9, of neuralgia of the heart, aged 24 years. The state board of education bave created a new but very important office in appointing John W. Stevens, of Jackson, superintendent of buildings and grounds for the Normal sohools at Ypsilanti and Mr. Pleasant. The board will now have a responsible bead for all small repairs and improvetneots. A little son of Alvin Cone, of Cone, died from the effects of eating the berries of Deadly Nightshade known botanically as Belladona. This plant can be found growing on the streets of every city, village and cross road in the county. lts brilliant flowers and pretty berries attract the attention of children. The M. E. and Presbyfcerian Sunday schools, of Ypsilanti, propose giving an excursión to Detroit and Bois Blaoe Islnd, Thnrsday, Sept. 1, the fara to be 75 cents from Ann Arbor and 60 oents from Ypsilanti, children 30 and 40 oents. The train wiil stop at the two cities and Geddes, and then run through to Detroit. The house, barn and graineiy of George W. McCormick, of Northfiald, was buroed to the ground Tnesday afternoou. Only a piano and a few household articles on the first floor were saved. The fire originated from the kitohen stove. The farm was formerly owned by tbe late Charles Schlitnmer and the buildings were aruoug the best in the towuship. The house was well furnished aud the fire will prove a very serious loss to Mr. MeCormick and family. Miss Ellonore Lebn will teacb the fall term of sohool iu the McMahon district of Manchester. A. D. Englisli of Maucbester towusbip, bas built half a ïuile of woven wire fenoe ou bis farm. Edtuuud Robinson, a Grasa Lake farmer bad 21 acres of wbeat wbicb averaged 41 bushels to the acre. Rev. Dr. Reilly, of Adrián, will speak ou "Christian Eduoatioa'' in St. Mary's charob, Chelsea, aext Snnday. .Manchester bas built 12,740 square feet of cement walk tbia season. What village in the state oan make a better showing. The tniddle finger of the left hand of Frauk Burknardt, of Lyndon, was badly crushed by a threshing machine last week. Robert Jonas will board at hotel de Judsou for 20 days. Justice B. Parker, of Chelaea, deoided Jones was guilty of larueny. W. C. Dillingham, of Bridgewater township, is devoting much attention to raisiug ducks, having 150 in his flock this season. Rev. Killam, of Milán, has left for Pennsylvania, where he will preach. He will attend a Baptist college daring the ooming winter. George L. Roehm and faraily, of New ïork, with Emanuel Jedele, and family, of Dester, are camping for I three weeks at Base Lake. Here ate two ampie Manchester yiak of oats. George M. Satton had 60? jushels from 10 acres and Charles G. jonoks, 270 bushels from fonr acres. George Mast, jr., of Chelsea, and a ïeavy press in the Glaziet stove works, ïad a oollision last week, wbioh resnlted in Mr. Mast losing the end of the lis left fore finger. George Westoo, deputy register of deeds for Lamoure oonnty, N. D.. is a oandidata for register. His many friends in Dexter, where he formerly resided, wish him success. Noah Zimmerman, of Manchester tovvnship, lost his barn a week ago last Saturday by fire. He carried on it only 200 insurance in the S. W. Farmers' Insurance Co. The nut trees of the county are this year loaded with nuts. Many a dollar besides pleasnre will be earned by industrióos farmers' boys by gathering and bringing them to marker. Lieut. Harry N. Kies, of the 31st Miohigan, has retnmed to Camp Thomas, after a week's visit with his parents in Bridgewater township. He reports that his regiment may have to do guard dnty in Cuba or some other of the country's new colonial possessions. The Manchester Arbei ter Unterstnetzongs "Verein has been renovating and improviDg its block. This bnilding has proved a good investment for the society. The rent leceived yearly will sooü oUar the sooiety of all debt, and then assist in taking care of its sick members. The Germán St. Andrew's church, of Dexter, celubrated its annual mission festival last Sunday. Among the minieters tbat spoke were Rev. J. Graber. of Francisco, Rev. F. W. Benbier, of Adrián and Rev. John Neuruann, of Ann Arbor. Special masic for the oocasion was farnished by a qnartet under the leadersbip of Otto Steinbach, of Chelsea. Charles Schlimmer, the Miohigan Central agent at Delhi, bas recovered from a sevare attack of illness. Mr. Scblimruer is a well known cbicken ancier. He has reoeived rnany prizes at tbe ponltry shows for the good qualïties of bis birds. Tbis year be bas devoted all bis attention to Plymouth Rocks. He bas a stock of 150 yonng jnllets. He says the inarket for faiicy jirds is rather dull. The hotels at Whitmore Lake report bis being a good season for goests. A number of cottages have been built, and there is a general spirit of trying to iroprove this delightful resoit. The Ann Arbor road bas a large roomy pavilion for passengers waiting for trains. Che annnal tri-connty farmers' picnic ïas been postpoaed until Saturday, Sept. 3. The barvests having been good, an unusually large crowd is expected. Daniel W. Barry, the connty drain oommissioner, bas made an order in the Koebbe drain in the township of Freedom, that it"be laid with eigbt inch sewer tile the whole distance, to be 18 feet deep at the deepest point andjtwo feet and one inob at its shallowest point, aud 15 feet to be taken on each side of center line of said drain for depositing excavations and ooDvenienoe ip digging. " The total length of the drain will be 1,000 feet. Many tirnes it bas been intimated that tbere was gold in the eartb of Miohigan. Now it is known to be a faot. John Pilbem a farmer, residing sonth of the village of Milán, has plowed np 26 sovereigns and two half sovereigns. The former are dated 1817, George III, and the latter 1831, George IV. Varions theories oan be had as how the ooins caine to where they were found. As the field had been plowed over a nnmber of times, it is snpposed that tbis time the plow was run a little deeper than usual. Tbe date of the half sovereigns being 1831, wonld indícate that the gold was brought into the country by some white man. The ooins may be the booty of some bighway man who murdered some traveler coming west to settle. That this theory may bave sume foundation, is the fact tbat ex-Supervisor M. J. Howe, of Milan, who filled tbe office for 27 years says that in his early boybood days, 60 years ago, a shanty stood on the spot where the ouins were found, and that it was occupied by a gang of horse thieves and robbers. An Indian trail led to tbe spot, being tbe only way of reaching the shanty. What a story might be told of a belated traveler, lesing his way, murdered and buried, his wife and children monrniag him for years, hoping agaiost hope that tkey might bear souie news of their loved one.